Binary vs. Spectrum


Variable Hybrid
This might be rather elementary for some of you, but it seems like it is worth mentioning, especially to those new to the cognitive function theory...

MBTI type appears to be a binary equation of Yes or No to the various axis it measures. For example, according the the standard interpretation of MBTI type, a person is either an Introvert or an Extrovert... either an Intuitive or a Sensor... either a Feeler or a Thinker... either a Judger or a Perceiver. It is easy to assume that these attributes are absolutes, but that's almost as far from the truth as you could get.

Introverts also have Extroverted needs and tendencies, and vice versa.
Intuitives also have Sensing needs and tendencies, and vice versa.
Feelers also have Thinking needs and tendencies, and vice versa.
Judgers also have Perceiver needs and tendencies, and vice versa.

This is because everyone uses all of their cognitive functions at all times. More importantly, everyone uses the cognitive functions that are best suited for a task - even if that task isn't one of their primary functions. For example, in reading this, you're likely using more Ti than Ni or Fe if you're an INFJ.

Therefore, not only do we use our cognitive functions in their own measure, the use of them and especially our capacities with them are a spectrum rather than a binary condition. Some people have better development with certain functions and less with others. We're all unique in our own development. Much like fingerprints, there are some clear tendencies, but each is still unique. One INFJ might have a stronger Ni and Ti than most INFJs, while another INFJ might have a stronger Fe and Se than most INFJs. It might even happen than an especially well developed ESTP might have a better developed Ni and Fe than most INFJs. We're all unique.

So what is type?

The simplest answer is "MBTI Type represents which cognitive functions an individual shows preference to most often over time". This means that over the course of a long duration, let's say a year, the functions that a person most often uses and relies upon begin to reveal themselves. However, in a short duration, and especially in any given moment, function preferences may or may not be especially clear.

Over time, an Introverted person will show a preference toward introversion, but that doesn't mean they will never have extroverted moments. Depending on the individual, this might be a difficult thing to discern because that person might have developed a solid set of extroverted traits.

Over time, a Feeling person will show a preference toward Feeling functions, but that doesn't mean they will never have Thinking preference moments. Not only do Feelers think, and Thinkers feel, but both types are equally capable of giving preference to the other functions depending on the situation(s). What makes a person a Feeler is that in the long term, they show an overall preference toward their Feeling functions.

The same is true of Intuition and Sensing, Judging and Perception.

An INFJ is perfectly capable of not only extroverting, sensing, thinking, and perceiving, an INFJ is capable of giving preference to those functions in various situations. What makes a person an INFJ is the fact that over time, in the long term, that individual shows preference toward introversion, intuition, feeling, and judging (as well as showing a preference for Ni, Fe, Ti, and Se).

In other words, you do not fit the type. The type fits you. You are unique. The type is static. The point at which you meet is the point where the type matches your overall pattern. That's why type is often referred to as "Best Fit". The people at the Myers Briggs Foundation understand this, and so did Carl Jung. So please, don't limit yourself by the description of INFJ, but instead use it as a stepping stone to your further growth, using it to help you compensate for any weaknesses you might share with it as well as capitalizing on any strengths that you have from it.
Sometimes people's preferences are clear in most cases. Their cognitive function development pattern usually looks something like this. Notice the sharp angle from their dominant function down to their inferior function. This person would have difficulty putting any of their functions ahead of the ones before them, so their preference order stays rather 'visible' - making discerning of type possible over a short period of time.

View attachment 7998

However, with some people, it is more difficult to discern their preferences. Their cognitive function development pattern often looks more like this. Notice the angle between dominant and inferior functions is much more level. The difference in preference will allow this person to frequently shift the preferences of their functions. Even the inferior function could overtake the dominant in certain circumstances - making discerning type only possible over a long duration.

View attachment 7999

Assuming a solid degree of self awareness, the better developed your functions are, the more difficulty you will have discerning your type. There will be a lot of "could go either way" moments - and that is a very good thing. It means you're becoming closer and closer to having all of your functions fully developed - which is the ideal of this system.

Where you are in your own personal development, and how you get there is what makes you unique within this system of spectrums. There is no binary with the human mind, only scales and preferences unique to the individual.
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VH said:
This is because everyone uses all of their cognitive functions at all times. More importantly, everyone uses the cognitive functions that are best suited for a task - even if that task isn't one of their primary functions. For example, in reading this, you're likely using more Ti than Ni or Fe if you're an INFJ.

