
  1. Arcane Loop

    INTP: Do I confess my love for an INFJ?

    Dear INFJs, Please help. I'm in desperate need of advice. I'm in love with an INFJ and want to come clean and confess to him.. There's this highly intelligent, profound and mystical human being I met at work. I'll call him A. Initially I didn't pay attention to him at all. It turns out we...
  2. AlienPC94

    [INFJ] Met an INTP woman online, I'm doubting my ENFP relationship

    So, I'm an INFJ woman in a lesbian relationship with an ENFP. We've been together for almost 5 years. The relationship was magical in the beginning. We complemented each other perfectly. She would put up with my mood swings and what not. I've calmed down a lot and became very stable. I would...
  3. Sinny

    [INTP] Any NTs on the Forum?

    Hi, Was wondering if there were many NTs on the forum? INTP Complex is closing down within the next 12 hours, and I'm looking for other NTs to mix with. Was thinking of setting up a discord group, which is a pretty good modern day alternative to forums. Encourage more live chat etc. My ISFP...
  4. KevCang

    Argument and broke Up with my INFJ (INTP)

    (Sorry for my english) Hello! I am an INTP that has been dating an INFJ for 2 years. We had a very tough fight because I didn't want to join a Facebook group of toy collectors, That happened at the end of october. He told me just in the fight that he wanted me to have entered the group so that...
  5. April

    Stephen Hawking INTP or INTJ?

    ***Cross posted from my blog cause I want discussion and this doesn't really fit in my blog!*** So I just watched The Theory of Everything, a movie about Stephen Hawking. I don't claim to understand everything he did or talked/wrote about, but I am quite enamored by him and his personality. It...
  6. P

    In love with a INTP

    Hi, guys! First of all, sorry for my terrible english. Ok, let's go with the telenovela. I meet this INTP guy on a dating app. We live in different cities (not too far away) He and I started talking; he calls me on the phone almost every day, sometimes we talk only a few minutes, other...
  7. I

    Would like to hear your thoughts on a confusing friendship with an INTP

    So the thing is - I have this friend - we used to like each other and were sort of dating several years ago, but then things ended abruptly - he found a girlfriend in someone who was his best friend. We would still rarely meet and have deep conversations, he started to express regret and left...
  8. J

    Why am I INFJ instead of something else?

    Has anyone wondered why we develop the personality that we do? For example, I am INFJ (Ni Fe Ti Se). My mother has strong Fe (ESFJ) and my father has strong Ti (INTP). Is this why I am INFJ rather than say INTJ? What I am asking is basically why did I develop this personality, and in what ways...