Best trance/meditation music


Regular Poster
I am looking to start meditating again, I used to do it regularly and the benefits were notable. I find it easiest to do with music, no running water/bird sounds, it has to be constant textured noise of some sort, or at least I find taht works best. Drums are somewhat not flowing enough I find usually but why not.

Post tracks/music that is most likely to induce trance.

thanks much for answers if there are any.
[MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION] and [MENTION=5045]Skarekrow[/MENTION] might have some good ideas.
well ... Trance music can induce a state of trance, if you can pick the right tracks that is, majority of modern producers of this genre of music tend to not use the old school stylistics, witch tend help you hypnotise yourself. Keep in mind that this is a form of EDM (Electronic Dance Music), not the "put your hand in the air college party" kind however.

This one does a good job for me.

This one does a surprisingly good job, I guess it has to do with the simple kick, offbeat bass it has going for it.

This one is super repetitive and hypnotising.

PS: In the heights of this music's popularity in Israel there used to be event called Meditations Raves or Techno Meditation events, where people would go to a Trance Music event with the idea to enter a Meditative State. It would look like your typical Rave, a dark room/hall with a bunch of people dancing to the music the DJ is playing, however at roughly the end of the set the DJ would play a white noise and everyone would stop dancing, lie on the ground fill the room with total silence from the participants.
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If you wish lower tempo, here are some good examples.





If you like the options presented feel free to ask for more.
I am looking to start meditating again, I used to do it regularly and the benefits were notable. I find it easiest to do with music, no running water/bird sounds, it has to be constant textured noise of some sort, or at least I find taht works best. Drums are somewhat not flowing enough I find usually but why not.

Post tracks/music that is most likely to induce trance.

thanks much for answers if there are any.

Have you tried just the simple (yet not) “Om” repetitive chant?
The idea is to refocus your mind each time it is said back in the now (as our minds like to wander in the past and future that don’t exist).
There are many on youtube.
Have you tried just the simple (yet not) “Om” repetitive chant?
The idea is to refocus your mind each time it is said back in the now (as our minds like to wander in the past and future that don’t exist).
There are many on youtube.

Yeah I do that, but more often than not I need music to drown out background noise because I live surrounded by room mates in a city yah see. Om and general humming is fine if I have silence.
Yeah I do that, but more often than not I need music to drown out background noise because I live surrounded by room mates in a city yah see. Om and general humming is fine if I have silence.

Try this one….this is usually what I put on when I meditate in certain ways…it has no surprise drums or bird chirps or shit….just consistent tones.

Otherwise…invest in some noise-cancelling headphones maybe??

I like some of Paul Collier's music for these purposes, too. He's fairly prolific, so sometimes you have to sift through his songs to find ones that work for you.

Here's one:


From the song description:

"This composition includes sound patterns that are specifically designed to induce brain waves associated with a relaxed state of mind, based on the science and research of brainwave entrainment- to learn more, check out this link:"

I find that I like to cut out all the extra stuff sometimes too, so if you want to try something where there it's more so just noise, rather than music, there's stuff like this.


We're you going for something with more of a musical element (minus drums, as you mentioned), something around these lines, or maybe both?
I enjoy meditating to Gregorian Chants from time to time. And other stuff. Just posting this since it doesn't tend to get brought up in discussions like these.

I also enjoy Mongolian Chant but it's not for everyone

I think you can meditate to most ambient/atmospheric music,
depending on your taste. Follow your sense of beauty :smile:
But since you asked for specific recommendations,
this one in particular has been one of my go-to's
(Liquid Mind has multiple albums, so this is just a sample):


Or you can also try Qawwali or Sufi Music. This is the type used by dervishes for dance/whirling meditation,
but I think it can also be used for sitting practice.


Also, you might try some music with mystical/poetic narrative, like this:

I've found that acoustic harp music is a very effective way of clearing out scattered thoughts that are like cobwebs preventing a calm state of mind. I recently ran across Yasmeen Olya's hybrid of Celtic and Sufi harp playing with nonsensical words:


A lot of Christian chanting is very relaxing, as well. Marcel Pérès (and the Ensemble Organum's) Ecole Notre Dame Messe De La Nativite' De La Vierge is my favorite album for this