Art Stuff?

I have many favorites, but here's one:


-The Raft of the Medusa, Théodore Géricault

One day, I'll visit the Louvre and see it in person. :)
The cossacks laughing uproarously as they compose a reply letter to the turkish sultan

Sultan Mehmed IV to the Zaporozhian Cossacks:
As the Sultan; son of Muhammad; brother of the sun and moon; grandson and viceroy of God; ruler of the kingdoms of Macedonia, Babylon, Jerusalem, Upper and Lower Egypt; emperor of emperors; sovereign of sovereigns; extraordinary knight, never defeated; steadfast guardian of the tomb of Jesus Christ; trustee chosen by God Himself; the hope and comfort of Muslims; confounder and great defender of Christians - I command you, the Zaporogian Cossacks, to submit to me voluntarily and without any resistance, and to desist from troubling me with your attacks.
--Turkish Sultan Mehmed IV

The Cossacks' reply came as a stream of invective and vulgar rhymes, parodying the Sultan's titles:
Version 1:
Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!
O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are you, that can't slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil excretes, and your army eats. You will not, you son of a bitch, make subjects of Christian sons; we've no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck your mother.
You Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw your own mother!
So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. You won't even be herding pigs for the Christians. Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar; the moon's in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!
- Koshovyi Otaman Ivan Sirko, with the whole Zaporozhian Host.

Version 2:
The Kozaks of the Dnieper to the Sultan of Turkey:
Thou Turkish Satan, brother and companion to the accursed Devil, and companion to Lucifer himself, Greetings!
What the hell kind of noble knight art thou? The Devil voids, and thy army devours. Never wilt thou be fit to have the sons of Christ under thee: thy army we fear not, and by land and on sea we will do battle against thee.
Thou scullion of Babylon, thou wheelwright of Macedonia, thou beer-brewer of Jerusalem, thou goat-flayer of Alexandria, thou swineherd of Egypt, both the Greater and the Lesser, thou sow of Armenia, thou goat of Tartary, thou hangman of Kamenetz, thou evildoer of Podoliansk, thou grandson of the Devil himself, thou great silly oaf of all the world and of the netherworld and, before our God, a blockhead, a swine's snout, a mare's arse, a butcher's cur, an unbaptized brow, May the Devil take thee! That is what the Kozaks have to say to thee, thou basest-born of runts! Unfit art thou to lord it over true Christians!
The date we write not for no calendar have we got; the moon is in the sky, the year is in a book, and the day is the same with us here as with thee over there, and thou canst kiss us thou knowest where!
- Koshovyi Otaman Ivan Sirko, with the whole Zaporozhian Host.
i love Van Gogh's painting "The Siesta", it was the first painting i ever noticed in my life, i saw it in person once, and it was very different from seeing a reproduction of it, because he had such a special sense of colour within paint. (i also love his self-portrait Saint-Remy-de-Provence 1889.) i also saw some of Monet's paintings of water lilies in person once, and one of them (1906) gave me the dizzying vertiginous feeling that of looking deep into the universe. i love looking at paintings by Dali because they are so technically breathtaking, and i love looking at paintings by Remedios Varo because i can always see some new idea in them. i love pre-raphaelite art too especially Waterhouse, his paintings achieve such balance of classical and romantic, and i have an ineradicable soft spot for his mermaid. i adore Rodin, but doesnt everyone? i love this artist called Guan Wei, has anyone seen his stuff? i love any classical depictions of the tower of babel (especially the most famous one by Bruegel)! i love the "black" paintings that are typically attributed to Goya, partly because they are such glorious paintings, and partly because part of the reason why they are so glorious is because the person who painted them sacrificed their own existence as an artist to their art. although, the genuine Goya's war disasters is very cool too. i love the postmodernist painting "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Helnwein. i find Mark Ryden to be quite cool. i love love love love love Francis Bacon's Triptych August 1972, i saw it right at the end of a comprehensive exhibition of his work that was shown in my city, and it blew my mind wide open, its devastating. im not a snob, i love a lot of other art too, including "lowbrow" and "naive" art, commercial art, street art, but if im being honest, i think these other things i wrote about are the things that really moved me.

