AIDS Breakthrough

Damnit. Aids was a disease for stupid people.

Why'd they have to find a cure?
What do you mean, for stupid people, Shai? I can't tell if you're joking.
There are over 15 million children orphaned worldwide as a result of Aids, and the numbers obviously continue to rise.
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Results: New infections occurred in 51 of the 8,197 given vaccine and in 74 of the 8,198 who received dummy shots. That worked out to a 31 percent lower risk of infection for the vaccine group.

I don't find these results convincing. Could be a simple accident or some other factors.

Fear not Shai.
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I just pulled one stat. There are many others, some unfortunately much higher.

But 6 milliard. Doesn't milliard mean billion?
One Billion is 1,000,000,000,000
The world Pop is 6,000,000,000 (ish).

IS, don't correct a number, and do so incorrectly. Just because americans cannot spell or use proper number scales, doesn't mean the rest of the world is educationally challenged.
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i think millions of people DO matter. even just a few million. maybe a much smaller number of people than that would matter to me also. regardless of their intelligence - a matter on which i'm not certain that aids discriminates, either.
30%? wow -_-

I also question how they got to that result, considering how small % that gets HIV and they tested it on 16.000 people. Seems a bit random.

Also how often would this vaccine need to be taken, twice a year, once a life time?
30%? wow -_-

I also question how they got to that result, considering how small % that gets HIV and they tested it on 16.000 people. Seems a bit random.

Also how often would this vaccine need to be taken, twice a year, once a life time?

Not sure. From my understanding, it is preventative in nature (it is not a cure for AIDS). The virus integrates itself into the host's DNA; unless you can remove the virus' DNA from all infected cells, you will still probably not be completely cured.

I think the vaccine is a great step in the right direction though. Hopefully things will work out (and the virus won't mutate!) I don't know what the vaccination schedule would be like.
I didn't realize you were French. figures. :m122:

I'm not French. about five hundred years ago one of my ancestors married a French princess to cement an alliance between France and Ireland against England. However, that's all the French blood I have.

I do however like precision, and the Australian Government has not officially gone over to short scales, so Milliard is still official in my country. That they teach the US Billion instead is a testament to stupidity and Americanism in our culture.
We need them to cure all STDs so that people don't need to worry so much about who they have sex with.
You guys do realize that there are lots of well thought out statistical rules for determining if a difference between two test groups is significant right? If the formulas hadn't shown significance, the result would have been posted as inconclusive. I don't think your wet finger math beats the people trained for years and years to actually do the research.

... Just sayin'. Have some faith.
I'm not French. about five hundred years ago one of my ancestors married a French princess to cement an alliance between France and Ireland against England. However, that's all the French blood I have.

I do however like precision, and the Australian Government has not officially gone over to short scales, so Milliard is still official in my country. That they teach the US Billion instead is a testament to stupidity and Americanism in our culture.

Um...didn't America inherent "billion" from Britain, which is coincidentally the same country which originally colonized Australia?

Also, I was trying to show off my stereotypical American hatred for the French. Those cheese eating, stinky, hairy, socialist bastards!
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