Color Psychology


"This test is partially based on research by Dr. Max Lûscher during the early 1900's. He has devoted his life to the study of how color affects behavior and has been hired by some of the world's largest companies as a consultant.

The test itself is based upon fundamentals in color psychology. With years of research by color psychologists the characteristics of certain colors has been identified to cause an emotional response in people. This was done by studying the response from hundreds of thousands of test subjects around the world in order to isolate how certain colors make us feel. By doing the reverse, using the colors people prefer to determine how people feel, we can get some interesting indicators about a person's current emotional state.

It is important to understand that the results from tests like this can be both short-term and long-term in their meaning. For example, if you are feeling depressed about something when you take the test you may see this reflected in your results. You may also notice deeper conflicts showing themselves consistantly if you take the test time and time again. This test can be taken quite often and still yield results that are accurate. The results will not be the same each time you take the test, for the most part, unless you are taking them without some time interval between them." -colorquiz website

test is here


(example results from myself)

Your Existing Situation

"Very emotional and artistic, enjoys being surrounded by beauty and art. Looking for a partner who always has an eye for beauty and who enjoys close, loving relationships."

Your Stress Sources

"Looking to stand out in the crowd and wanting to keep her rank and status. her current situation is irritating her because she can't seem to find anybody out there who values the same high standards she does. she is feeling isolated and wants to give in to her carnal urges, but can't bring herself to appear weak in the eyes of others. Wants others to see her unique qualities and character but can't stand to come off as needy, so instead she has an ""I don't care"" attitude and pushing people away. she turns her back on those who criticizes her behavior, but beneath her indifference is a person who is in desperate need of approval."

Your Existing Situation

Feeling dissatisfied in his current situation and has a strong desire to escape or find an immediate solution.

Your Stress Sources

"Has high standards and wants to make friends with those who have equally high standards; however, he has been unsuccessful in building these types of relationships. He is feeling under appreciated and his self-esteem is damaged because of it. He is uncomfortable with the situation and wishes to escape, but refuses to make compromises or lower his standards. Puts off resolving his problems because he afraid of the conflicts it may cause. In order to feel secure, he needs to feel appreciated by others so they will do what he asks of them and respect his opinions"

:V basically the same thing

Your Desired Objective

"Is very intense person who seeks excitement and sexual stimulation. Wants others to see him as an exciting and interesting person, who is also charming and can easily influence others. Uses his charm to increase his chances of success and gain other people's trust."

Your Desired Objective

"Longs for a loving, caring, and supportive relationship, and fanaticizes of living in perfect harmony with others. Has a strong desire for tenderness and affection and enjoys things which are artistically pleasing to the eye."

There's more, but you guys get the drift :P I think it's pretty accurate, I've made a few others with completely different personalities take it just to see...their's was accurate too. I wonder if infjs might get similar results though XD
Oh fudge, I realize I posted this in the wrong area! I don't even see a delete button T_T

I really derped up here.
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A lot of this is pretty accurate. Fortunately, I am in a really good situation now so these stressors don't show up as much but they did in the past.

Your Existing Situation

"Is stubborn and strong-willed, once his mind is made up it is impossible to change it. He does not ask for much, so he feels when he does ask his needs should be met."


Your Stress Sources

"Feels unappreciated and in an unpleasant position. Needs personal recognition and the respect of others, since he has not been about to find partners who value the same things he does. He holds back his emotions and is unable to give fully of himself, but lasting isolation makes him want to change those ways and surrender to his deep urges. Giving in to his natural instincts and urges is a sign of weakness, so feeling this way makes him weak and irritable. Fighting these urges makes him feel stronger, as if he can take on anything that comes his way. Longs to be valued as an important associate and admired for his personal qualities."

Your Restrained Characteristics

"Demanding and picky in his relationships, but careful not to bring out conflict or disagreements and this may decrease his chances of achieving his goals and ideas. Current situations force him into compromise and placing his own hopes and desires on hold for the time being. Feels trapped in a helpless situation and is desperately seeking relief. He is able to find pleasure and happiness in sexual activity. Willing to become emotionally involved, but is demanding and picky when choosing a partner. Is careful not to bring out conflict or disagreements as this may decrease his chances of achieving his goals and ideas."

"His arrogance causes him to take offense quickly. Only those closest to him know deep down he is sensitive and sentimental.

Your Desired Objective

"Is in need of immediate rest and relaxation. Longs for peace and a sense they are understood. Feels he has been treated unfairly which makes him angry. Cannot stand to stay in an environment in which he is treated unfairly and with no consideration for his feelings.

Your Actual Problem

"Lack of energy leaves him unnoticed to pursue further activities or demands placed on him. He feels powerless which leaves him agitated and depressed. Tries to escape from his struggles by searching for peaceful and restful conditions in which to relax and recover in an atmosphere full of security."

