Changing dreams or directions


so, what are some dreams or directions you found yourself changing and why? Did a better understanding of your personality type contribute to this need for change? For those who made the change, do you think it was a successful change?
I recently graduated with a degree in Business. I knew all along it was the logical/safe thing to do, because my likelihood of being employed was good and that life would be a bit easier.
After taking the MBTI test & realizing that I am more of a therapist to most of my friend. I have decided to go back to school next year to study Psychology & hopefully open a practice of my own...Now if I can afford to close when I feel overwhelmed from carrying my patients' burden, that would be ideal. :)
One thing that resonated with me is the saying that goes: "If your dreams don't scare you they are not big enough." DREAM BIg FELLOW INFJS ^_^
I changed from Pre-Med to Public Health. I've thought on several different careers. I feel this field will give me the most flexibility, opportunities to live abroad, etc. I will more than likely do other things on the side, counseling will probably be one of them :)