[PAX] 42 Congressman Unwittingly Give the Same (Lobbyist-Provided) Speech

I cant decide:m142: or :m091: or :m161:

but for now I am going to :m069:Stick my head back in the water and finish my paper that is due in 5 hours.
I think we should just cut the crap and give lobbyists and special interest groups their own branch of government. It should be legislative, judicial, executive, and supreme overlords.
What would we do with the politicians? How would they justify their positions if the illusion of their political usefulness was removed.

How would they cope in the job market?
What would we do with the politicians? How would they justify their positions if the illusion of their political usefulness was removed.

How would they cope in the job market?

Thats the problem the majority of our politicians are career politicians, the people who SHOULD be running the country find it easier to just start thier own businesses and make millions and retire leaving the social climbing scum at the bottom to run the wheels of the government.
Thats the problem the majority of our politicians are career politicians, the people who SHOULD be running the country find it easier to just start thier own businesses and make millions and retire leaving the social climbing scum at the bottom to run the wheels of the government.

well this about sums it up for me... If anyone ever see me run for public office that means the need for Competence in government finally outweighs the problems of being vilified in the eyes of said "career" politicians.
Social climbing scum?
I'm here to break hearts

You break my heart and not for the reason that you think. I wonder what goes on in your mind because everything you say is dripping with hatred.

Yes I hate social climbing scum, career politicians, so? Are you saying you like them?

I think i understand your position.

You believe in:

Hard work, honest work, self reliance, a just reward for your labours, control over your work, you detest big government and government interference into your life.

I get it.....you are a libertarian socialist!
Yes I hate social climbing scum, career politicians, so? Are you saying you like them?

It is funny. You are so funny. When I read your post I rofl!

Thanks for the giggle!
I think i understand your position.

You believe in:

Hard work, honest work, self reliance, a just reward for your labours, control over your work, you detest big government and government interference into your life.

I get it.....you are a libertarian socialist!

Well I am def a libertarian. I dont know how you got that out of me not liking career politicians though.
It is funny. You are so funny. When I read your post I rofl!

Thanks for the giggle!

I dont know you, you don't know me, do me a favor and don't talk to me anymore. I don't have time to waste on you.


Ohhhh I remember you now! You were the one who was crying about how socialism wasn't socialism. That's a discussion for another thread, but my main point still remains, don't talk to me if you are going to act like an INFP.
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I think the business interests kind of contribute to the problem of career politicians Billy. A person is more likely to contribute financially and endorse a politician who has a history of sticking up for their interests than one who doesn't. It's the system that is to blame, not the individuals who take advantage of it.
This quote sums it up well for this indecent, granted it mentions the presidency it can be use for any public office:

To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job. To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem

Douglas Adams
I think the business interests kind of contribute to the problem of career politicians Billy. A person is more likely to contribute financially and endorse a politician who has a history of sticking up for their interests than one who doesn't. It's the system that is to blame, not the individuals who take advantage of it.

Im all for taking money out of thier pockets and not allowing them to recieve money from companies as LONG as we also make sure labor unions and minoritiy rights campaigns are also not allowed to donate to politicians.

But seriously, I worked a lot in politics when I was in the Carpenters union as a research specialist, and I can say that in general the people who become politicians tend to be extreamily sleezy individuals. I met Ted Kennedy and the stink of arrogance and lies on the man made me want to take a shower and this was BEFORE I figured out that I was an economic conservative. I was just going by pure instinct at the time. Ive also met John Edwards, John Roland (Former CT Gov) Arnold Swartzeneggar(total SP?) and Bill Clinton. All of them made my skin crawl.
I dont know you, you don't know me, do me a favor and don't talk to me anymore. I don't have time to waste on you.


Ohhhh I remember you now! You were the one who was crying about how socialism wasn't socialism. That's a discussion for another thread, but my main point still remains, don't talk to me if you are going to act like an INFP.

LOL, you remind me of a comic book character
Well maybe not Arnold I didnt get to talk to him much but he toured a building I was working in and I got to shake his hand and stuff and I wasn't sleezed out, but come on, its the Terminator an icon of my youth.

I am just trying to make the point that the values you hold dear are actually shared by other people who you may feel are at a different end of the political spectrum from you.

It also sounds like we are both agreed that there are some serious problems with the way government is run?

I am just trying to make the point that the values you hold dear are actually shared by other people who you may feel are at a different end of the political spectrum from you.

It also sounds like we are both agreed that there are some serious problems with the way government is run?

Of course there are serious problems the way the government is run, the federal government is utterly out of control from where its "supposed" to be. I am so pessimistic about it ever being fixed though that I just try not to get too involved with it any more. Now I just want people to leave me alone, don't tell me what I can think, stay out of my wallet, don't touch my assets, don't tell me what I can or cannot smoke, don't deny my brother the ability to marry his boyfriend, just stay the hell out of our lives!
Of course there are serious problems the way the government is run, the federal government is utterly out of control from where its "supposed" to be. I am so pessimistic about it ever being fixed though that I just try not to get too involved with it any more. Now I just want people to leave me alone, don't tell me what I can think, stay out of my wallet, don't touch my assets, don't tell me what I can or cannot smoke, don't deny my brother the ability to marry his boyfriend, just stay the hell out of our lives!

Are you sure you are not a libertarian socialist?!