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  • I usually just use facebook chat, but I have msn that I go on sometimes if you want that? (:
    There is a chance that the Nai'xyy misread themselves as being Logic-Based (Correlates with Thinking), as they do have Zai (Correlates with Ti) as an Offside power (Correlates with Tertiary), and they can become quite skilled in using it. Physically Zai can be seen when you are nullified or "Cooling" your emotional expression, which gives a cue that we call the Zai "Stoneface." However, as you are values-based Zai does not come to you as readily or naturally as Xyy does, so it actually takes more effort to do, and you can actually be seen putting more effort into cooling your expressions than you put into using them.

    There are more cues that can be read than that. But that is pretty much the breakdown of why you were read this way, and why it was not anything else. Cheers!
    Well then, I can't seem to PM you so I figure here is as good as a place than any. Now that you are aquainted with Pod'Lair I am actually going to give this to you in Pod'Lair lexicon (with a Guide of course)

    I have read you as a Nai'xyy (Which correlates to the MBTI INFJ)

    This means you are Directive, Subjective, Interpretive, and Values-based (Correlates with Judging, Introverted, Intuitive, and Feeling, in that order)

    So to begin with how I was able to read you, we will start with directive cues. The most noticeable cue that a directive will give is boundary setting. Over Tiny chat you were showing some serious boundary setting cues, especially as the conversation turned toward your type. Boundary setting is seen in body language, even in tempo of speech, and shows that the person will not easily go with anyone else's flow, if you understand what I mean. This is because the Directives are structured in nature, and are less comfortable simply letting seeing where things are going, like the adaptive are.

    You are Subjective as your eyes have what we call a "Hooded" quality to them, they look as though the person is on the outside looking in. You in particular have Nai (Corrolates with Ni), which also have a very cunning and hunter quality to them.

    From the way you express yourself, specifically the way your mouth moves. I can see that it is aware of itself. What that means is that you express yourself in such a way that indicates that you are directively using using these expressions to influence others. Only Xyy (Corrolates to Fe) users can do this, as Xyy is a directive power. When Xai (Correlates to Fi) expresses itself, the Xai users are actually unaware that it is happening, and is not use to influence others (although it is still being read by others.) So that right there is how I can read you are an Xyy user. Now then, your expression is also very easy for you, it readily comes up past the mid line (that is about cheek level) of the face, but does not come into your eyes. When expressions come into a person's face that readily then it shows they are of a design that is naturally very expressive, which is why you are Values-Based. Although your Expressions do not readily overtake your eyes as you Lead with Nai, which is a perception power, thus you have an "Always perceiving" quality.
    At home too, but wondering where you were, I'm in tinychat, but leaving. Missed you.
    I've been up since 1 pm yesterday and it's now 6:30 AM here, and I am not the least bit tired.

    Something is not right...lol
    Heya, boyo - will you be posting your Secret Santa gift today? It doesn't have to be a masterpiece! :D I think they'll love whatever you feel like doing.
    Boxing Day was yesterday, love. :)
    But thank you for the well-wishing. I stayed indoors and got comfortable. How were your holidays?
    Aw, I didn't mean it like that! I want you to be happy and healthy for all that comfy coziness too. Although not having PJ's may be a problem. Hmm.. What do you think of these?


    And yes, I am totally hyped for Christmas. Everything is done on time, so no more running around like chickens with our heads cut off this holiday season. We're just enjoying the mood. :)

    Merry Christmas to you :)
    Well, actually, the cookies were supposed to be shaped like Christmas shapes (Christmas Trees, Snowmen, Stars, Santas, etc) but I didn't realize how shallow the cookie cutters were when I bought them. The girls were having a really hard time getting the shapes out, so we went with the only other "good" cookie cutters we had lying around the house. The theme was cards. Not that it would surprise you, given my penchant for it but I swear I have no idea why my mother keeps poker-shaped cookie cutters in the cupboard! lol. So yeah, we made Spade, Club, Heart and Diamond cookie. lol. At least the sprinkles and decorations we put on them were Christmas-y. :P

    As for my secret Santa, I have to wonder why you're so curious. lol. You will find out soon enough what I have up my sleeve; I hope the person likes it. Mind you, now you got me all intrigued about what and who you have for your secret Santa. *raises brow*

    Aw. I'm sending wishful thinking and good vibes your way. It would be a shame if you were still sick for Christmas (although, oddly enough, it's also fitting in away... dressed in jammies and all comfy cozy with the fire going would be an excellent way to spend the day... minus the icky feeling). Feel better soon!

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