Britney Murphy Dead at 32!!

Yep, I just saw this. I am disappointed. :(
I really liked her...she was one of my faves...Very sad!
That's too bad. I wonder what really happened? :/ 32 is pretty darn young.
I know. :-(
I'm pretty upset...I just didn't see this coming! This cute, bubbly woman. This is totally and completely unexpected. She died the same way MJ died; Cardiac arrest...

R.I.P. BM.
She was a smart and lovely person, capable of making even very superficial movies interesting. I'll miss her. RIP, Brittany.
I'm shocked.
Is it just me or does it seem like we've had a lot of celebrity deaths in the last year or so?
Yeah, i was shocked.
Wow. This is awful. That's so sad.
I wouldnt be surprised if it was drug related...but it is still sad! She apparently was fired from her last movie for being difficult.
"died after full cardiac arrest and could not be revived" usually means drug interaction. Amphetamines and barbiturates/alcohol are the most common interaction that will cause respiratory shut down, leading to cardiac arrest.

That'd jive with the whole problematic on set with "The Caller".
I'd never followed her, but it's always said when someone dies.

And it's not that more celebs are dying; it's that stars are in the news for dying younger. If she died ten or fifteen years from now it wouldn't really be publicized as heavily.