So, how much do you read? How often? I read a lot, but not as often as I would like. I try to get at least a couple hours in a day, but I don't always get that much in, especially if the house is noisy.
Do you typically read one book at a time or have several on the go?
I generally try to read one book at a time, in its entirety.
What do you typically read?
I used to read primarily fiction, sci-fi and fantasy. Lately I have been reading non-fiction and philosophical fiction. I have been trying to focus my reading on topics that I find enjoyment in but still help me progress my knowledge.
I have books in Philosophy, Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, Religion, History, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Spirituality, Politics, and much more. It will be at least a few years before I finish reading my current library.
When do you read?
I almost always read before I sleep. Sometimes I read during the day as well. I read during breaks at work sometimes.
Where do you read?
Before sleep I read in my bed. At home I almost always read in my room, I close my door so I can have it as quiet as possible. I might start going to the library to read during the day to ensure a quiet environment.
Why do you read?
I read to learn. Sometimes I read to escape. The more I learn, the more I realize just how interconnected the world is in so many ways, and that gives me joy.
Do you prefer print books, e-books, audio books?
I prefer printed books, I have eBook readers and I use them when I do not have a printed copy, I have never listened to an audio book although I have audio lectures which I enjoy listening to.
Where do you get your reading materials from?
I REALLY like I generally compare between that site and amazon for used book prices. For eBooks I just grab digital formats where I can find them, I rarely pay for eBook format, especially if I can get a printed copy shipped for close to the same price.