Functions are not used.

You don't use Ne when you're brainstorming.
You don't use Ni when writing something that doesn't make sense whatsoever.
You don't use Se when playing baseball.
You don't use Ti when doing maths.

People with those functions tend to be attracted to these activities, but in no way you use functions when doing something.

I'm ENTP. I'm Ne dom. That means I see the world in matters of possibilities. That's what Ne is. It's not what you're using when you think about hippopotamuses eating lamps. And this works for every type.

Functions are not skills.

INFJs will first perceive the world with Ni (dominant perceiving). They will analyze/judge/apply/etc. Fe to it. Fe will be balanced with Ti (otherwise the INFJ will explode). And finally you have the poor little immature Se at the end who will take the longer to develop.

VH said:
Therefore, not only do we use our cognitive functions in their own measure, the use of them and especially our capacities with them are a spectrum rather than a binary condition. Some people have better development with certain functions and less with others. We're all unique in our own development. Much like fingerprints, there are some clear tendencies, but each is still unique. One INFJ might have a stronger Ni and Ti than most INFJs, while another INFJ might have a stronger Fe and Se than most INFJs. It might even happen than an especially well developed ESTP might have a better developed Ni and Fe than most INFJs. We're all unique.
The bolded is very unlikely. A very mature ESTP will have a Fe and a Ni that will balance their Se and Ti very well, but you can't compare it to INFJ.

VH said:
So what is type?
Baby don't hurt me.

VH said:
Over time, an Introverted person will show a preference toward introversion, but that doesn't mean they will never have extroverted moments. Depending on the individual, this might be a difficult thing to discern because that person might have developed a solid set of extroverted traits.
Extroversion is NOT related to being with people. It's about putting more importance to the external world (yeah, poor grammar). The external world isn't limited to other people.

VH said:
In other words, you do not fit the type. The type fits you. You are unique.
Aww <3
Wrong again, Majesty.

But, thanks for trying to overclarify something that was intended to be simple, as well as running off on tangents that are unrelated assumptions. Your Ne and Ti really need some balance... or at minimum a leash.

Edit: Though I find it interesting that an ENTP is trying to argue themselves INTO a box.
Mind explaining why instead of "insulting" my poor little Ne/Ti? :3

Okay fine... since you were 'insulted' and I wasn't intending to 'insult' you.

Functions are not used.

They absolutely are. They are not deliberately and consciously used in the way that someone chooses to pick up some bowling pins and juggle. However, much like with juggling, the use of them eventually becomes a subconscious reflex.

You don't use Ne when you're brainstorming.
You don't use Ni when writing something that doesn't make sense whatsoever.
You don't use Se when playing baseball.
You don't use Ti when doing maths.

Actually you do.

You also use other functions. As an ENTP, you are primarily using Ti when doing maths, but you're also drawing upon Si for memory of math formulas, Ne for how to process the equations, and Fe to strengthen how your Ti feels things should work. If it is busy work that requires no problem solving, you're going to be using your Ti and Si much more than your Ne.

All of the cognitive functions are used in conjunction with one another. The distinction in personality type is which of them has preference - most often.

People with those functions tend to be attracted to these activities, but in no way you use functions when doing something.

False. People are attracted to these activities because they like to use the preferred functions that correspond to them.

I'm ENTP. I'm Ne dom. That means I see the world in matters of possibilities. That's what Ne is. It's not what you're using when you think about hippopotamuses eating lamps. And this works for every type.

Being an ENTP means you most often begin your thought process at Ne, and most often center your cognition upon Ne. You are not restricted to always approaching the world from Ne. It's simply the most reflexive and comfortable approach for you.

Also, thinking about hippopotamuses eating lamps isn't necessarily Ne, but to suddenly jump to the idea of it with no segue is in fact Ne.

Functions are not skills.

This is true. They are functions, which must be used to perform their function. You can't multiply in a math problem if you don't use the function of multiplication. However, that doesn't mean that development, use, and preference are things that cannot be improved. They automatically improve with use, just like muscle memory, and any other function.

INFJs will first perceive the world with Ni (dominant perceiving). They will analyze/judge/apply/etc. Fe to it. Fe will be balanced with Ti (otherwise the INFJ will explode). And finally you have the poor little immature Se at the end who will take the longer to develop.

