
Community Member
Anyone here into Battlestar Galactica??

I think when I first heard about the show a couple years ago I thought "eww...corny sci fi". Then I watched it and have been totally addicted....the only thing I watch on TV these days.
I haven't ever watched it, but it's been highly recommended to me by another forum member, so it's bumped to the head of my To Watch list (once I finish my box set of the BBC's Sherlock Holmes).
I've seen a couple episodes, and I can see why people like it, but for me, its one of those shows I watch if there's nothing else good on.
BBC's Sherlock Holmes sounds awesome....I used to watch Sherlock Holmes on PBS years ago on their show "Mystery!" ... great series.
BBC's Sherlock Holmes sounds awesome....I used to watch Sherlock Holmes on PBS years ago on their show "Mystery!" ... great series.
Yup, that's the one! Jeremy Brett as Holmes. Got it for Xmas (it's the only thing I asked for/got).

I adore the show, and I've never been able to watch it before - in order - from beginning to end.

I do love having whole series on DVD and I tend to want to travel way backwards or way ahead in time for my escapism :)
I really like Battlestar Galactica. And I think I still have a crush on Starbuck...
I love that show! It rocks. Wait....does that makes me a sci-fi geek?:m129:
Nope, geeks are the ones who actually learn to speak alien languages, dress up as their favorite characters to conventions, and name their kids after characters on their favorite shows.
Nope, geeks are the ones who actually learn to speak alien languages, dress up as their favorite characters to conventions, and name their kids after characters on their favorite shows.

I'm naming my kid Worf.

And I'm personally VERY into BSG. I insist that the rest of the world does not exist when a new episode airs.
But that is only one of the criteria. Can you speak Kilngon? And have you dressed as one?

If not, you aren't a geek.
But that is only one of the criteria. Can you speak Kilngon? And have you dressed as one?

If not, you aren't a geek.

I've dressed as a Star Wars character or two.

And I know a bit about Star Trek technical manuals (I speak engineer!).

Close enough?
I've dressed as a Star Wars character or two.

And I know a bit about Star Trek technical manuals (I speak engineer!).

Close enough?
Close enough for me, but the geek world probably wouldn't accept you as one of them unless you did all of the above with one specific show, and you'd be labeled a conformist unless its a classics show, and then it'd be considered a cliche...
I think when I first heard about the show a couple years ago I thought "eww...corny sci fi". Then I watched it and have been totally addicted....the only thing I watch on TV these days.


I'm geeking it up on another forum using a series of different Starbuck pics as my avatar, I'm embracing this form of geek, it's addictive :D
I've never seen scifi as good as this. The tension, the charaters, the story it sucks me in.

When this series first came out scifi channel wasn't sure if something this gloomy would be able to keep ratings. We all know the answer to that now.

I rather enjoy all it's sadness as it makes the happiness all the more golden.
Are you watching the new eps at all? Totally amazing!! (I won't comment in case of spoilers).

What really attracts me is the idea that even after being reduced to just 50,000, humans will still be humans - they will still fight amongst themselves for power, quarrel over little things, fall in love in appropriate (and perhaps not so appropriate) just seems so real.

I'm a huge fan of edward james olmos as well.
You better believe it! Only 6 episodes Left. I'm still curious about Baltar, too much has happened for him to be a regular person.
Don't you be giving out any spoilers! I'm so far behind it's not funny :(

Buuuuut... we have spoiler tags here so if you must, just type [ spoiler]text[/spoiler]

But if you tell me anything outside of spoiler tags that is a spoiler I will hunt you down and type-writer your chest until you beg for my forgiveness. You have been warned :wink: