83rd Annual Academy Awards


On Holiday
are you watching the academy awards? i'm in australia but i think they're broadcasting it live to us in a couple of hours. can't wait to see the red carpet. any hopes or fears? bets? of course my fingers are crossed for natalie portman and black swan.
I am glad Trent Reznor won. The best thing about The Social Network was the music.
The amount of self-promotional hype that surrounds this event (and the entire industry) is truly staggering (borderline fightening), at least here in the US.
Aronofsky should have won best director.

King's Speech is way overrated.
Well Natalie won at least.
aronofsky deserved best director, and black swan deserved best film; but whatever - true art will shine forever.
Does anyone think Anne Hathaway acted pretty ENFP on stage? An ENFP nervous wreck though.
Oh and, Natalie Portman, you are still the most wooden actress of all time in my book.
nicole kidman's dress is pure fail.

same goes for giuliana and kelly (not just their dresses).

I think that most dresses were pure fail. Either too long for the woman wearing it or just wrong for her figure/weight/tan. I can't remember one dress that stood out as good choice.
I lost Faith in the awards when Nick Cave and Warren Ellis didn't even get nominated for best soundtrack for The Assassination of Jessie James by the coward Robert Ford
Natalie Portman, you are still the most wooden actress of all time in my book.

Only really liked her in Leon the Professional, when she was younger I think it was the first time I actually seen her on screen.
well yeah. to be brutally honest. six years of intensive arts education later, i find it impossible to accept such absolute condemnation to be grounded in any realistic perspective imaginable. sorry. i mean, unless you care to explain it somehow. rather than by just declaring "she totally sucked". if you thought that was wooden, i have no idea what you could possibly regard as a decent performance. please please instruct me on this matter.
all i saw was that every scene she presented a transformation of the character, to the point that during multiple scenes, i found myself wondering "is that actually natalie portman?" and that i was noticing all these very poised and careful little nuances in her performance, such as when she collects herself and holds her purse at her waist in the bathroom before opening the door to lily, or when she is writhing in self-conscious pleasure while she is performing black swan during tchaikovsky's black swan coda, after she removes the veil from her face. all i could see was a completely represented, deliberate and careful and thoughtful, transformation of the character, from one stage to another to another, throughout the film, and all i could think was about what a magnificent transformation it represented from one class of actress to another. i honestly believe that is a true artist.
i've been thinking about this a lot. i think that art can't get at actual reality, it can only represent it. i think this is a positive feature of artistic discipline, that allows for the infinite exploration of perspective. but it means that there's always going to be a degree of stylisation inherent to the process, so it just becomes a matter of what the style is saying. art that pretends to be real is founded on a delusive notion and can never succeed. and to expect art to be real is expecting too much. there's only so much you can give to a performance before it becomes real. to go further would defeat the purpose. i post this just because i enjoy thinking about these things.
Aronofsky should have won best director.

King's Speech is way overrated.

I don't think King's Speech was overrated, it was one of the best movies of the year. I do think that Aronofsky should have won best director and the cinematography should have been awarded to Black Swan too.

I was so happy for Natalie though, she was incredible in that movie. The first half hour, the camera was right up in her face the whole time and she was amazing, so real. I feel like I should see the Fighter because I thought Geoffry Rush should have won Best Supporting Actor because he was brilliant. I also feel like I should watch The Kids Are Alright too.
The Social Network is even more overrated. If you watch that movie and take away the emotional element that the music adds, it's quite average. People latch on to psuedo intellectual banter like it's porn too, which is ultimately why it is so highly praised.

The King's Speech was just good solid script writing with a splash of creativity.

The Black Swan was multi faceted, carrying with it many different elements and emotions. Anyone of similiar physique and half the acting chops of Natalie could have fulfilled the role in an adaquate manner. The overall story, the sound and music and the editing and basically everything else about the movie made it more compelling. Since her character was the central point of the film, she took home the award.