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  • Haha that does sound crazy! And so so so fun. Maybe in the next uni holidays I might invest in it. I really need to get a fuckin' job. Being poor sucks.

    Yeah, when it comes to my name thing it's like, a whole bunch of things. I like name meanings, first+middle combinations, name popularity, etc. I also spend a ridiculous amount of time coming up with names I want to name my kids someday :p

    Matthew means gift of God/Yahweh. Apparently Saint Matthew is also called by the name Levi sometimes, which would make it a cute option for a son someday. (I like subtle name nerdiness like that ;p)
    Oooh, I want Sims Medieval. I only have a laptop though so I am using that to talk myself out of it (since I can't afford it either :p).

    Names. That's my weirdest hobby / interest.
    That's okay (: I'm used to it.

    I tried to play bass at one point. I find it hard to stick to things sometimes, though.
    The main thing that prevents me from seeing shows is the fact I can't get to most of them, and heaps of people don't come to NZ, or don't come often. :(

    Mars Volta are a rock band, they've been described as prog-rock and experimental rock on their wikipedia page haha, i'm not good at describing specific genres. I love them, but they are one of those bands that is an acquired taste. most people i know hate them lol.

    I am going through a big Audioslave kick at the moment.
    I'm still upset I missed Nine Inch Nails. And I've missed Lamb of God twice. :(

    So happy I got to see the Mars Volta, right up the front!
    Holy crap, that sounds amazing. You are so lucky.

    I hope Tool come back to New Zealand soon-ish.
    Oh man, you lucky duck! I saw them at Big Day Out but wish I could've seen them do their own show. But they played Jambi so I was stoked as, it's one of my favourites.
    It seems that the area I moved into is actually nice and quiet. I'm living in the "Gaybourhood" as they call it haha. I feel pretty safe walking around here, it's a nice little community. I don't even feel like I am downtown!

    I have not forgot about the videogame battle!
    In one word: classes.

    I've been reading posts but haven't felt like responding to anything. Guess I'm in lurker mode.
    I haven't seen that movie before but hopefully things turn around and become fun! I've been doing well. I just went through a move to downtown Vancouver. I've been stressed with that but aside from that everything has been pretty good for me I'd say!
    Hehe, yeah I had to step down as RL responsibilites got more demanding.

    How did the tornado treat you? :P
    Glad to hear that you're doing well. And thanks. I was hoping to get my point across as best I could and in a positive manner.
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