This is the typical formula for an INFJ. INFJs are not bound to this formula. That's the entire point to the OP. No one is bound by their type's typical mode of operation. Sure, an INFJ is over time going to lead with Ni and Fe more than any other functions, but that doesn't mean they always lead with Ni and Fe. As an ENTP you are not always going to lead with Ne and Ti, but over time it will be clear that these are your preferred functions. The distinction might seem trivial, but it is very important. The incorrect interpretation of the model implies an 'always' condition that is entirely inaccurate.

The bolded is very unlikely. A very mature ESTP will have a Fe and a Ni that will balance their Se and Ti very well, but you can't compare it to INFJ.

Of course it is very unlikely. That's why I used it as an example of extremes. A very mature ESTP will likely have a better developed Ni and Fe than an under developed INFJ. The distinction between the types is the fact that the ESTP prefers more often than not to rely upon Se and Ti - regardless of the strength of those functions.

Baby don't hurt me.

Focus, Danielsan!

Extroversion is NOT related to being with people. It's about putting more importance to the external world (yeah, poor grammar). The external world isn't limited to other people.

I never said extroversion applied to relating to people. It is exactly this manner of assumption that your Ne makes and your Ti runs with that is causing the miscommunications between us. You read what I write, jump to a tangent, then accuse me of errors when the error is your assumption.

Please stop and think before you spin out in my threads. Most importantly, please re-read my posts for evidence of your assumptions before you reply. I'm not trying to bust your chops. I have several very dear ENTP friends in real life who have this same problem in life and it hinders them. I'm trying to help you overcome this issue. Stop. Breathe. Think. Before you react. It will save you a lot of problems down the road.
VH said:
Okay fine... since you were 'insulted' and I wasn't intending to 'insult' you.
Lol, I never said I was insulted. You seem to like attacking people's functions instead of them personally. My Ne approves of your novelty.

VH said:
Actually you do.

You also use other functions. As an ENTP, you are primarily using Ti when doing maths, but you're also drawing upon Si for memory of math formulas, Ne for how to process the equations, and Fe to strengthen how your Ti feels things should work. If it is busy work that requires no problem solving, you're going to be using your Ti and Si much more than your Ne.

All of the cognitive functions are used in conjunction with one another. The distinction in personality type is which of them has preference - most often.
Whaaat? I'll quote someone on another forum: Functions are mindsets, not skillsets.
You misunderstood what they're about.

Let's say four people see a tree (overused example, but whatever) and pay attention to it:

The Se/Ni one will see nothing more than a tree. It would be highly annoyed at those who try to overanalyze it. Because Se is about seeing this as they are concretly and in the moment.
The Ne/Si one may wonder how how the tree is, if dogs often pee on it, why trees aren't blue, if if if if maybe maybe maybe etc. Ne opposes Se. From its POV, possibilities are more important than reality itself.

Se isn't about riding a bicycle or whatever. I'd do Ni and Si too but I think you got the point.
Pe functions will pay attention to the tree itself. The tree is there, they don't doubt it. They're external functions. Pi (not the number) will not pay attention to the tree but about their own interpretation of it because introverted functions are self-centered like that.

That's what perceiving functions are about.

As for judging functions, it's the same thing. On a moral issue, Te will think about how something affects the objects, the $$$, whatever has no feelings (not including ENTJs) and if it fits with what the experts say. Fe will focus on how it affects people and if its considered right in society. Again, extroverted functions who care about the external stuff.

Ti will want it to make sense, Fi to be right, to be good.

We're pretty far from "omg Ti is math Fe is interpersonal relationships" here.

Maybe you were confusing with socionics?

VH said:
This is the typical formula for an INFJ. INFJs are not bound to this formula. That's the entire point to the OP. No one is bound by their type's typical mode of operation. Sure, an INFJ is over time going to lead with Ni and Fe more than any other functions, but that doesn't mean they always lead with Ni and Fe. As an ENTP you are not always going to lead with Ne and Ti, but over time it will be clear that these are your preferred functions. The distinction might seem trivial, but it is very important. The incorrect interpretation of the model implies an 'always' condition that is entirely inaccurate.
You always lead with your dominant function. Having a little Fe moment doesn't mean you magically become ENFJ for a while.

VH said:
Of course it is very unlikely. That's why I used it as an example of extremes. A very mature ESTP will likely have a better developed Ni and Fe than an under developed INFJ. The distinction between the types is the fact that the ESTP prefers more often than not to rely upon Se and Ti - regardless of the strength of those functions.
An ESTP can't have a more developped Ni than an INFJ because Ni and Se may balance each other, but are still opposites.

