
  1. D

    Nonsense Quotes

    I think people are very often enamoured so much with the sources of proverbs and quotes, or their simple fame, that they often regard them as some kind of infallible truisms. This is problematic because it can serve to entrench both the erroneous thinking of the quote itself as well as a lack...
  2. Impact Character

    Did you encounter Principles and Beliefs within you that were non self-determined?

    Did you encounter Principles and Beliefs within you that were non self-determined? I know.. this is rather a cognitive-behavioral topic.. (There are some other similar-ish threads but I find they didn't quite suit to my attempt here. So I am started my own (and first (yay!)) xD) I'd like to...
  3. Trent

    Grumpy Cat & INFJ Pics & Quotes

    I want both. Uncle Yoda and my little bud, Grumpy Cat. Are you sick of the sarcasm of this cat yet? I can't get enough every time I see his face. Which one(s), pics, quotes do you like? This site is so interesting.