Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi kills himself

just me

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The leader of ISIS was raided by US forces in Idlib Saturday night. He ran down a tunnel yelling and killed himself and a few family members with a bomb vest. One less POS in the world.
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The leader of ISIS was raided by US forces in Idlib Saturday night. He ran down a tunnel yelling and killed himself and a few family members with a bomb vest. One less POS in the world.

O yea, and a few family members.. who cares
I care he is gone.
Wait. We're they *his* family members? Or were they members of a family unrelated to him?

I feel bad for the Innocents all the time.
Fact remains, Abu Bakr killed them himself.
We can choose to make believe if we wish. I would have killed him myself, given the chance.
Just in time for Halloween!

Anyone else wonder why he was being protected in a compound in NW Syria, not far from the Turkish border?
Bin Laden was harbored in a compound in Pakistan. I see proof someone has been using these "terrorists".
I do feel sorry for the children here .. after all they are indoctrinated into believing everything the adults / leaders tell them. They grow up with hate in their hearts ONLY because they were too young or can't think for themselves.

It certainly hard to know one person's version of what is right and good ... from another person's version.

Unfortunately it seems that many believe what is told them blindly and without thinking.
Looks like they found someone as well as his successor, with extra syllables .

As long as the underlying conflict and "ideals" aren't resolved IS will just continue their fight. Good PR though.
He added that he could not confirm President Donald Trump's graphic description of Baghdadi whimpering and crying as he died.
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You don't end a conflict without understanding the roots of the conflict situation. on either side.


The defectors testimonies as well as the captured documents of Haji Bakr make clear that ISIS is a ruthless
organization. It profited from the meticulous intelligence planning techniques of former Iraqi Baath
regime elements who joined ISIS. Emni has been the core structure that gave birth to ISIS, both as a
terrorist organization and as a nascent totalitarian state. Emni was formed by disgruntled former Sunni
Baathists dismissed from the intelligence regime of Saddam Hussein following the 2003 American-led
Coalition invasion of Iraq. Angry over the Shia ascendance in Iraq and by the many attacks against Sunnis,
and fiercely nationalistic, as well as strategic and fanatical in its drive to put Sunnis back into power, the
ISIS’ Emni cadres have seen it opportune to clothe themselves in Islamic garb in order to manipulate the
masses. Yet, on closer scrutiny, it is clear that there is nothing Islamic in their actions, nor in their corrupt
and ever shifting alliances, their calculated plotting, their masterfully carried out propaganda campaigns, and
its Internet seduction. As Christoph Reuter wrote of ISIS, “Faith, even in its most extreme form, is just one of
many means to an end. Islamic State’s only constant maxim is the expansion of power at any price.”[80] Power
and restoration of Sunni dominance in Iraq and Syria is the main mission of the ISIS Emni and calculated
manipulation of faith is only one of its means to that end.