Any of Montreal fans?

of Montreal is my current favorite band.

Kevin Barnes is one of my favorite examples of an ENTP. I highly recommend the newest album, 'Skeletal Lamping'- it's like peering into the very being of an ENTP.

Here's 'An Eluardian Instance' from the album:


And I'm quite convinced that these are the most beautiful lyrics I've ever heard:

I just realized that this thread didn't work, so here's another try:

of Montreal is my current favorite band.

Kevin Barnes is one of my favorite examples of an ENTP. I highly recommend the newest album, 'Skeletal Lamping'- it's like peering into the very being of an ENTP.

Here's 'An Eluardian Instance' from the album:

And I'm quite convinced that these are the most beautiful lyrics I've ever heard:
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