18 reasons why you shouldn't get vaccinated against the flu


The Romantic Scientist

By Bill Sardi, Knowledge of Health, Inc.
September 27, 2009

This year it is more important that you protect your children and loved ones from the flu vaccines than influenza itself. Here are the reasons:

1. This flu is simply another flu. It is not unusually deadly. In fact, the H1N1 swine flu in circulation is less deadly than many other influenza outbreaks. The first 1000 confirmed swine flu cases in Japan and China produced zero deaths. The Centers for Disease Control alleges 36,000 Americans succumb to the flu each year, but so far, since March through August of 2009 (6 months), the swine flu has been attributed to ~500-600 deaths in the US. The swine flu of 2009 has already swept through the Southern Hemisphere
Bloody pharmaceutical companies and their :m151:
I have a hard time believing anything related to all this because I know nothing about it. :(
I don't see what's wrong with flu shots. They actually work, at least for me. Or, if i do get the "flu" it's less pain compared to if I did get it before I got the vaccine.
I don't see what's wrong with flu shots. They actually work, at least for me. Or, if i do get the "flu" it's less pain compared to if I did get it before I got the vaccine.

I think the issue with the swine flu shot is that its different from the seasonal flu shot. I don't think it has undergone enough testing to convince everyone that its safe.
No need to really test.

It's just a flu vaccine...same as all of the previous vaccines...except it's efficacy should be extremely good as they know exactly (H1N1) which strain of flu to administer. Testing would be a waste.
I'm getting it because I can't afford to get sick.

And if all the hoopla is right and I do in fact end up getting sick from the vaccine (which I honestly think is bs) I'll just get the flu. No biggie either way but if I have the choice between maybe getting it and getting it (my immune system is crap in the winter), I'll take the maybe that comes with the vaccine.

And hey, if I end up getting super super sick I can sue the pharm. companies for all my lost wages and then some.
I have a far more logical reason to not get the vaccination.

Needles freak me out.
And hey, if I end up getting super super sick I can sue the pharm. companies for all my lost wages and then some.

I read that the pharm. companies are legally exempt from any lawsuits.
I read that the pharm. companies are legally exempt from any lawsuits.
Yeah, probably. But it's wishful thinking.
My fucking mother tried to force me to take it today. Out of nowhere when she picked me up after a physics test, she said we're going to get vaccinated :S

And of course the hell I did not!! I told her she was stupid and she almost tried to force me... Either way she told me that they might stop me at the borders to USA if I don't.. So I feel abit guilty about not taking it but I STRONGLY don't want to :(
My fucking mother tried to force me to take it today. Out of nowhere when she picked me up after a physics test, she said we're going to get vaccinated :S

And of course the hell I did not!! I told her she was stupid and she almost tried to force me... Either way she told me that they might stop me at the borders to USA if I don't.. So I feel abit guilty about not taking it but I STRONGLY don't want to :(

You are wise beyond your years PG. Good for you for standing your ground. And double good for you for doing your research on this! Yes, this is one article, but it's all out there if you care to take the time and look. We are being given a sales job by the government on this (like so many other things) and the sheeple just choose to take it. The media is a willing partner. Don't be duped. And this is absloutely a man-made strain. No I'm not going to pull all the reasearch together for you. It's easy to find lots on this subject. You just have to use your brain (and your Ni) to sift through all the bad information and disinformation. Come to your own conclusions.
You are wise beyond your years PG. Good for you for standing your ground. And double good for you for doing your research on this! Yes, this is one article, but it's all out there if you care to take the time and look. We are being given a sales job by the government on this (like so many other things) and the sheeple just choose to take it. The media is a willing partner. Don't be duped. And this is absloutely a man-made strain. No I'm not going to pull all the reasearch together for you. It's easy to find lots on this subject. You just have to use your brain (and your Ni) to sift through all the bad information and disinformation. Come to your own conclusions.

Why thank you Qp. You are definetly right; the media is hysterical and driving people manic over here and the propaganda never stops. I have done my research and I keep myself updated. I'd rather let my immune system handle it and develope a defense against it, if I come across it than have the 'quick fix' that hasn't even been tested enough!!

I definetly felt disgusted when I saw all the people lining up to take it; it was just appaling. I almost wanted to shout at them that they are being controlled by the GOVERNMENT!!!
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Why thank you Qp. You are definetly right; the media is hysterical and driving people manic over here and the propaganda never stops. I have done my research and I keep myself updated. I'd rather let my immune system handle it and develope a defense against it, if I come across it than have the 'quick fix' that hasn't even been tested enough!!

I definetly felt disgusted when I saw all the people lining up to take it; it was just appaling. I almost wanted to shout that them that they are being controlled by the GOVERNMENT!!!

We're both hippies at heart after all, aren't we?!! LOL
I never get vaccinated and I can't remember the last time I had the flu (if ever as an adult). I get the occasional cold but they only last a day or so.