Awww Yield

that sucks. You can always send me a pm if you need someone to talk to.

I've misread signals SO many times, it feels horrible! You know what though, you're a such a cutie and you're very sweet, I'm POSITIVE other girls will come along and they'll be so special that you'll forget all about this one. Give it a few weeks and the feelings will lessen.
Things have been going pretty good lately. There was an earthquake on Saturday and that scared me to death! LOL Nothing happened so it's ok.

My project is going GREAT!

Thank you so much for asking!
Oh, I tried giving you rep points for your blog, but I got that stupid pop up that said "You have to spread more reputation around before giving it to Yield again." :tongue: How lame is that?? But anyways, I wanted you to know that I did TRY. LOL