VH said:
Focus, Danielsan!

VH said:
I never said extroversion applied to relating to people. It is exactly this manner of assumption that your Ne makes and your Ti runs with that is causing the miscommunications between us. You read what I write, jump to a tangent, then accuse me of errors when the error is your assumption.
That's the only option I thought of. What do you mean then by "introverts having extrovert moments"? Introverts using their external functions? Of course they will.

If you're going to write a bunch of crap, at least say something like "Yay VH system".
We're pretty far from "omg Ti is math Fe is interpersonal relationships" here.

Clearly, but that doesn't change the fact that Ti is strongly used in math and Fe is strongly used in interpersonal relationships. The scope of the cognitive functions goes well beyond their stereotypical uses, but that doesn't mean the stereotypes aren't also included in their uses. Don't let your Ne change all of the facts once you've realized there is a discrepancy in a detail.

Maybe you were confusing with socionics?

I am not.

You always lead with your dominant function. Having a little Fe moment doesn't mean you magically become ENFJ for a while.

Actually, an INFJ, ESTP, or even ISTP can temporarily become an ENFJ. This might be the hurdle you're having trouble getting over. The mind most certainly adapts to stresses and situations by restructuring cognitive function preferences.

When stressed and unable to resolve the stress with their standard function preference, an ENTP will begin to withdraw and ponder going into a temporary INTP mode - delving deeper into their Ti. If the stress is strong enough that it cannot be overcome by the INTP mode, the ENTP will shift further into their functions putting their tertiary function on deck and thus mimic the ESFJ model - becoming very pushy, demanding, and insisting on "the facts" as they feel they should be (can be good or bad if the ENTP is trying to lead and be positive or if they are angry and being stubborn). If this mode won't solve the stress, the ENTP eventually withdraws into a deeper state where they mimic the ISFJ preferences, becoming too depressed to be especially creative, dwelling on the past and their feelings of how things should be, and trying to make everything work by being compliant.

Once the stress has been overcome, the ENTP will eventually regulate back to their standard mode of preferences. These stress induced states can be as simple as having a problem to solve or they can be life threatening. They can also be momentary or long term. Most importantly, the more you are in any of them, the more you are going to not only develop your other functions - you're going to become more and more fluid at reflexively switching preference modes to adapt. When a situation arises that always requires your ESFJ mode (such as needing to put on the charm and 'get along'), you'll be much better suited to switch temporarily as well as integrate your well developed Ne and Ti into the ESFJ mode while you're in it.

Eventually, you'll begin to be able to seamlessly integrate all of your functions into any preference configuration much the way a juggler learns to juggle different items and in different numbers.

The reason that type is a representation of the most often preferred functions over time is precisely the fact that the mind adapts by restructuring preferences. A person is most often going to be in their base mode. Stress modes are not native states for the person, though they are very natural. Over time, the native state is most apparent. In any given moment, a snapshot of function preferences may or may not reflect the native state.

An ESTP can't have a more developped Ni than an INFJ because Ni and Se may balance each other, but are still opposites.

If I have 100 "points" of Ni and someone else has 101 "points" of Ni, who has more Ni?

Whether or not someone has preference in a particular function dictates their type. How much capacity they have (or can have) with that function is in no way limited by type. The only correlation is that function preferences tend to cause people to develop more in the functions that they use in proportion to the amount that they use them, but this is a side effect not cause and effect, and therefore a guideline and not a rule.

This is also why people who have had "difficult lives" are so often well developed cognitively. The more a person shifts into a stress mode, the more they develop their lesser functions.

That's the only option I thought of. What do you mean then by "introverts having extrovert moments"? Introverts using their external functions? Of course they will.

Introverted functions have a micro perspective that radiates outward. Eventually an introverted function can develop a large enough scope to mimic its extroverted counterpart. For example, Ti can understand how things work on a small scale, integrate these understandings into a larger scale, integrate those understandings until Ti begins to overlap the Te macro perspective. It will never be Te, but it can eventually pretend when developed well enough. This is how shadow functions work.

Extroverted functions have a macro perspective that radiates inward. The same is true in reverse. Extroverted functions can develop a small enough scope to eventually mimic introverted functions. Ne can eventually develop a precise enough perspective that it can mimic Ni. This will never be true Ni, but it can perform the role of Ni to a degree in proportion to how well developed the person's Ne is. Again, this is a shadow function effect.

