Classical Music!


I always think of everyone else following the stereotype that "classical music is boring", come about and disprove me!

(that was meant loosely, I know there are a lot of people who do like Classical music)

I'm a Vivaldi/Bach person in terms of Baroque, which ironically lines up and leads me to Chopin from the Romantic. Those are my favourite composers just generally, but there are the famous pieces by famous composers that are just generally pleasing, and some of Prokofiev (I think it's his 3rd Concerto? That one is AMAZING).

More or less, in Bach I like the layering of the themes and the preciseness of clarity when played correctly. From Vivaldi the progressions he carries on shifting between a chord of notes progressing downward the scale that patterns of dissonant and resolve, if that makes sense. And just generally I love Chopin because of his ability to carry a tune and ring it like a bell in his work (especially like playing his Nocturnes on piano).

How about you? Do you enjoy the loose term of Classical music? If so what kind?
I think a lot of classical music is very good craftsmanship. Very very very good as well. I very seldom sit down and listen to the good'ol classics, but i like Subelius' violin stuff ( Hes got a nerve in his music that most of the other big names lack in my opinion. I also like some of the Russians. I like the bitter, sore, dark and melancholic stuff.

I really a problem with everything that is Baroque (also in classic art btw). Its way to pompous and focuses too much on technique instead of the music.
I love all the greats. Tchaikovsky is a personal favorite of mine.
I love classical music too. I'm a huuge Beethoven fan. I love each of his symphonies (esp. the 9th) and his piano sonatas. I also like Mozart's piano concertos nos 21 and 23.

It's over-used, but Pachelbel's Canon in D is lovely.
I'm buying a record player next weekend, so I'll be buying shitloads of vinyls in classical music :D Currently I'm crushing on grieg
I don't sit down and really listen to classical. But depeding on my mood i can have it playing in the background. calming me down.
I love chopin, but I have to be in a certain mood to listen to him. I also love beethovens Moonlight Sonata.
I LOVE classical music! I love operas, Chopin, Rachmoninov, Beethoven, Vivaldi, etc. I watch most of my operas at the cinema...never seen an opera in person (musicals and such, yeah, but not operas. I don't think Phantom is an opera).

I also love classical-pop. I LOVE Sarah Brightman for this reason. Opera+pop=love love love!
I tend to prefer Baroque, though I do love Mozart (his Requiem Mass in D minor being my favorite).

For modern classical, I'm a fan of Andreas Vollenweider. I listened to Book of Roses so many times I broke the tape (and then got it on CD).
Paul Potts has been the only redeeming value of reality television lol.
I love classical music from time to time!

Especially Rachmaninov, Chopin and Beethoven (9th Symphony!). Pergolesi's "Stabat Mater" is also very good.

Two of my favorites are Pachelbel's canon in D and Chopin's "Raindrop".

I am listening to Beethovens ninth symphony now.

Classical music is definitely underated.
Here's one of my favorite pieces: Ave Maria

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Anything Strauss.

He's just the funniest composer ever. I can't listen to his stuff without giggling. It automatically puts me in a good mood.

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Listen to any of these, and tell me you didn't smile. Especially at the Polka.

I love him.
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I grew up around classical music and it's influence. It's one of the only thing my dad plays in the the car. I was classicaly trained in piano starting at age 6 or so. My older sisters were two, and one of them got a degree in music performance.

I naturally really like it fo rthat reason.

I have preferences, though.
I'm not big into the baroque period. I some of it if I'm in the right mood (I like the way it meshes with the movie "A Little Romance").

I prefer the romantic composers the most, I think. Grieg, Debussy, and Ravel.