Butter Crisis

we have to send butter to NORWAY now, or they will become terrorists. they want our BUTTER! =p
i like rubbing butter all over my body.

anyone from norway is welcome to lick it off me. except tommy.
This makes me wanna throw butta at yo' face!
We should get [MENTION=4948]Waitdontwait[/MENTION] 's opinion on this butter licking proposition! I think he's out only Norwegian?! He's super cool :)
We should get @Waitdontwait 's opinion on this butter licking proposition! I think he's out only Norwegian?! He's super cool :)

Thank god you don't live in Norway... you wouldn't have butter to keep that ass shiny :P
She's wearing a dress. So how come I think she's a dude?
Is there a cream crisis? Get started churning that shit out lazy ass. Why am I to blame for your butter problems? Jerkoff.
lol! I'm torn between whether or not this is a joke.
This is the first time I'm hearing of their butter crisis.
It's hilarious to me, but I can imagine how much it sucks to be without something that's at the core of your culinary practices, particularly at this time of year!
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okay, so there is no Parkay there or that cheapo imitation butter? I don't know the details about this, and have not paid attention to what happened really, been caught up in the holidays. How does an entire country run out of butter? lol... how does something like that happen? Laws against exporting butter from outside Norway? I don't understand lol
Apparently American comedians are getting lots of material out of Norway's butter products crisis, because a lack of butter is something Americans find hilarious. You can't turn on Comedy Central and not see Dane Cook cutting Norway a new one about their lack of pussycat cakes. Well, Norway's not gonna take it anymore! Enter Tommy*, one pissed off Norwegian who's mad as hell, and not taking it anymore! Tommy's threatening to come and eat your American butter in front of you and your family's eyes. She will force you to watch her eat all the butter that you were going to eat on Christmas eve. ning! And you will cry and scream and she will say, "Ah ha ha not my problem!" and then throw the empty tub on your stairway and go home. Ya burnt! And don't get her started on our disgusting soggsages. Take away: This holiday season, think of those less fortunate, and hold in your latest, "yo momma so fat cause she ate all the butter in Norway" jokes.
*Norwegian comedian Bj
Okay, this is the truth:

The main producer of butter in Norway, Tine, misjudged the production for 2011. Which resulted in a shortage of real butter. We still had some weird half-ass butter, but nobody likes that. So we were out of butter for almost a month. All of this resulted in attempts to smuggle Swedish and Danish butter into Norway. Weirdos. In the end, Tine had to import butter from Belgium.

That guy in the video on top of the thread is joking. Kinda.
Is there a cream crisis? Get started churning that shit out lazy ass. Why am I to blame for your butter problems? Jerkoff.

That's like saying black people shouldn't hate you because you had nothing to do with slavery. You need to take responsibility.

What if it were YOU who had no butter?! Would you be so callous?
That's like saying black people shouldn't hate you because you had nothing to do with slavery. You need to take responsibility.

What if it were YOU who had no butter?! Would you be so callous?

Black people? Thats just a fairy tale, there's no such thing as black people. Science says so.