An irresistible urge to travel


Permanent Fixture
I had 4 days off.Wondering where to go all by my self as I USED to no like going out all alone ( I changed my attitude that I need to do so as I AM alone and I need to accept it :) )

My sis offered me to go on a one-day vacation.and I happily accepted it.We went out of the city.into the forests and jungles...
and We spent a great deal of the time in a traffic jam...

Well, the thing is I came to the conclusion that I want to be somewhere else.I don't wanna end up a mechanical life I wanna spend time on the forests ... jungles and I wanna keep travelling.I didn't want to come home to the city and I thought about it the rest of the day...

And I'm gonna change this ...
Care to share your adventure outdoors?
[MENTION=680]just me[/MENTION] if there will be any ...Yet I can desribe those feelings over and over again
Talk myself into going deer hunting late PM, after much quibbling. Walk slowly to a new spot to me, sit my deer stand down, lean my rifle against a tree, drink water, then go home. Finding the spot and sign was good enough for me that evening.

One morning I was hunting with black powder, a primitive weapon. Almost full face camo on, I was turning my head very slowly from each side. Very slowly. I knew there was a nice deer in the area, as I had seen him during archery season out of range.

As the morning turned into sunlit skies and shadows, I watched a falcon dive at blue jays flying across the swamp bottom several times. While turning my head clockwise, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I made a weird noise, pushed my rifle up in defense, and was missed by about a foot by that falcon coming after my moving eyes. The rifle hit an overhanging limb I had left to help hide me, and the buck ran off behind me.

I see owls, hawks, kites, and falcons coming into my proximity quite often. I slowly stand up in my stand and sit back down. Over half of the occurrences have remained for awhile hunting with me. I love the swamps and river floodplains. Your turn. You guys had to do something for you to want to go back; maybe see something that attracted you?
[MENTION=680]just me[/MENTION] I love nature and the way it is.
I've just rescued a frog on that last vacation I went with my sis! so I'm totally against hunting.

But let me share where I love to be.They say writing about something makes it a real and not a dream, right?
well, this is where I live, The capital city
but it doesn't feel like home anymore.

I wanna be somewhere like this :

at least I wanna live somewhere green.not in the city.somewhere I can take a long walk home in a valley like this while listening to music.Somewhere I can sit and breath
Somewhere I can feel I'm not dead...
I understand the urge to travel and get away. Last summer I had the opportunity to travel to Croatia and Bosnia - Herzegovina as part of a family vacation. This was my first trip outside the United States (aside from a couple of day trips to a Mexican border town), so I was so excited to finally visit Europe. The experience last summer was so memorable that I found myself thinking of how I could visit Europe again! That made me jump at the chance to take a spring break study abroad trip in Spain this past March! Both experiences were unforgettable, and I now find myself planning and saving for my next international vacation!
I too feel an urge to live somewhere more rural.
In the past I've considered perhaps moving someday to northern canada or alaska, but I've settled on the country that already felt home to me after going there every summer.

Tho I think there are two types of travelers, those migrating that are seeking their place to be,
and those who want to see other places but ultimately return from where they came.

There is a real traveling culture going on these days with foreign exchange programs, international internships and far away vacations being somewhat the norm.
But it also interests me to see how many of these people have no intention of ever leaving their birth country for good.
Through conversation I've noticed it is mostly those who travel little who are set on leaving permanently from those I've spoken with.

I wonder though what drives people to travel.
Through conversation I've noticed it is mostly those who travel little who are set on leaving permanently from those I've spoken with.

I don't know about others so I speak for myself. What you said apply to me. I haven't traveled much. I mean I can't do that as long as I live with my family! so I wanna change that and see the world.It doesn't matter where I live, I wanna experience everything

Speaking for my self, I think this is me, being adventures and all. The perfectionism can also affect;for some one who always thinks and feels that nothing is enough, being in a place to the whole life is not even acceptable!!

That's why I wanna travel ^_^