Another Earth - the movie


Sushi Destroyer
Just watched Another Earth (2011) - it's the most infj-ish movie I've seen in years. The main actress was perfect in her role and the whole plot resonated deeply within me. There was something strangely familiar in the way she looked, talked and moved. Interestingly some reviewers has called the movie "weird". And my friend commented that he could not read anything from Rhoda's face. But I on the contrary understood completely how she felt.

Has anyone else seen it?

That looks amazing, thank you! I had never heard anything about it.
I saw the preview a long while back and thought it would be a good movie. I will have to go see this when I can :) If other's think it is a weird movie... then it is most likely my kind of movie.. haha.
So I just watched it, as per your recommendation, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I also found the main character (Rhoda), and her "journey" throughout the film to be incredibly relatable. Thanks so much for sharing; I hadn't even heard of "Another Earth" before today.
I really enjoyed the movie. The way it flowed, how it made it personal to Rhoda's life. It makes me go off into many thoughts of possibilities... if I were in the same situation to have a chance to go... would I? How would I be any different? I don't want to get too in depth about it for others who haven't seen it yet. But I will be in deep thought about the theory. Thanks for reminding me about this movie, it was very interesting.
I got the chills at 0.58, when shes touching the wall I do that all the time...
Wow that girl really does look like an INFJ. I'd watch this if it had a good sci fi or apocalypse aspect. I'm going to look into that.
So I just watched it, as per your recommendation, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I also found the main character (Rhoda), and her "journey" throughout the film to be incredibly relatable. Thanks so much for sharing; I hadn't even heard of "Another Earth" before today.

Glad to be of service ^_^

I got the chills at 0.58, when shes touching the wall I do that all the time...

Touching is supremely important for me too, especially when lost in thoughts about something. Therefore it also caught my attention.

Wow that girl really does look like an INFJ. I'd watch this if it had a good sci fi or apocalypse aspect. I'm going to look into that.

It's one of those movies where they focus more on a personal story rather than actual sci-fi elements. Like Gataca for example.

BTW anyone noticed Asimov's Foundation trilogy in Rhoda's room? It happens to be one of my favorites.
INFJness aside, been done before. Sliding Doors - 1998. They simply changed out the idea of a subway for that of an entire planet.
I really want to watch this
I don't understand why she banged that guy. I didn't see that coming at all. And I didn't see the hand-->wall part.