
  1. Chackabuu

    Imagine: outside threats

    Maybe this thread belongs here? I couldn't decide where to put it but I think it'll exercise your imagination. Imagine there was some sort of otherworldly threat to Earth. You can imagine aliens or something similar, it doesn't matter what. This thread isn't for thoughts on extraterrestrial...
  2. dZpADTLrPmX4c

    A Walk In The Woods – Relational Psychology Test

    A little test I found & thought to share with you. Some of you may have seen this or one like it before. I hope you enjoy <3 A WALK THROUGH THE FOREST Picture yourself walking through a beautiful forest. Who are you walking with? As you continue on in your walk through the forest, you come...
  3. MegaHen

    Fantasy Self

    Who would you be in a fantasy world? Just for pure imaginative fun, and that I am a giant nerd with no shame Some questions to think about! 1. What type of world would you live in? 2. What sort of race or creature would you be? (Elf, Dragon, Alien, ext... maybe even human, you can come up...
  4. InTRovErT34

    3truths 1lie

    Hello I'm doing this thread to see the ability to tell truth from lie in writing form. There are different techniques the human can figure out deception/truth. Some of us have a natural intuitive gift while engaged with another, body language ,expression etc.not to get to in depth .As for...
  5. ayakuro

    Abstract: Help With Project Idea (AI+Psychology+...)

    Greetings everyone, this is my first time posting here. I hope I didn't misplace the thread, but if I did, I'm sure some moderator will give me a heads up soon enough. First off, something has been wandering in the back of my mind for quite some time now. Ever since I've heard about artificial...
  6. AmeyT18

    [INFJ] Deep Imagination/Imaginative Sleep

    Does it ever happened to you that you are thinking or imagining about something with your eyes closed and you kind of fell asleep (not exactly asleep but you aren't aware of your surroundings and only thing you remember after waking or coming back to senses are the images streaming in your...
  7. Will

    Zombie Apocalypse Team

    Just a fun exercise to see what you would choose if a zombie apocalypse ever happened. Feel free to choose whatever characters you like either fictional or non-fictional. Have fun! Format/Template Team Leader: Brawler: Weapons Expert: Brains: Medic: Speed Fighter: Mascot: Guy Who Dies...
  8. Rycka

    What if you're a God, who...

    who needs to create an Utopian World. How would you proceed? would you take anything out of human nature? maybe you would add something to it? What would You do?