A reading thread: How much do you read? And other questions


life is good
How much do you read? And other questions

So, how much do you read? How often?

Do you typically read one book at a time or have several on the go?

What do you typically read?

When do you read?

Where do you read?

Why do you read? (academic reading not included)

Do you prefer print books, e-books, audio books?

Where do you get your reading materials from?
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Depends on whether I'm in school or not. Academic reading usually displaces pleasure reading. I read lots of high fantasy when I was younger; lately I've been reading psychology and philosophy, mostly to get more knowledge about my prospective career and to figure out myself and my philosophy, but just recently I've started hunting for some good novels.

If I have a good book, I'll just read one at a time, but usually I've got several half-finished which I may or may not finish reading.

I definitely prefer print books, and I get almost all my books from libraries.
So, how much do you read? How often?
- Not as much as i'd like

Do you typically read one book at a time or have several on the go?
- I usually begin several different books but try to focus on one at a time

What do you typically read?
- nonfiction - sci-fi/fantasy or other literature
- academic articles if i have the time and interest

When do you read?
- In the afternoon or late evening

Where do you read?
- at home, at work when i have the chance, but ideally at a coffee shop or by the beach when it's quiet and not much people around.

Why do you read? (academic reading not included)
- fun, something which makes me think, etc.

Do you prefer print books, e-books, audio books?
- print but e-books are good

Where do you get your reading materials from?
- bookstore or library
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well i'm always reading bits and pieces, forum posts, newspapers, journal articles, textbooks, actual novels when i can squeeze in the time. i'm fond of reading =)
fiction ftw with me. nothing demands my attention like a good fiction, of any type really i dont discriminate. if i read non fiction its usually a theory of some sort for example, string theory, enneagram, sociology/psychology things like this, not facts so much.. dunno if that still makes it non fiction.

i don't read as much as i used to i probably average a book every two/three months now. most of these i get from just walking around a barnes and noble but i just recently got involved with amazon, we are on a touch and go basis but so far i'm diggin her.

i don't read the paper or magazines so much, but psychology today.com is probably where the majority of my online reading time is spent and this forum of course.
So, how much do you read? How often?
i read every day and as much as i can but usually i'm too busy or tired to read a great deal so probably adds up to about a book a week. if i had nothing else to do but read, eat, and sleep i could probably read about 250 pages a day.

Do you typically read one book at a time or have several on the go?
i prefer to read one book at a time but sometimes i get distracted or ambitious and read more than one at once.

What do you typically read?
literature and maybe some literary or cultural criticism or theory.

When do you read?
whenever i have time and can concentrate, or whenever the book is interesting enough, at any time of day.

Where do you read?
in the library, on public transport, sitting on the couch, or lying on my bed. sometimes if it's a nice day i sit in the sun and read.

Why do you read? (academic reading not included)
i enjoy the feeling of revelation from reading. i like how all novels are so different and there are so many ideas. so i like learning. i'm also interested in learning about writing as a career so i think about how the books are put together as i'm reading.

Do you prefer print books, e-books, audio books?
i prefer print books. i don't think they're as environmentally unsound as people say. and i really like putting them on the shelf and looking at all the books i've read as it makes me feel accomplished or something.

Where do you get your reading materials from?
i work in a bookstore and i get 25% discount so if i want books i can order them. but i also read books through the library if they're not personally important or relevant enough for me to own. if i were to want to buy an out of print book i'd probably get it from abebooks online or something but i'm not that well read!.
So, how much do you read? How often?

Do you typically read one book at a time or have several on the go?

What do you typically read?

When do you read?

Where do you read?

Why do you read? (academic reading not included)

Do you prefer print books, e-books, audio books?

Where do you get your reading materials from?

My reading generally waxes and wanes throughout the months, but I've currently been afflicted with an abnormally (for me) long phase of enthusiasm for it. I'm cultivating my knowledge of classical lit, and as may be evidenced in the 'What are you currently reading' thread, I really enjoy Dostoevsky. Sadly, I've almost exhausted the most readily available of his works.

