being an INFJ


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Who's the most different INFJ here? I wonder if anyone, that who, is dare to speak no matter what may others would say. Perhaps I am. I am the expressive one. I still don't know everything. I am the most foolish being. I write not from my head, but I just listen to my soul and my both hands just do their job independently. I don't exist in this world. I consider myself as physically dead, like a disembodiment. Sometimes I'm afraid of myself, because I don't know what will happen by me in the future, for even I, can't predict myself because I can recognize all the color shades. I'm beyond the grip of my own hands. I didn't feel like any agony when someone destroy my own temple-physically invulnerable, but emotionally vulnerable. I can't notice the slip of times. I had remained as I am, my thoughts preserved, and what I feel and believe still resides since I was in the days of my childhood. Nothing has changed, and the ways of people around me. The voice the crowd still echoing inside in my head, every tounge, that makes me now even stronger.It is a great responsibility of being an INFJ.
I think being an INFJ means learning constantly to be more of your soul and wanting to find ways to express that, no matter what.

Faithwise, my God (who is Most Holy) is more real than I am and He is the reason I walk and speak without fear.

I just have to balance out my awe reflex. Fucking takes over me sometimes.
I think being an INFJ means learning constantly to be more of your soul and wanting to find ways to express that, no matter what.Faithwise, my God (who is Most Holy) is more real than I am and He is the reason I walk and speak without fear.I just have to balance out my awe reflex. Fucking takes over me sometimes.
Yeah, it's hard though.
Yeah, it's hard though.

Idk, it may be what makes us attractive to others? My husband would walk over broken glass for me.

I think my development has been pivotal since accepting there is evil in the world and learning how to dismantle it rather than worry somehow that could happen to me, inadvertently. I seriously don't want any of that in my life.
I guess I'll dare to speak and not let my expectation of the blank stares and incredulous guffaws scare me!
In our case, Fe can free us from preoccupation with our intuitions for a while, so paradoxically it heips us as well as the other. Gets us off that hellish Ni/Ti loop we can slip into. What good are our intuitions if they remain inside of us, without some kind of structure, some sense that they have significance?
Also, our Fe communions need not be restricted to other people. We can hear the nonverbal messages in a
Beethoven sonata, or share in the mute wisdom of the trees in the woods near our house, or take part in the little pack of dogs we share our home with and use our empathy to try to see the world through their eyes.
Not only do these forays remind us of our responsibilities and urge us to act on our goodwill, all the intuitions we can"t help but percieve will gives us hours of introverted pleasure as we sort them all out later, at home on our couches!