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  • Hello Kammy, thanks for the PM! I'm doing quite well thanks, but am just super busy with my real life demands, lol. Please feel free to email me anytime, and perhaps if you'd like to, include your facebook info so that we might touch base there. I'm not on facebook regularly, but definitely more often than the Forum. Anyway, take care and thanks for saying "Hi"! :)
    Kittylaughter! Texas is all big and...mostly big. I like Wisconsin so much. Quiet. Calm. Granted at the moment it's mostly grey and damp...but still!
    It wouldn't let me message you back because your inbox is full, but like I said in the pm. I hope you had a good nights sleep and I hope you're having a good day kiddo!
    Hi Kammy. I'm living in East TX about 2 hours from Houston - depending upon which part of Houston. Are you thinking of trying to do the DFW meetup?
    Hi Kammy, I see you like purple. :D

    My PM answering skills are not so good, sorry about that. I'm a far more so frequent responder when it comes to visitor messages.

    How are you? do you like the forum?
    and to answer your PM question, yes my major is Psych.
    So, you live in Texas? I was born in San Antonio and actually went to school there for a bit. What part of Texas do you hail from?
    Purple, green and blue. :)
    I will definitely post pictures when I get it done, it won't be for ages though since my tattoo artist is booked for months in advance and I have no money to put down a deposit :p
    Neither! :p I just try to find a picture on the internet that is similar to what I want, then talk to my tattoo artist (:

    And yeah, don't be afraid! Expect it to hurt, because it most certainly will! But don't be afraid, it'll be over before you know it. ;)

    I bet getting Lilith coloured is going to hurt like a motherfuck!
    I was and am still more interested in the Diablo and Starcraft series rather than WoW, but at the moment I don't have a computer strong enough to play any of them.
    I got it about a year ago, so the pain is definitely not fresh in my mind, I can barely remember it.

    But it didn't hurt that much at the time. It definitely hurt, and my body was twitching and trying to get away from the needle no matter how hard I tried to be still (haha I was so worried it was going to be all shaky looking!), but before I went in I told myself that it would hurt a lot, that I might cry and that was okay, and i'd get through it. And it hurt a lot less than I expected. :]

    I plan to get a giant hourglass on the other side of my ribs :]
    You have very little choice but to be friends with me now with having that tattoo, I'm kind of a nerd...Glad I'm not the only one!
    So we're friends, deal with it :)
    Nah, I found it somewhere and my artist sort of customised it a bit for me :]
    The next owl I will be getting will be a lot less girly.
    The fact that you have the Half Life symbol on your arm makes me want to be friends with you. Gordon Freeman4lyfe is gonna go on my neck eventually.
    I know, right?!?! I was soooo mad/irritated! I'm going to make up my own ending in my mind: Ahiru becomes a girl again due to Fakir's writing, they kiss, and they live happily ever after. The end :3
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