Annie Lennox


Considering her solo work and personal life, I would say that she could be infj. That need for identity, feeling of being sort of outsider on the one side, but strong sensibility for other person. Some of her songs are like parts of this forum in music.
I could see it. I think she's an INxx surely, but I'm stuck between INFJ, INTJ or INFP.
I could see it. I think she's an INxx surely, but I'm stuck between INFJ, INTJ or INFP.

I tought NT, but only from Eurythmics period. More I think, she is more somebody with strong Ni or Fe, considering her humanitarian work also.
Interesting interview, calm, she stops often when she speaks....

[ame=""]YouTube - Annie Lennox Interview on The South Bank Show[/ame]
While I am watching this video, I would not be surprised if she is already on this forum, ha, ha...
Hahaha yeah based on that interview I would at least say N for sure. I wish I were better at typing others. I also suspect INFJ.

She is so awesome. I love this woman.
When she talk, she pauses and often goes with her eyes around, in air, at sides...It is way I usually talk when I want to say something important to me..And from INFJ videos I saw, it could be something typical.
INFJ. 4w3, Sx

She's definitely not an Fi user. Tell me if this is not one of the most Fe-ish MVs ever.

or this...with all artificially crazy expressions...

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