[PAX] Deep Meanings and Special Days


Well-known member
First at of all, I'm posting this on St. Patrick's Day, a day which for me has a great deal of special meaning. Why? Well, it's not just about the green beer or wearing green (although there's nothing wrong with either) but more about over twenty years of personal simmering thought-soup about the interrelationships of the historic Patrick, the flowering of Celtic monastic centers in the first millenium (art, spirituality, and culture of the same), the native thought/instincts/awareness of Celtic peoples.....and, of course, what all this says about the mindset of a Christian person (which I am) living today amidst the hubub of contemporary culture.

I admit there are many,many days in the calendar in which pop culture takes one direction in celebration (or sometimes it's not observed at all), while I find myself on an altogether different track completely, generally because of the profound and deep meanings these times in the calendar suggest and present. I get lost in these wondrous times...in fact I took today off work as a personal holiday (yes, I am wearing green) and am having a delicious time!!

St. Patrick's Day, The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Advent and Lent, the Halloween/All Saints/All Souls cycle....and, of course, the more well-known holidays, although I admit I tend to dive head-first into the more spiritual/sacred dimensions of these and simply enjoy the rest. Here's an example...for the life of me, celebrating Mardis Gras (secularly) makes absolutely no sense without an equally robust observance of Ash Wednesday. Together the to two resonate perfectly (to me:)) like two hinges on a door.

Anyway...enough about me. Do you all seek deeper meaning in special calendar days....days that really get your inner INFJ in hyper-connectivity mode? These may stem from religious concepts (as many of mine do) but I also suspect there are others that have a personal poignancy that is inescapable (even if secret).....cycles of the seasons, personal losses, personal joys, other personal milestones?

Just curious if you all find any strong relationships with particular times and seasons and how that works for you and within you...
Hehehe -- Irish any? Methinks you must be...

March as a whole is extremely special to me because I have many loved ones born in this month, and also because the earth is coming back to life where I live, and I feel as if I am coming back to life after a long, hard, cold winter! I LOVE SPRING!

I don't personally go for any particular holidays in a big way, but this time of year is wonderful because it reminds me powerfully of the cycles of nature.

( But I will drink green beer, and I have a great recipe for soda bread...:party: )
I saw a T-shirt recently that said "Proud to be Irish-ish". LOL!

I've alway been fond of the seasonal calendar days -- the Vernal Equinox, Autumnal Equinox, Summer and Winter Solstice.... partly because my dad drilled into me how to say those words in Latin at a very young age, and partly because it is just so cool to think how each and every day the earth moves imperceptably closer & farther from the sun in this never-ending cycle. (Well, never say never but you know what I mean.)

We are part of something huger than anyone can really understand, and frankly it is pretty impressive that we humans are even capable of figuring this out. That kind of thing impresses me.