

Si master race.
How many do you read in a year?
Between 7 and 10, depending on how much coursework I have.
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For classes - 4-7 maybe.

Leisure reading is more 2-3 books entirely. I'll start 4-5 books but not finish them. So yeah, 2-3 sound about right.

And oh yeah, I'm a slow reader. Takes me a while to get through a book.
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For enjoyment somewhere around 15 a year. Add in classes (English/History) and the total gets skewed to somewhere between 35-45. For one class alone this semester I have 14 novels and 1 textbook to devour.
I used to read tens of books a year, but now I've slowed down to 4 or 5 normally. I've read a bit more this year- I'm thinking maybe 6 or 7?- on account of having access to a friend's extensive (though temporary) library.
about 250 if you include audiobooks. (I listen to them every day while working.) about 25-30 if you're just talking written word.
Usually between 10-25. I read five over the summer, hoorah! Three were for my AP English Lit. class so they don't really count, I guess.

The more funding for books, the more I read. I have this coming in from Barnes and Noble at the moment, with this, this, and this afterwards.
One after another, continually, constantly. I have massive, sagging book cases and piles stacked everywhere--annoys the hell out of my orderly, organized INFJ, but many of the books are hers. Kindles and nooks (and the like) are for wimps and tight asses (arses). When I become demented and have to move to an assisted living facility, my kids are going to have one hell of a time with this solid mass of intellectual detritus. Serves them right for not calling me often enough.
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About 1 every 2-3 weeks, so between 16-24 a year. Most are fantasy or sci-fi. I've been reading far more since I got a Kindle2.... just so darn easy to take everywhere. =)

(As an aside, my husband and I have a massive combined hard-copy library as well. This was not fun to move up 3 floors of stairs.)
i have barely read at all since finishing uni last year, it burned me out, i'm trying to get started again.
Not counting non fiction I read one novel a year. I am not a reading enthusiast but I do admire people that are.
A couple hundred.