
  1. aeon

    Loneliness – What Kind?

    Loneliness is an experience in which one perceives a relationship deficit—the sense that the quality or the number of one’s relationships are unsatisfactory. People who experience social loneliness feel like they are not part of a group that shares their interests, that they do not belong, that...
  2. Vaguethinker

    What do I do about possible infidelity?

    For context I am 20 and still living with my family. I think my stepdad may have cheated on my mom and I’m not sure how to proceed. My mom has been gone on a trip for work the past three weeks. And a week later, one night my stepdad told me he was going out to the bar with a friend that I...
  3. Chackabuu

    [INFJ] Types you're attracted to?

    I'm not specifically talking about compatibility here. What are some personality types you're attracted to as an INFJ and why? I always thought I liked INTJs, I guess because they're typically intelligent and introverted (could come up with more reasons if I felt like thinking about it). Until...
  4. Janas

    Help with my VERY stressed INFJ in a relationship

    Hallo, I'm looking for an advice how to approach my INFJ boyfriend who is at the moment under a lot of stress to the point that he starts questioning everything and is not sure about anything, he said he needs time for himself to go through his feelings and to understand them. He struggles with...
  5. Rycka

    [INFJ] To date or not to date?

    Hello guys! Background: I have a tricky situation on my side. When I was younger, I found a friend who I could consider to be a Playboy. He's an ENFP, I'm INFJ and from him I have learned how to talk and deal with women. I have had quite a few girls on my side, but never girls with whom I'd...
  6. Pin

    [ENTJ] I'm such an old bastard.

    Dating is a slow process. The silly conversations, the compliments, the eye-contact. I don't know, I prefer more active dates. My ideal date would probably be a motorcycle ride, car race, skydiving. I don't really like sitting down, talking in one place. I want something more engaging...
  7. josevi

    [INFJ] Trying to understand an INFJ post-breakup

    SORRY FOR THE LONG TEXT, BUT I HAD TO GIVE YOU AS MANY DETAILS AS I COULD! Hello, it has been around 2 weeks since me (ENTJ 23M) and my ex (INFJ 19F) broke up. She was the one who decided breakup. Basically the reason was that we started to detach from each other. At the beginning of February...
  8. CuriousB

    [INFJ] How to get others to understand infj complexities

    Hi fellow infjs I'm new here and I can't sleep and I have some qs lol As an infj (at least for me and from what I've read about the type) it seems many of us don't feel understood and the greatest thing to achieve in a romantic relationship (or even friends & family) is that understanding. For...
  9. C

    [INFJ] Do INFJ ever revisit previous relationships they had distanced themselves from??

    So long story short. I live in Amsterdam. The guy lives in Spain(my home country) and I have a solid reason to believe he is an INFJ. We knew each other for years, we hang out couple of times and during that time we might have had a connection but I was oblivious to it as I was in a...
  10. KevCang

    Argument and broke Up with my INFJ (INTP)

    (Sorry for my english) Hello! I am an INTP that has been dating an INFJ for 2 years. We had a very tough fight because I didn't want to join a Facebook group of toy collectors, That happened at the end of october. He told me just in the fight that he wanted me to have entered the group so that...
  11. PeaceLover

    [INFJ] In INFJ's perspective- what are the most important things in a relationship?

    I know that every person has different opinions, different understandings of things... but I just want to know how similar does INFJ think about it. As for me, I just don't take love as the only thing important in a relationship but also Understanding, Commitment, being Responsible and Good...
  12. BlackHorse

    [INFJ] we broke up.. was it a right choice?

    Hello. I would like to share my story with you all. Thanks if u will read it :) So I (23, INFJ) broke up with my bf (27,INFJ) yesterday (9.10). - more about that later We've been together for almost 3 years but i just couldnt do it anymore. I usually dont give up on people, i push them to be...
  13. pememily

    [INFJ] Quieting Your Mind

    Hello, I'm an INFJ in college and I have been dating a wonderful ENFP for a little over a month now. Everything is going great, but one thing that bothers me is the fact that I can't seem to quiet my mind enough for me to just enjoy the physical parts of my relationship. I'm always thinking...
  14. I

    Returning to relationship with an INFJ

    Hey there, I am just curious on your thoughts, as my INFJ female pattern (we are mid 30s) has ended our 2y relationship. For me (I am INTP-A) it came as a total surprise but in retrospect, I neglected all the subtle signs of her taking a step back. When we came together, we had such a deep...
  15. RonjaRaeubertochter

    How often do you leave the house to actually meet with people in real life?

