Background Music Game?


is such a boss bitch.
i was gonna put this in Imagination Exercises, but i put it here because you don't have to get super-imaginative with this if you don't want.

here's the "formula," if/when _____ (some event in your life, real or make believe) happens, i want _____ (a song) to play in the background because_______ (whatever reason).

for example: if i ever become a Godzilla-type monster bent on destroying the world, i want

[ame=""]YouTube - I write the songs by Barry Manilow[/ame]

to be playing in the background because this song makes me want to smash things, and it causes me to laugh in a maniacal manner.

a more tame example would be: at my 50th birthday party, i want the Price Is Right, Come On Down (the 70's one) theme to play in the background as i jump out of a huge cake because that song has a sexy groove, and it causes me to laugh in a maniacal manner.

this could be fun times...