7 reasons 21st century making you miserable

Siamese cat

Madame Cat strikes again

In my opinion there are not many new facts in this article, but the way they were chosen, laid out and commented struck me. There's a lot of humour here, but I think that there is some truth behind this text and that there is a valid point behind it.

What do you think about it? Do you agree that those are the things that make us miserable? Do you see some other things that should be in this article?
I was really hoping there'd me something in there about our
physical health and not just focused entirely on our mental
I love Cracked.com. Their dark satire is almost always on point and it always makes me think. I do agree that a lot if it is true; we've chosen to use the internet as our sole method of communication with others and life doesn't work that way. We truly do need others to confide in, in a face-to-face way. I'm not saying we need dozens of people in our lives (I'm comfortable with the two or three I love and trust) but we need those folks to keep us real and grounded.

Introverts need fewer people, but we still need people.
I really liked this article. I already do lots of the things he mentioned, like surrounding myself with people and even butting heads with them (my favorite part :P) and growing plants and creating things (I knit) and I can vouch for how good that makes someone feel.

Also, I think it has little to do with extroversion or introversion. If you want to look at it from an MBTI point of view, you can say it's more like developing the rest of your functions, and creating a balance between your cognitive processes, instead of heavily depending on one.

I enjoyed reading this, thanks for sharing [MENTION=2300]Siamese cat[/MENTION]
Ooh, this article was good. XD thanks for the brutal honesty.
This was a very interesting article.

I wish that I could give all the sad bears a hug so they can be happy.
Me, I was gonna go for things like neofeudalism, overpopulation, pollution, mass irresponsibility, possible near-extinction, and the decline both of good scenery and biodiversity.
I think this a pretty interesting article, though I don't agree with all of it (and some of the paragraph fluff is obviously over-dramatized simply because it's cracked).

I definatly agree with the texting thing. Texting/IM'ing is dangerous territory when dealing with relationships, because most of the time I've discovered people who choose to only communicate through those means (or can only do it) tend to be the type of people who shouldn't be dating at all, or have pretty terrible friendships (because they have communication or confidence issues).

My ex fit that to a tee - sure he was able to win my heart over via texting, but everytime I tried to talk to him or do something with him in person it was like trying to be friends with the most awkward wall in existance. And not in the "aww I feel sorry and want to make him better" way, considering he was pretty conceited on the inside.