I usually spend the majority of my free time doing this at the local coffee shop on my weekends. I'm kind of ashamed to admit that it's a Starbucks, but oh well. I'll typically spend from 3-6 hours at a time perched in one of the easychairs guzzling iced coffee and smoking intermittently while devouring whatever I've bought at the (equally embarrassing) Barnes and Noble. But whatever, their selection of classics is cheap and readily available. I guess I enjoy the coffee shop because I get too distracted to read at home.

I read simply for the pleasure of a good story, and until this year I was oblivious to the intense enjoyment that can be found amongst the classics. I guess Dostoevsky appeals to me very much in that so many of his characters are easy for me to relate to in certain aspects of their personalities.

I like paperbacks. There's just something endearing to me about keeping physical copies of the books I've read.

As stated above, I get my books from Barnes and Noble, the evil WalMart of books.
My reading generally waxes and wanes throughout the months, but I've currently been afflicted with an abnormally (for me) long phase of enthusiasm for it. I'm cultivating my knowledge of classical lit, and as may be evidenced in the 'What are you currently reading' thread, I really enjoy Dostoevsky. Sadly, I've almost exhausted the most readily available of his works.

maybe you could develop a special interest in russian literature - turgenev, gogol, tolstoy, pushkin, bulgakov, nabokov...
So, how much do you read? How often?
I read a lot. When it's not a school semester (or I have down time) I can knock through 2 novels in a week. During the semester I'm usually too busy reading all of my course work to read for fun, and it takes me sometimes 2 weeks to finish a novel.
Do you typically read one book at a time or have several on the go?
Several. I'll take a break from reading one and pick up a different one all in one sitting. This way I end up reading for hours without ever getting bored.
What do you typically read?
Novels by authors like Vonnegut, Orwell, Pychon, Thompson, Kerouac, Burroughs, annd the sort. I also like to read subject histories to dissect the spin from the meat, and collections of works and journal articles by my favorite authors.
When do you read?
In the morning, or at work.
Where do you read?
On the balcony, or at work.
Why do you read? (academic reading not included)
Because I love it.
Do you prefer print books, e-books, audio books?
Printed books FTW.
Where do you get your reading materials from?
Bookstores. I try to get second hand books whenever possible. I especially like it if someone has written all over it.
So, how much do you read? How often?
I read every day a few times a day.

Do you typically read one book at a time or have several on the go?
I usually read a book cover to cover before I pick up another book.

What do you typically read?
Well I read at least one short story a week
though I tend to generally read novels, psych
books, childrien's books, and some magazines.

When do you read?
Before I fall asleep, when I'm sitting outside,
when the baby is napping, when the children
want me to read to them. There really is no
set time that I have to read.

Where do you read?
Most everywhere.

Why do you read? (academic reading not included)
I like to read because I like to climb inside the heads of other people.
It makes me feel more normal. It also reminds me of my mom, I think.
That's why I first started reading, to be like my mother. Now it's more
for my benefit. A distraction, something healthy to lose myself in.

Do you prefer print books, e-books, audio books?
I like printed books. I'm a nazi when it comes to my electric
bill. I only recharge my kindle at public places where I don't
have to pay the bill :x I like audio books in the car though
if I'm by myself and driving through the country or something
I don't have a problem reading and driving with my knees.
I'm obviously the epitome of safe.

Where do you get your reading materials from?
I really have gotten into used books over the past year and a
half. I really like the idea of falling asleep with a good book that
someone else has cried over, fell in love with, couldn't put down.
Perhaps I'm being fanciful but it's a comforting thought and it
makes me feel less disconnected with the world.
So, how much do you read? How often?
A number of times every day.

Do you typically read one book at a time or have several on the go?
Similarly to anita, I usually start 2 or 3 books and then end up concentrating on just one till it's finished.