    The Infj cliche is one rather staying home. So, how often do you get out there?
  16. Gaze

    Evolution of feelings about love

    Over a period of time, we learn from different experiences how to love. It seems the way we learned to love early in our first love experiences changes overtime and our expectations change, and so we don't experience love in the same way as we once did when we were learning about something that...
  17. TheFool

    [INFJ] How to let go of someone?

    Hello fellow INFJs! I’m sure that most of the INFJs here have struggled or are struggling with their broken heart, just like myself. Since we all know how fucking debilitating a break-up can be for an INFJ and how precious the feeling is to finally be able to let go of our past lovers, I...
  18. Rycka

    Men: are women worth the effort?

    Recently I have been thinking that most women easily fall for Chad's, but when it comes to average or below looking men not only you have to get out of your way to create an attraction, but also spend quite a bit of time showing one's value. It seems to me that the effort to return ratio is low...
  19. Cassanova Frankenstein

    Can I Ever Let Someone Back In To My Heart?

    Hello there, I new here. In my introduction, I promised my tale of heartbreak. Well, my 6 and half year relationship ended about 2 months ago, and pretty abruptly. I was living with this girl. She was my best friend. She was the one I thought I was going to marry and have a family with, but...
  20. neow

    [ISFJ] Why is ISFJ male switching between cold/distant and friendly?

    Hi! I realised my first post was way too long but I haven't been able to delete (it's been less than 24 hrs so I thought I would be able to) >_< Why is he recently switching between cold/distant and friendly towards me? I'm a female ISFJ and I have known this INFJ for 2 years now. We both...
  21. neow

    [ISFJ] Confused by INFJ's mixed? signals

    Hi! I've been lurking on this forum a few times but I decided to join ^_^ I'm a female ISFJ and I have known this INFJ for 2 years now. We both study the same thing but he's 2.5 years younger than me if that's relevant :p We've also both never actually been in a relationship. I'm usually more...
  22. Triedandtrue

    Emergency: losingb my infj

    I am a 33 year old enfp who dated a 30 year old infj for 2.5 years and it was long distance except for the first month of us dating before she had to move to Florida and I stayed in cali. I broke up with her this past January because I felt like I couldn't wait any longer to get tofether and...
  23. J

    INFP-INTJ Breakup/Relationship issues

    My boyfriend of almost two years (INTJ) and I (INFP) broke up a few days ago. Our relationship has always been very solid, we have a lot of fun together, love each other very much, and have never really fought before a few weeks ago. A few weeks ago, he started getting very moody. While he has...
  24. E

    [INFJ] Do INFJ guys lie about liking someone when they are not ready for a relationship?

    Hey!! :grin::grin::grin:I'm an ENFP seeking advice about the confusing behaviour of an INFJ guy friend :disrelieved: We were childhood acquaintances but only got to know each other as friends in the last year. Within a few months, being the ENFP I am :persevere:, I confessed to him that I was...
  25. hunnybee143

    Question for INTJs

    Let's say you've been in a relationship for a year at most with someone who you immediately fell in love with, things were amazing the first couple months and then you had some major ups and downs that separated you for a little while until you were able to come together and make things work...
  26. S

    [INFJ] Mixed Signals from Male INFJ

    Hello everyone! I am a shy female INFJ. I have this friend who is an INFJ and I've known him for about 4 years now. We have always hung out casually as we are part of the same friend group. Even if this might seem a bit ridiculous, I have had a crush on him 3 times. He is quite a reserved INFJ...
  27. D

    INFJ friendship vs relationship

    Hey INFJs, I have an INFJ male friend and was wondering if there is any way to tell if he is interested in me romantically or not? Lately, he's been initiating the two of us hanging out, (for the past month or two its been once or twice a week typically, but he's not the kind of guy that has...
  28. Scientia

    The Love of Your Life?

    Have you met someone who fits this description? Where did you meet? How quickly did you recognize your match in this person? Are you still together or did you split up?
  29. S

    INFJ Mixed Signals

    Hey everyone Lately, I've been getting a lot of mixed signals from an INFJ guy friend of mine. I thought maybe he liked me because he gets very protective over me in particular, he lightly teases me sometimes, I catch him looking at me often and then he looks away when I catch him, he often sits...
  30. Gaze

    Attraction to intense, passionate partners

    Not sure if this is unique to sensitive or HSP personalities, but it seems a habit, I've noticed in myself, to be strongly attracted to intense, passionate people. There's something about their energy that feeds my own heightened sense of feeling and need for emotional intensity and stimulation...