Child Stars


It seems as if there is an influx of child muscians becoming quite famous within the past few years (particularly the past year). Sure, many of them are talented but do you think they will reach the point of many other professional musicians?

The people I have in mind:

Rebecca Black- We'll see. She totes doesn't act like a 13 year old though. Watch the Leno interview.

J Biebs- He does have a really good voice and he worked very hard to get where he is at but how will he grow?

Willow and Jaden Smith- 10 and 12 years old respectively and were handed all of their opportunities. Willow inspired this thread. She hasn't worked for shit and now she's recording an album with Jay-Z at 10 years old while opening up for Biebs in arenas. I am a much better musician than she will ever be and it's not my main focus.

Miley Cyrus & The Jo Bros- Ok, I have problems with the Disney channel as well as their "artists" in general but I will leave these guys be just because I don't mind some of their music.

Taylor Swift- She doesn't fall into child superstar because she's 20 but how much a cliche is she? There are at least 10 girls that do the same thing during open mic night every tuesday night at my university. I'm sure she's a great person and stuff but I wouldn't put her into a world class musician category. And her lyrics are shallow/ self indulgent. As is she. Boys and simple chord progressions bring in the big bucks.

Note: I don't want to be one of the pretentious people that are like all "x is gay" in Youtube because I think their music sucks. When a true musician/artist presents themselves as such, I will respect them as one. I think that these people could become true artists but they all need some spice and uniqueness.

[ame=""]YouTube - Lady Gaga - Born This Way (Audio)[/ame]
I love that the world has become as it is. The fact that these "absurdities" exist, the fact it defies so much of what the society represents.

It's truly, beautiful. The fact that you made this thread stands testimonial to the beauty of our society and our times. It's irony!
Have you seen Greyson Chance? He's amazing and he's only 12 or 13.

There's nothing wrong with age, what matters is if the child is mature enough to endure the stress and the pressure.
Have you seen Greyson Chance? He's amazing and he's only 12 or 13.

There's nothing wrong with age, what matters is if the child is mature enough to endure the stress and the pressure.

Yeah! I found out about him today. He has an amazing voice and is great at piano.

[MENTION=3072]Royal[/MENTION] He is one of the kids who actually has talent that is remarkable. Do you think that Willow Smith has this talent. He was found. She was given the opportunity. See the difference.

Mozart was very young too so I agree it is not about age all of the time. Kids can be great musicians but the think is that many of them could use a few more years without all of that fame. It's just not good for development with most cases.

Although Greyson is good, do you think that he should demand the same respect that a band like Radiohead deserves right now?
Aside from my problems with big record lables turning kids with actual tallent into plastic popstars who all sing simarily bland and boring music and set our fashion trends, I have the simple problem that these quite young people are being turned into iconic symbols who aren't far from being turned into sex ones...

I do not think this is the sort of world a child should entre.

Not to mention that these kids are going to have a few years of fame and then what? traditionally these are the years they should be forming lasting friendships in school, deciding what htey want their careers to be and growing up, and somehow I think all this heady stardom is going to get in the way of all that so by the time they're in their 20's, voice all changed etc, what are they going to do with themselves?
Not to mention that these kids are going to have a few years of fame and then what? traditionally these are the years they should be forming lasting friendships in school, deciding what htey want their careers to be and growing up, and somehow I think all this heady stardom is going to get in the way of all that so by the time they're in their 20's, voice all changed etc, what are they going to do with themselves?

Exactly, it goes against their natural psychological development.
And you posted Gaga as an example of true artist? :doh:

Oi! Like you would know. Not even kidding right now. She's all about her music. She's an artist. She stands for all art and being who you really are. Lady Gaga is an expressionist. And besides, she can mother****ing belt it.

The world needs more people like lady gaga right now.

[ame=""]YouTube - Lady GaGa Live at The Chapel Australia - Paparazzi Acoustic - Part 2[/ame]
She's all about copy/paste

No entiendo. Are you saying that she's a fake @CalamityJane? A fraud? Unoriginal?

Have you actually listened to her music? I used not not like her very much but once I gave her a chance, she came to be someone that I admire.

Edit: Just because you do not like something doesn't mean that it is bad. You may not like nude sculptures but please take the time to admire them for the sake of art. If you can't do that then Miss Gaga has already one upped you.
All of the above, so it seems you do understand me :)
I listened to her music so you can't say I didn't give her a chance it's just that I didn't find her music to be of any value...
Her music is genuinely hurting my ear nerves and I find it to be an absolute garbage...
Just because you like it it doesn't mean it's good.
I didn't mean to offend you. :boink:
Her music is genuinely hurting my ear nerves and I find it to be an absolute garbage...

