Communist China Anniversary

I think the way the article is written is horribly biased. Honestly I don't care if they decide to carry through with it. It's red lights on a building for goodness sake.
I suppose it is fine, but if I was China I wouldnt appreciate a gift that cost nothing.
China is only communist in name. The main focus of the government the past few decades has been GDP. Having visited China often, and knowing the culture, I wouldn't make a big deal of it.

Also, it would be a good idea not to offend 1.4 billion people. Even if we stereotypically avoid conflict.
Nice. China could be a big threat to the U.S.A. if people keep egging them on to war. It's actions like these that help to bring nations together.

The USA has always been rather Pro-Kuomintang and Anti-Communism, celebrating chinas revolution is a rather big step forward, and this time it's not in words which are free, but in lighting up an American monument.

I Salute Thee.

"It seems a little out of place in New York City, an American city, having communist colors," said Cathy Crismore of Lancaster, California. "That doesn't seem right."
Utter fool. Red isn't a Communist Colour. Just a few months ago they were fighting it out over the Red and Blue. Red also means Republican.

New York politicians have paid notice as well, and say they are let down by the light-up. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., said it was a mistake to pay tribute to what he called "a nation with a shameful history on human rights."
Of course, then the Politicians go ahead and ruin what could be a good step forward for international relations and the diffusing of a ticking bomb.
I don't agree with communism, but I don't see why they can'ts celebrate it. It sounds fine to me.
Utter fool. Red isn't a Communist Colour. Just a few months ago they were fighting it out over the Red and Blue. Red also means Republican.

More correctly, red isn't just a Communist color. Besides, the colors on the Empire State Building were red and yellow, meant to evoke the Chinese flag, not its Communism.
Yeah, but I was replying to a specific quote that said red was the colour of communism.