What do you typically read?
Pretty much anything, I guess. Fiction (often Fantasy, but I've been branching out in recent years), non-fiction (mostly psychology-related material), magazines (video-gaming, pro-wrestling, New Scientist), internet articles/blogs/posts (Typology, whatever else catches my eye).

When do you read?
Internet - morning/early evening.
Books - In bed at night, during the advert breaks on TV, on the loo.

Where do you read?
Most everywhere.

Why do you read? (academic reading not included)
Fiction - for escapism.
Non-fiction - for learning stuff.

Do you prefer print books, e-books, audio books?
Print books, though I'll readily settle for e-books if I can't find a print version.

Where do you get your reading materials from?
Libraries and the internet.
So, how much do you read? How often? I read a lot, but not as often as I would like. I try to get at least a couple hours in a day, but I don't always get that much in, especially if the house is noisy.

Do you typically read one book at a time or have several on the go?

I generally try to read one book at a time, in its entirety.

What do you typically read?

I used to read primarily fiction, sci-fi and fantasy. Lately I have been reading non-fiction and philosophical fiction. I have been trying to focus my reading on topics that I find enjoyment in but still help me progress my knowledge.

I have books in Philosophy, Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, Religion, History, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Spirituality, Politics, and much more. It will be at least a few years before I finish reading my current library.

When do you read?

I almost always read before I sleep. Sometimes I read during the day as well. I read during breaks at work sometimes.

Where do you read?

Before sleep I read in my bed. At home I almost always read in my room, I close my door so I can have it as quiet as possible. I might start going to the library to read during the day to ensure a quiet environment.

Why do you read?

I read to learn. Sometimes I read to escape. The more I learn, the more I realize just how interconnected the world is in so many ways, and that gives me joy.

Do you prefer print books, e-books, audio books?

I prefer printed books, I have eBook readers and I use them when I do not have a printed copy, I have never listened to an audio book although I have audio lectures which I enjoy listening to.

Where do you get your reading materials from?

I REALLY like http://www.abebooks.com. I generally compare between that site and amazon for used book prices. For eBooks I just grab digital formats where I can find them, I rarely pay for eBook format, especially if I can get a printed copy shipped for close to the same price.
So, how much do you read? How often?

Considering I'm an aspiring novelist and aspiring publisher, I don't read anywhere near enough. Typically I can go months without picking up a novel, and then I devour an entirely 5-12 book series in a single season... kinda how it works for me.

Do you typically read one book at a time or have several on the go?

One at a time. I can't multitask for crap.

What do you typically read?

Sci-fi/Fantasy for entertainment/novels... in terms of daily reading, science journals, environmental journals, political journals, etc.

When do you read?

Over the course of the day with articles, in the evening with novels (unless I'm in a devouring mode, in which case, any time I'm not at the dinner table.)

Where do you read?

Couch, Bed, Nook in a cliff over the ocean (yes, at Quoddy Head, too... easternmost point in the continental USA.)

Why do you read? (academic reading not included)

Because I want to?

Do you prefer print books, e-books, audio books?

As an ever more ardent environmentalist, e-books. I won't consider any novel that I cannot get for my iphone kindle-app. I sorta kinda like breathing oxygen, me.

Where do you get your reading materials from?

Slashdot, Google, Amazon, Myself
I usually go for months without reading at all, to reading with all my free time, under my desk at work and when I should be sleeping, then back to nothing for months.

I like books people recommend to me so we can talk about it afterwards. The "employee recommendation" books in Barnes and Noble are usually good. I probably read sci-fi and non fiction the most but really there is no genre I wouldn't try.

I prefer ebooks. My bookshelf is already full and I don't want another one in my life right now.
So, how much do you read? How often? A LOT. I read every day

Do you typically read one book at a time or have several on the go? I used to only read one book at a time, but now I read about 2 or 3 at a time

What do you typically read? I like English and American Romantic Classics, Narratives, Coming of Age Stories, Fantasy, Manga, forum posts, magazines, newspaper articles, self-help books, fanfiction, Shakespeare...Not a fan of Sci-fi though

When do you read?I read before bed or when I need a break from homework.