Now that we've laid out how stress modes help develop lesser functions, we can see how shadow functions are also developed in the same process. The more Ne you develop, the more you can mimic Ni (via your Ne and Ti working together). The more Ti you develop, the more Te you will be able to mimic (again via your Ne and Ti working together). The more Fe you develop, the more Fi you can mimic (via Ti and Fe working together). The more Si you develop, the better suited you will be to mimic Se (via Ne and Si working together).

If you're going to write a bunch of crap, at least say something like "Yay VH system".

The fact that this is my opinion is a given since I'm writing it without quotes, just like your opinion is a given when you post. The difference here is I know what I am talking about and am basing this on the work of Beebe, Thomson, and others - while your Ne keeps shooting you off into tangents based on your limited Ti's ability to logically grasp the big picture. Once you develop both of these functions more, you'll be able to make more precise observations (and be less tangential) as well as see how things relate on a logical level (rather than over focusing on the minutia). In a sense, you'll develop the ability to step into a temporary Ni and Te effect that will be rooted in Ne and Ti. However, you're clearly not there yet... and it will be a real shame if your Fe rejects this opportunity to grow.
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VH said:
Clearly, but that doesn't change the fact that Ti is strongly used in math and Fe is strongly used in interpersonal relationships. The scope of the cognitive functions goes well beyond their stereotypical uses, but that doesn't mean the stereotypes aren't also included in their uses. Don't let your Ne change all of the facts once you've realized there is a discrepancy in a detail.
Wtf? You most likely still don't understand what Ti is. Here's (another) example.

Joe: What do you think about war?

Fi person: War is WRONG! It's against my values! Omgomgomg! STOP WAR!!!11
Ti: War is ok because it's natural for humans to fight. It's in their nature. It wouldn't make sense to ask to stop war.

Fi judges things based on its values. Ti on its logic (which does not mean that Ti is logical).

So Ti users can be attracted to maths, but Ti is NOT used because that's not what it's about.

As for Fe. Someone with Fe is more likely to have good social skills than someone who doesn't, but that doesn't mean that you're using Fe when talking to someone.

Fe users are usually good with people because they value the values (lul) accepted in society (unlike Fi who's all like "omg mi values are more important!!1"). That's it.

(No offense Fi. Ti isn't really better.)

VH said:
Actually, an INFJ, ESTP, or even ISTP can temporarily become an ENFJ. This might be the hurdle you're having trouble getting over. The mind most certainly adapts to stresses and situations by restructuring cognitive function preferences.
No. When stressed you put more importance over your tertiary and inferior functions, but still lead with your dominant function (hence the poor auxiliary being repressed). You can't change type. An INFJ will go in some kind of weird NiTiOmg mode, but they don't become ISTP or whatever.

VH said:
When stressed and unable to resolve the stress with their standard function preference, an ENTP will begin to withdraw and ponder going into a temporary INTP mode - delving deeper into their Ti. If the stress is strong enough that it cannot be overcome by the INTP mode, the ENTP will shift further into their functions putting their tertiary function on deck and thus mimic the ESFJ model - becoming very pushy, demanding, and insisting on "the facts" as they feel they should be (can be good or bad if the ENTP is trying to lead and be positive or if they are angry and being stubborn). If this mode won't solve the stress, the ENTP eventually withdraws into a deeper state where they mimic the ISFJ preferences, becoming too depressed to be especially creative, dwelling on the past and their feelings of how things should be, and trying to make everything work by being compliant.
This is true, but again that doesn't make you change your type. You just become a more unhealthy version of your type. Changing your type would make you magically change your views on everything. There's a big difference between IP/EP and IJ/EJs (dominant perceiver -> dominant judge (sounds fancy)).

VH said:
If I have 100 "points" of Ni and someone else has 101 "points" of Ni, who has more Ni?
You can't have "points of Ni". What the heck are you talking about o_O
It's not something you can objectively mesure. You little Te-dom wannabe D:

VH said:
Introverted functions have a micro perspective that radiates outward. Eventually an introverted function can develop a large enough scope to mimic its extroverted counterpart. For example, Ti can understand how things work on a small scale, integrate these understandings into a larger scale, integrate those understandings until Ti begins to overlap the Te macro perspective. It will never be Te, but it can eventually pretend when developed well enough. This is how shadow functions work blah blah blah
Ne is already very similar to Se (just like Ni and Si, Ti and Fi, Te and Fe) and the only way to it to mimic Se is to pretend to be Se but there would be no point in doing that
Ne and Si share the same overall point of view so it will only become less like Se and Ni

