Bootlegged Videos :o


Community Member
Okay. I'm sneaky. Don't ask ... But I found a strategy to get access to videos private. I actually purchased these videos. But then came across them on youtube by happenstance on my phone. There's no access to them online however. Apparently the user has them listed private. I have no idea how or why this little i-phone loop hole exists but it does. The only way I could see them on my laptop was to migrate them through an account and voila! It worked. I do not know how long it will be before the user will notice the copyright no no. And I do not care that I'm sharing. I found it on the street and as far as I'm concerned, if it's left on the curb it's public property till they retrieve it. :P

However, I do encourage reading their books. In conjunction with Naranjo, and Sandra, and Almaas ... it's all good.
The videos are awesome of course because they're short and sweet (and to the point).

Incredibly accurate as far as a comprehensive feel for the tri-types. (at least for me and my best friend). But of course, you have to throw in the filter of the MBTI type and life experience and the individuals choices etc. So I know I'm redundantly rambling but yes, take this stuff with the overall bigger picture in mind. That is all.

I hope they stay up for awhile. But like I said, for whatever the reasons, when I went of the youtube, and searched, they aren't there.
And 2 of the 27 videos barked they're on a private list so I don't have 2 of the 27 up.
But hey ... the majority is there so that's not too shabby now as far as I'm concerned. ;)


and I have another album with Claudio lectures I personally find fantastico! so there's that too.
Not sure where part 2 is but these videos aren't private so no worries there.
Thank you for posting this, i've been into the enneagram for a long time, and i haven't seen those videos, so this is gold for me so thanks again, i will make myself some time to see them.
I'm a 259 tritype and that video was very accurate.