Your Actual Problem #2

"Wants to be valued and respected, seeks a close and peaceful relationship with a shared respect of each other."
A lot of this is true of Korg. Though there is some here that is not. Such as the arrogance leading to easy offence. It actually takes a lot for him to become offended. Also, the avoidance of conflict. He is more than willing to initiate conflict if he feels it will be beneficial or is just in a mood. Especially when tired. He also is not depressed from a lack of E. Though I do agree that he is quite stubborn. Over dinner he asked me what one word I would use to describe him, I said "stubborn or driven. One just sounds nicer than the other." It is important for him to be valued/recognized for his hard work. He is also picky when it comes to relationships with others.
Pretty good.

I was going to say I'm not being defensive my current position, but yeah.

Your Existing Situation

Feels his position is threatened or not properly recognized by others and feels defensive. Determined to go after his goals despite his fear of bringing conflict upon himself.

Your Stress Sources

"Unfulfilled hopes have left him feeling uncertain and even a little fearful about the future. Needs to feel secure and avoid further disappointment; fears he will be looked over, lose his position, or lose respect. Has little hope that things will get better in time and his negative attitude leads him to place impossible demands on others or to compromise or bargain."

Your Restrained Characteristics

"Feels he is getting less than he deserves for all his hard work; however, he makes no effort to change things and tries to make the best of the situation."

Is feeling emotionally drained from stressful and tense situations. He is in need of peace and quiet in order to overcome his lack of energy and may become irritable if he does not recover.

Is satisfied and finds contentment through sexual activity.

Current situation is leaving him doubtful and cautions about becoming intimately involved with others.

Your Desired Objective

"Wishes to live in a calm, peaceful, relaxing environment, where everyone gets along and there is a strong sense of belonging."

Your Actual Problem

Disappointed because his hopes have not come to pass and he fears coming up with new goals will only lead to further disappointment. These conflicting emotions lead to a feeling of anxiety and depression. He tries to escape into a peaceful and calm relationship which offers encouragement and protection from further disappointment.
Pretty accurate. This is scary...and helpful.

Your Existing Situation

Looking for excitement and adventure and anything new and far from ordinary. Is bored by routines and repetition.

Your Stress Sources

"His current situation or relationship is not up to par, but cannot improve it without help. Hides his vulnerability by holding back affection or being overly expressive. The relationship may be depressing, but the fear of losing too much keeps him around. He wants to be independent and free, but fears the future will be just as disappointing. His situation leaves him sensitive and impatience, seeking a quick escape. His restlessness may destroy the ability to concentrate."

Your Restrained Characteristics

Open and emotionally involved in relationships and easily finds satisfaction through sexual activity.
"Emotionally withdrawn, feels forced to make compromises which makes emotional attachments difficult."
His arrogance causes him to take offense quickly. Only those closest to him know deep down he is sensitive and sentimental.
Open and emotionally involved in relationships and easily finds satisfaction through sexual activity.

Your Desired Objective

Seeks success and independence. Is willing to overcome obstacles and make his own decisions. He pursues his own goals with little to no direction and does not rely well with others.

Your Actual Problem

"Feeling anxious and restless frustration toward current situation or unfulfilled emotional requirements are causing stress. He tries escaping from those emotions by denying the exist at all. Hides his dissatisfaction at the situation behind a proud, but false independence."
Your Actual Problem #2

"Is resistant of outside pressures and control, or anything that stands in the way of his freedom to make his own decisions and plans. Works hard to establish and build his position and status."
LOLOL some of this is super true. :D

Edit: actually everyone's just sounds the same

Your Existing Situation

"Craves change and new things, always looking for new adventures and activities. Becomes restless and frustrated when she has to wait to long for things to develop. her impatience leads to irritability and a desire to move on to the next project."

Your Stress Sources

"Sensitive, gentle, and emotional; having a strong need to find some sort of magical harmony and beauty. Artistic in nature, she longs to find a partner who finds these things important as well; however, having trouble finding such a perfect person. Keeps a close eye on her emotional and how much of herself is given to others. she must always know where she stands with others and longs to be regarded with respect. her taste are geared to the artistically beautiful and refined, but she can be harsh and critical of works of art and creativity. Yearns to make friends with those who can help build her intelligence and artistic ability."

Your Restrained Characteristics

"Tries to participate and involve herself in things going on around him; however, avoids conflict and arguments to reduce stress and tension."

"Seeking to broaden her horizons and believes her hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries she may not be able to do the things she wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore her confidence."

Conceited and is easily insulted. Holds back emotionally but is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity. <-- trololololol

Your Desired Objective

"Feels that nothing can upset her or phase her and is constantly trying to prove that to herself and others. Believes she is better than any weakness. As a result of her beliefs, she comes across as harsh or severe to those around him, with an overbearing and arrogant attitude."

Your Actual Problem

Works toward building her position and increasing her self-esteem by viewing her accomplishments (and those of others) critically and harsh judgment. Insists on things being straightforward and clear.

Your Actual Problem #2

"Needs to be viewed and respected as an outstanding individual, in order to build her self-esteem and self-worth. Resists any type of weakness and sets high standards for himself."
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