not a big fan of Picasso, i cant deny his achievement, but i find him a bit pretentious somehow. i loved Warhol's book "A to B and Back again", but his art bores me to tears, find Lichtenstein's art so much more exciting.
has anyone seen Grayson Perry's ceramics?? a colleague at work showed me them, i love them! disturbing, witty, intricate, elegant, dirty, fascinating.

i also love the ceramics of Click Mort! so cool!
has anyone seen Grayson Perry's ceramics?? a colleague at work showed me them, i love them! disturbing, witty, intricate, elegant, dirty, fascinating.

i also love the ceramics of Click Mort! so cool!


for anyone who is a true artist or lover of art i highly recommend endeavouring to visit both paris and london in your lifetime. 10 days in each city is enough time to visit the major galleries and musems, and some other cultural and architectural institutions. make sure to properly research and plan what you want to do and see. 2 major attractions a day is enough, more is very exhausting. you may want to spend a whole day on one attraction - the louvre is huge and one day probably wont get you through all of it - so its important to be discriminating about what you really want to see. make sure you take enough spending money for some decent lunches, you can eat cheese and bread for dinner, but there will be things you will want to eat while out and about!

visit the Saint Chapelle early in the morning in order to miss the queue. it is a must see of gothic architecture.

Flaming June by Frederic Leighton

The bright orange color spills out of the center of the frame. The ruffled parts of the dress hang casually, crumpled up, as if she doesn't care. She is comfortable and relaxed, fast asleep lost in her world of dreams, unaware of what's going on around her. She has an innocence in her face. Her dark red hair is complemented by the orange color, with peach face. The dark throw covers on which she is sitting nicely frames her dress. You almost want to envy her, her escapism, and unawareness. She has a moment to herself, which she enjoys in elegant bliss, and no one can take that away from her, it would seem.
I adore street art as well. Most of these urban artists go unnamed and their beautiful work is often washed away or categorized as illegal graffiti.




[MENTION=13729]Free2be[/MENTION] I so agree with you! Art can be found everywhere throughout the centuries in museums and artsy fartsy cities like Paris, to the urban streets of Harlem, NY.

i love the street art that you have posted [MENTION=13729]Free2be[/MENTION] and [MENTION=13723]Misadventure[/MENTION]. what do you think of graffiti "tagging"? is it good, valuable? or vacuous, worthless? can this variety of "destruction" of other property (which is potentially art in its own right) be good art?

I think it's all about content, really. Most street artists do start out with 'illegal tagging'. I think it is a rogue way for an artist to be seen by the very public s/he is representing. Some of it is gang tags; and because of this stigma, most dismiss all street art as such. There is a clear and visual difference though. A street artist will want to address an issue in his/her city, make a statement, impact and open the eyes of the public, whereas the other will just be marking territory.

I think it's all about content, really. Most street artists do start out with 'illegal tagging'. I think it is a rogue way for an artist to be seen by the very public s/he is representing. Some of it is gang tags; and because of this stigma, most dismiss all street art as such. There is a clear and visual difference though. A street artist will want to address an issue in his/her city, make a statement, impact and open the eyes of the public, whereas the other will just be marking territory.

i love gang tagging. its so rebellious. some of it is kind of unaesthetical though! but it can be very technically accomplished and gorgeous. even when i see the styling of some of the more simplistic stuff im like, theres something special about that.

some people think professional sports is an art form. maybe, maybe.... i read a fairly convincing essay on that thesis by David Foster Wallace once, about a tennis player called Michael Joyce. it was a killer essay!! but if i compare a sportsperson to a tagger, i start to question the essay. both sportspeople and taggers tirelessly work to achieve dominance in their fields. but by comparison which deals more recognisably in artistic matters? i think tagging!
*artsy fartsy dances for you*

can others please stop looking? this is private.

*closes curtain*

Awww... not even enough room for one more? <insert *super pouty face* here>