Connection/"Correlation" of Enneagram and MBTI types


Community Member
So I have been seen some people using one Enneagram/MBTI table, but these quite lack sources and %, they were just colors. So I had decided to create this thread connecting enneagram and types from two different sources.

First source: Enneagram with wings VS MBTI

This one shows the frequency of types in each enneagram with wings.



And from there:
QuazzyDucks said:
- Ti-dom individuals process information through their own system of personal logic based on knowledge they have accumulated, and type 5 individuals are motivated by a strong need to feel competent through knowledge-seeking behaviors.
- Si-dom individuals value methods that have proven to work well from past experiences, as well as common sense and conventional wisdom. Type 6 is similarly motivated by a sense of security and finding comfort in structure and familiarity.
- Ne-dom and Se-dom individuals are outwardly focused on new experiences and theoretical (Ne) or observable (Se) possibilities, which is comparable to type 7 novelty-seeking motives, mental restlessness, and fear of being trapped by routines and repetitions.
- Fe-dom individuals value social constructs that maintain group harmony, such as politeness, niceties, hospitality, and tactfulness. This similar to type 2’s underlying fear of not being accepted by people, and the need to feel helpful and worthy of love.
- Te-dom individuals value rationality and efficiency. They find it important to structure and control their environment to reflect these values, usually through similar means as type 8, which uses pragmatism and self-sufficiency to demonstrate that they are in control.
- It is crucial for Fi-dom individuals to stay authentic to their personal values and morals. They want to learn about their unique selves as much as they possibly can, so that they can bring peace to their inner world. This is similar to type 4’s longing for personal significance and authentic identity, and type 9’s desire for wholeness and peace of mind.

Second Source: MBTI types and enneagram types with no wings


This one is from Typology Central, counting thousands of Typology Central members, using member search.