Battle of the Planets, G-Force, Gatchaman

If it's Pixar, I'll watch it - they have yet to make a film I haven't enjoyed.
If it's Pixar, I'll watch it - they have yet to make a film I haven't enjoyed.

you haven't watched cars two, it's the only blemish on their near perfect record
you haven't watched cars two, it's the only blemish on their near perfect record

You're right - I haven't watched it. I'll have to fix that.

I'm currently watching the Star Gate series. It's a huge, or should I say, a HUGE boxed set - and will probably take me the better part of the next couple of months to get through.

@VH; if it's an asian cartoon, the action scenes will probably be over-milked for awesomeness, making them kitsch and kind of embarrassing to watch - which wouldn't be too far from the original comic. I hope it's more sober than that.