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  • It would... shame I'm not the type for tats. even if I were to get one, I would have to draw it myself, and I just took that image from the interwebs.
    Great pics Alcyone. Your kids are awesome and adorable!
    I'll bet you're a great mom!
    yea, we are only human. we would have come to an accord someway, somehow. its not that the game the sucks, its how its played that makes all the difference
    i've deleted my email. i encourage your words of wisdom that you've posted. i know i should be a better person than i am. my humanity sucks... lol
    Hello alcyone. You write you are an INFJ? The INFJs are (the) poets. So why don't you tolerate mine?

    I am sorry you justify the hatred against Christians. May the good Lord change your mind.

    Anders W. Ellingsen
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