My point exactly. MAny people, such as yourself, cannot just let her be and appreciate her. Not like. Appreciate.

Just because you like it it doesn't mean it's good.

I never said that my opinion on aesthetic matters was the end all definition of what is beautiful to the human race.

I didn't mean to offend you. :boink:

I know you didn't mean to offend.

True, there is a lot of music that I hate being played by the same stations that Gaga is played on. But it is based on my opinion that these "artists" are not true to what they define themselves to be. They are not true expressionists. Music is an expressionistic medium and when somebody uses it to talk about how ladies want to be on their dick, I draw a line. When I see a person who has a strong belief in art and culture, such as lady gaga, I will respect them. No matter if I like their music or not.

Don't like Beethoven, Radiohead, Mozart or Chopin? Fine, but offer up some respect. They are geniuses in their own regard.

What do you listen to [MENTION=3907]CalamityJane[/MENTION]?
The context in which you spoke about music and comparing Gaga as an artist who needs to be appreciated is absurd. First of all if you wanted to make a digression in music quality you could have made a better example, lets say Sinead O'Connor or Prince, but then again those musicians are light years away from Lady Gaga and not to mention Miley and Willow etc.
And I said ''musicians'' for a reason.
Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi etc are artists.
Beatles, Doors, Altan, Prince and many more groups and people like that are great musicians, masters in their craft.
Lady Gaga is a showman(woman). But that's all she is. She recycles other people music because she's not a musician, and speaking about her in that context is just absurd. Same as Madonna.
Well now we're talking, what you said in your last post is totally different thing then stating that Gaga is an artist.
I don't have a problem with her music, I don't like it but that's it. It's just that I always find it really funny when people mix or try to compare Gagas of the World with Mozart and company. It just can't be. First group are showmen and at best great musicians and the second group are artists.
The context in which you spoke about music and comparing Gaga as an artist who needs to be appreciated is absurd. First of all if you wanted to make a digression in music quality you could have made a better example, lets say Sinead O'Connor or Prince, but then again those musicians are light years away from Lady Gaga and not to mention Miley and Willow etc.
And I said ''musicians'' for a reason.
Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi etc are artists.
Beatles, Doors, Altan, Prince and many more groups and people like that are great musicians, masters in their craft.
Lady Gaga is a showman(woman). But that's all she is. She recycles other people music because she's not a musician, and speaking about her in that context is just absurd. Same as Madonna.

Ok, I see that you don't see this as I do (obvz). For the record, I did not digress. Just put forth my opinion that artists should be respected as artists. But since you did not answer my question from my previous post, i cannot tell what you consider to be art or not. Maybe you just don't believe anything created today will ever be as good as it once was.

If you express yourself in the arts for who you truly are, what you believe or feel, I will show some respect.

True, Lady Gaga is a performer. Is performing not an art? Is fashion not an art?

I think that you fail to see the whole person that I try to look at. In just the context of what she sings on the radio taken in a literal fashion, Lady Gaga is superficial. In the context of what she says, believes and actually sings about (recall the meaning of a metaphor), Lady Gaga is more of an artist than almost anyone on top of the charts.
Lady GaGa is a manipulated tool who has been brainwashed.

I tend to agree with Free Mind.
I know that you would prefer me to be some rigid person who doesn't understand or love art who doesn't know what a metaphoric expression is :rolleyes:
but I have to disappoint you cause non of it is true. I don't see how my music preferences affect relevancy of what I'm saying.
The persons I mentioned before as good musicians are people that I listen to or like, but I'll never say that they're artists. I like to listen classical music too but not on every day basis. And of course there's art today, it's just not lady Gaga. Maybe you could search for Louis Sclavis or Peter Gabriel they're surely more close to art.
Basically all of modern pop sucks if you ask me...The lyrics are completely messed up and so are the artist who sing such songs. They are brainwashed. There, I said it again. I can't look at Lady Gaga and see an artist...I just see a shell that has been filled and manipulated the way people wanted it to be. Many modern pop artists were brought up to be famous from a young age I believe...I love the instrumentals for her songs, they sound amazing. But adding her into the equation and the lyrics...No, just no.