Where do you read? My room is my preferred place to read, but sometimes I'll read in the livingroom. I also make sure that I have a book to read when I am going somewhere in which waiting is involved, or traveling a long distance

Why do you read? (academic reading not included) For a temporary escape and for pleasure and inspiration

Do you prefer print books, e-books, audio books? I prefer print books, but if I had a Kindle (Which I REALLY REALLY want), I wouldn't mind e-books. Audio books are ok, if the narration is good.

Where do you get your reading materials from? The library, the bookstore, as gifts, online
I usually spend the majority of my free time doing this at the local coffee shop on my weekends. I'm kind of ashamed to admit that it's a Starbucks, but oh well.

I did this last week, and it was kinda nice. And for the same reasons - i'm too easily distracted at home.
I read books at night before I go to bed. For awhile now I'll have going a fiction novel, a non-fiction or academic book, and some kind of spirituality/psychology/figure-myself-out book. I pick the one I feel like reading that night but I usually read the same one for several nights in a row.

Just read/am reading:
The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo (decent but doesn't deserve all the hype)

Love and Awakening (pretty awesome if you care about buddhist approaches, romatinc relationships, and the intersection)

Design Patterns (I like to go deep, even in computer science)
So, how much do you read? How often?

It's off and on. Some weeks I read more than others. I prefer a book every two weeks, when I'm in the mood for something.

Do you typically read one book at a time or have several on the go?

Lol! Several, although that can get annoying. Sometimes I can forget which book I'm reading at the time.

What do you typically read?

Contemporary/modern/post-modern literature, science fiction, fantasy, any notable or prize-winning fiction nominees (Hugo, Booker, Pulitzer, PEN/Faulkner, Nebula, etc)

When do you read?

Afternoons and nights.

Where do you read?

Mostly in bed, or in the "reading room" (aka, bathroom)

Why do you read? (academic reading not included)

For enjoyment and to better my craft. And to see whose style I'm most like - and to see if I'm marketable.

Do you prefer print books, e-books, audio books?

I'm giving myself an early birthday gift: A Kindle. :D I up and decided to get one last week. Amazon surprised me, by showing me that my credit was good enough for a store card - which prompted the Kindle purchase. I have tons of books that I keep purchasing. I was prompted by another member here, and decided I needed to start scaling down and live more a more minimalistic life. So I'm going to let go of my books, and those I can find on Kindle I'll keep.

Where do you get your reading materials from?

Half-price bookstores, mostly, although I like B&N (sorry!) and Borders bookstores. I used to work at Waldenbooks ages ago, and I like the feel of a good bookstore. My favorite place is Hastings, though; has a better selection of comics, tea/coffee, and reading spots.
So, how much do you read? How often?

My reading habits are best described as sporadic. I usually read a few pages several times a week but I don't have a steady reading routine or steady reading habits. That's something I'd like to develop.

Do you typically read one book at a time or have several on the go?

I usually have 2-3 books on the go that I read depending on my mood.

What do you typically read?

I typically read personal development titles or health/wellness titles with the occasional spiritual text, fiction or classic thrown in (the classic rarely survives). Lately (really a relative term here), I've been expanding my reading list to include an occasional intro to philosophy or logic book, but I'm really just starting out with this.

When do you read?

No pattern, really.

Where do you read?

My bedroom.

Why do you read? (academic reading not included)

Personal development
To keep my brain active
Language maintenance/acquisition
To appease boredom
Curiosity/interest/knowledge attainment
To know what the hype is about

Do you prefer print books, e-books, audio books?

Although my experience with e- and audio books is limited, it's fair to say I prefer print books.

Where do you get your reading materials from?

Most often I borrow books from the library. Occasionally, I will purchase titles from Indigo or Amazon.