'Cognitive Function Descriptions' Exercise


Community Member
What words or images would you use to describe functions/cognitive processes? In the past, I've found this helpful for purposes of self and public illustration in discussion, particularly for those who haven't quite got a grasp on their modes of operation. Here's a link to a good resource site.

I had a go at it, so here's a few possibilities that I came up with (some were easier than others for me):

Ni converges (funnels, burrows, wormholes, is tumbling down the rabbit hole, a prophet)
Ne diverges (navigates, flies, warps, is supersonic travel, snowballs, an astronaut)
Si recalls, compares, a historian
Se interacts, experiences, a dancer
Fi guides, feels, achieves sanctuary, simmers, an artist
Fe leads, manifests, provides sanctuary, erupts, a social worker
Ti deconstructs, gathers, a researcher
Te constructs, assembles, a manager








I'll give it a shot

Ni imagination and insight - Dives into depths of subconsciousness, controls the mental
images, poetic and complex, confidant, wise and mysterious.

Ne cuddles and connections - Lives in the world of possibilities, scattered, entertains wealth of
interests, quick learning, knack for slacking.

Fi values and independence - Feels deeply, empathetic, fights for good, sensitive,
artistic and bohemian.

Fe charisma and influence - Modifies the emotional climate of the environment, connects
people, knows what makes people tick, socializes, takes care.

Si stability and traditions - Enjoys the routines, maintain traditions, works hard, averse to
new ideas, continuity, knowledge.

Se flow and impulses - Modifies the present, sees opportunities for action, improvises,
lives in here and now, aesthetic, bright and smooth.

Ti structure and systems - Figures out the inner working of everything, breaks in parts,
mechanical, intellectual, sharp logic.

Te plans and performance - Uses time effectively, orders and organizes, solid and objective,
natural leader, supervisor, moneymaker, forceful, insensitive and blunt.
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Here's my best shot

Ni knows
Ne ponders
Si measures
Se senses
Fi feels
Fe anticipates
Ti models
Te organizes
I'll give it a shot

Ni imagination and insight - Dives into depths of subconsciousness, controls the mental
images, poetic and complex, confidant, wise and mysterious.

Ne cuddles and connections - Lives in the world of possibilities, scattered, entertains wealth of
interests, quick learning, knack for slacking.

Fi values and independence - Feels deeply, empathetic, fights for good, sensitive,
artistic and bohemian.

Fe charisma and influence - Modifies the emotional climate of the environment, connects
people, knows what makes people tick, socializes, takes care.

Si stability and traditions - Enjoys the routines, maintain traditions, works hard, averse to
new ideas, continuity, knowledge.

Se flow and impulses - Modifies the present, sees opportunities for action, improvises,
lives in here and now, aesthetic, bright and smooth.

Ti structure and systems - Figures out the inner working of everything, breaks in parts,
mechanical, intellectual, sharp logic.

Te plans and performance - Uses time effectively, orders and organizes, solid and subjective,
natural leader, supervisor, moneymaker, forceful, insensitive and blunt.