VH said:
The fact that this is my opinion is a given since I'm writing it without quotes, just like your opinion is a given when you post. The difference here is I know what I am talking about and am basing this on the work of Beebe, Thomson, and others - while your Ne keeps shooting you off into tangents based on your limited Ti's ability to logically grasp the big picture. Once you develop both of these functions more, you'll be able to make more precise observations (and be less tangential) as well as see how things relate on a logical level (rather than over focusing on the minutia). In a sense, you'll develop the ability to step into a temporary Ni and Te effect that will be rooted in Ne and Ti. However, you're clearly not there yet... and it will be a real shame if your Fe rejects this opportunity to grow.
Sweetie, you entertain me. I forgot how much fun it is to watch ENTPs make their giant leaps of illogic.

It's funny how you keep calling me illogical, but never actually give me a logical reason why.
Should I blame it on your oh sadly weak Ti ?
It's funny how you keep calling me illogical, but never actually give me a logical reason why.
Should I blame it on your oh sadly weak Ti ?

That's possible, though this seems to be a classic case of my Ni not being able to enunciate in a way that is especially clear to non-Ni users combined with your Ti's expectation that I clarify to a degree that Ni isn't capable of expressing. The end result - I can't explain this in a way that you are capable of understanding, and therefore your Ti is going to misinterpret what I'm saying by being too literal, leaving your Ne to make tangents that take you further from what I'm trying to communicate.

In effect, a little microcosm of Jungian miscommunication on both our parts.

But, feel free to be egocentric and assume I'm just wrong rather than the problem being your inability to grasp where I am coming from and my inability to present it in a manner that would be obvious and clarified enough to make sense to you. Also an option for the ENTP stereotype.
That's possible, though this seems to be a classic case of my Ni not being able to enunciate in a way that is especially clear to non-Ni users combined with your Ti's expectation that I clarify to a degree that Ni isn't capable of expressing. The end result - I can't explain this in a way that you are capable of understanding, and therefore your Ti is going to misinterpret what I'm saying by being too literal, leaving your Ne to make tangents that take you further from what I'm trying to communicate.

In effect, a little microcosm of Jungian miscommunication on both our parts.

But, feel free to be egocentric and assume I'm just wrong rather than the problem being your inability to grasp where I am coming from and my inability to present it in a manner that would be obvious and clarified enough to make sense to you. Also an option for the ENTP stereotype.
You don't understand the functions. I explained you why, what they are and why the weird model you're using doesn't work. You call me illogical because you're proven wrong.

You don't understand the functions. I explained you why, what they are and why the weird model you're using doesn't work. You call me illogical because you're proven wrong.


Sweetie, you haven't proven anything. You've stated your myopic opinions, then stated that I'm wrong, with the proof being your opinions.

ENTPs are so funny. You guys think your opinions are facts.
Sweetie, you haven't proven anything. You've stated your myopic opinions, then stated that I'm wrong, with the proof being your opinions.

ENTPs are so funny. You guys think your opinions are facts.

I did, darling. (No idea why we call each other like that, but ok why not). What I stated wasn't my opinion. It's the accurate function model (according to Thompson).
If you see "Lol u use Ti when u do maths" in any valuable book, tell me.
I did, darling. (No idea why we call each other like that, but ok why not).

Because it's fun. Duh.

What I stated wasn't my opinion. It's the accurate function model (according to Thompson).

It is your interpretation of the Thomson model. (There is no P in her name.) Your Ti isn't allowing you to take the next step in integrating these theories in this thing called progress... part of which I might add Thomson was, as her theories progressed Jung's work, just as Beebe and others you don't seem to accept or understand (such as cognitive function preference adaptation) progressed this theory and understanding. Your Ti is holding you back, and your Ne won't let you see it.

If you see "Lol u use Ti when u do maths" in any valuable book, tell me.

You seem to be requiring references. Let's take a look at the ENTP in its natural environment...


Yes, clearly, ENTPs are not capable of "Lol u use Ti when u do maths" as you put it... Nothing but logical truth coming out of him.
Mine and almost everyone else's.

Just give up. What you are saying is wrong. Your opinion may be right as far as you are concerned, but just because it is your opinion (and you think everyone else shares it - as you interpreted it like that), doesn't make it fact. This is besides the fact that the MBTI and related concepts are all theories, which by their nature, are unprovable and have no one truth.

You might want to take this into consideration:
It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
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