A taste of New Zealand...

I'd love to see the elves but the orc population puts me off.
Link isn't working for me. :C
"Http/1.1 Service Unavailable" =C Could you just post the link?
I think my youtube is being a cawk. D:
I think my youtube is being a cawk. D:
I'm having the same problem now @Free Mind, but I wasn't earlier when I watched the vid. Youtube in general is acting up for me atm, so it's not just you I don't think. I can access direct video urls just fine, but I get the same error message you do when I try to access my history to get the vid.

Got a direct url that may work:

New Zealand accent sounds really peaceful and laid back if that guy's any indicator. Might be the trippy dubstep with it, but the vid gets me tired, in a good way.
Ooh shit. XD That is one awesome accent. (:

But when it comes to Dubstep. I prefer songs like this. XD

Maybe I should record a voice clip for you guys some day hahah
Click the link twice and it will work (;
Dooo Eeetttt!