BattleStar Galactica


anyone a fan here?
how much did you watch?
what do you think of it?
so say we all
I caught a few episodes, but it mostly frustrated me. I know everyone was all wild about it but every time I tried watching an episode I wanted to hurl something at the screen. Either Starbuck was an insensitive bitch, or some chick was crying about her unfaithful husband, or everyone was afraid they were cylons, or what have you.

It felt too much like daytime TV in space.
I loved the show and followed it religiously. Then my girlfriend got into it...I think the few days I had to catch her up we got pretty much nothing done.

The show was actually deeper then it first appears. They address a lot of modern day issues. You have to follow it from the start to really appreciate it.
I liked it well enough, it was a welcome diversion when I had absolutely nothing to do over the summer so I just watched all the episodes one weekend. I think the basic premise of the show has huge potential but the writers could have done more with it. And Starbuck was really really annoying at times, I think a beat down was definitely in order for that character. Chief was my favorite character, him or Gaius Baltar. As far as prime time cable goes, it was awesome. I'm looking forward to Caprica.
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I watched a couple of episodes and was like what the frak is this? Admiral Adama seems pretty cool. I'd be all over this show if I were younger and had more time on my hands.

I think I am contractually obligated to love stuff like this due to my nerddom.

Also this:

"It felt too much like daytime TV in space."
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I was never a sci-fi fan EVER, but my friend introduced me to the show, and then I watched it religiously!

Anyone guessed the fifth Cylon right?
I caught a few episodes, but it mostly frustrated me. I know everyone was all wild about it but every time I tried watching an episode I wanted to hurl something at the screen. Either Starbuck was an insensitive bitch, or some chick was crying about her unfaithful husband, or everyone was afraid they were cylons, or what have you.

It felt too much like daytime TV in space.


It seemed useless. Everyone was acting like an emotional little bitch, from Starbuck to the President, and ... Everyone except the genius.
Loved it. Bought the first two seasons on recommendations from INTJf a long time ago and finally got around to getting season 3 a few days ago. I know some spoilers that are coming up but it's still good. Should be finished and needing season 4 in a day or so.
Endured it somewhere till ep 12 then dropped. The promise was quite interesting though.

I heard that in the original show some of the characters were male and got a gender change in the reinstallment. The creators didn't bother to rewrite their script so they looked a bit odd.
The Science-fiction and societal aspects were incredibly naive, but on a lower level, it was a great drama that had far more depth than your average soap opera.

I even thought the ending wasn't half bad, even though there were so many loose ends, that no such ending could have ever have done the series justice.

I heard that in the original show some of the characters were male and got a gender change in the reinstallment. The creators didn't bother to rewrite their script so they looked a bit odd.

The whole story was re-written in the re-imagined series. It was only odd for those who watched the original show and were expecting the exact same thing done over.
The Science-fiction and societal aspects were incredibly naive, but on a lower level, it was a great drama that had far more depth than your average soap opera.

I even thought the ending wasn't half bad, even though there were so many loose ends, that no such ending could have ever have done the series justice.

The whole story was re-written in the re-imagined series. It was only odd for those who watched the original show and were expecting the exact same thing done over.

Heh. *Holds up hand*. I watched the older series, way back when. But for me, maybe it was because I took the episodes out of order. But the drama still felt like something I'd seen before. And honestly? I think for me I really hated how many women were treated, although that sounds weird. They were either bitches, or whiners/weaklings, and I know people praised Starbuck and the President (whatserface) for being such strong characters. But when (was it Apollo? Adama's son?) treated his wife like so much garbage in episode after episode, I absolutely turned it off.
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Most of the characters turned into complete assholes or bitches at one time or another, that's why it was fun to watch. It is imaginable that we'd all turn into assholes put under similar stresses.
Most of the characters turned into complete assholes or bitches at one time or another, that's why it was fun to watch. It is imaginable that we'd all turn into assholes put under similar stresses.

Yeeeah, maybe. But maybe that's why it frustrated me. Li'l idealist me wants to see my good guys good and my bad guys evil. Not necessarily in a black and white way, sure I love me some shades of gray. But when people cross a line and never choose to redeem themselves? That frustrates me.
They were either bitches, or whiners/weaklings, and I know people praised Starbuck and the President (whatserface) for being such strong characters.

I dunno Starbuck swore, drunk, was overly aggressive, unprofessional and an ass-hole. A typical hormone driven male action hero would act like this.
It just looked weird for a girl to perform such a role. And I don't attribute it to character strength at all - not even if she was a man (as it were in original series).
I dunno Starbuck swore, drunk, was overly aggressive, unprofessional and an ass-hole. A typical hormone driven male action hero would act like this.
It just looked weird for a girl to perform such a role. And I don't attribute it to character strength at all - not even if she was a man (as it were in original series).

Exactly. A bitch.

If the roles were reversed, I would've called him an asshole. I didn't like the Chief's POV either. But again, the show just rubbed me the wrong way from the get-go. It's not anything personal; it just wasn't my type of show. I couldn't embrace any of the characters and I couldn't feel for them. I couldn't feel attached to anything they did.

Now Firefly? That's a whole different story.
No. She was an overly emotional retarded bitch.

If anything she was an ENFP with a constant period. Except women on their rags cry occasionally. This girl was just a plain bitch to anyone who had any authority over her. She wasn't an ENTP.

As an ENTP, William Adama was a respectable character who made intelligent choices. She seemed like she had daddy issues.