Depression Test | INFJ Forum

Depression Test

just me

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
Depression Test
Snapshot Report
Worry about Judgment of Others
When you experience a setback or problem in your life, one of the last things on your mind is what other people will think. This frees you from what, for some people, is a major concern. It also means that you are comfortable seeking comfort from others when you are in emotional pain. Therefore, the benefits of this attitude are twofold - you can seek out emotional support when you need it, and are free from worry about being judged by others.

Snapshot Report
Worry about Judgment of Others

When you experience a setback or problem in your life, the last thing on your mind is what other people will think. This frees you from what, for some people, is a major concern. It also means that you are comfortable seeking comfort from others when you are in emotional pain. Therefore, the benefits of this attitude are twofold - you can seek out emotional support when you need it, and are free from worry about being judged by others.


Some of these questions where to situational like these below

Problems that I experience take on a new life because I feel the need to examine them from every possible angle.

Why not, you should examine them but not necessarily worry about them.

Even if I do well in most of the things I do, I tend to focus in on the few areas where I didn't excel.

I should and I do, I need to strengthen my weakness, but I don't let it get to me and make me feel inadequate.

It doesn't matter if the vast majority of people approve of my work; even if one person makes a critical remark, that's all I will notice.

I don't need approval to feel good about my work but a little bit of criticism is great. It is an opportunity to really make my work a lot better.
I agree, but how does that make those questions situational when you feel that way with most things that fit the criteria?
I agree, but how does that make those questions situational when you feel that way with most things that fit the criteria?

By situational I mean dependent on the view of the one answering the questions. They build the test to determine a set of rules and provide a question but because the question can viewed in at least two ways that I saw, we are in essence answering a different question.

Example: this person reviews his failure because he stresses and worries that they provide evidence to his lack of worth as an individual. Saying yes to thinking about his failures would be different than example 2. This can lead to depression.

Example2: this person reviews his failure in order to prevent hubris and to learn and strengthen his weaknesses.

I am example two but I know they are trying to find people who fit example 1.

If the question is "Do you concentrate more on your failures than your successes?"

I can be truthful and say yes but I realize I am not the example 1 person that they are looking for. I am trying to fight arrogance, and am not stuck in cycle of self loathing.

Do I lie in order to increase the accuracy of the results, or allow the results to be skewed for the sake of being truthful?
Life seems to be a test sometimes. Do you lie for the sake of how your worth as an individual might be viewed?
Life seems to be a test sometimes. Do you lie for the sake of how your worth as an individual might be viewed?

I don't often care what people think of me, although I would not deny that there is something in me that that hides itself in my decision making process. Only by aknowleging the possibility of it's existence can I seek out and cull that ego.

To say I always think about my failures would be deceiving although true as stated. Saying that I don't always think about my failures would be a flat lie but less deceiving. This is a moral delima created by a binary answer to a more analog question.

Besides, I don't think you understood my last post or you would not have asked what you did.
What's the safest way to cross a fence with a loaded gun?

a) Unload the gun, then cross the fence.
b) Hand your gun over the fence to your hunting partner, then climb the fence.
c) Slide your gun underneath the fence, then climb it.
d) Lean the gun next to a fence post, climb the fence, then reach over and get your gun.

Four given solutions, not two. Have to choose one of them in a test. Is there really a safe way to cross a fence with a loaded gun?

I may have seen something in your reply in post #4 you did not actually say. I think the folk made the question above meant to have the gun unloaded before any attempt to cross the fence, but most people would deal with the situation as it unfolded. By answering (a) I have shown that somewhere I read in my studies their true intent was to unload the gun. Must be a quail hunting scenario. What about in war, though? What if bad guys were chasing you? So we keep peeling back the onion. However, if we unload the gun first: we are not doing what the question asked because the gun is not loaded!

I don't think the intentions of the test were to have a person answer in a specific way to please them. Sometimes we over-think questions. Sometimes we question motives. All is good.
What's the safest way to cross a fence with a loaded gun?

I see what you are saying but since I see a few more accurate ways to ask the question, it would seem that the test has great potential to be more acurrate.

The question they ask seems to be an indirect method for determining how you value yourself. Would it not be better to ask if you often feel inadequate?

What is even stranger is that they ask numerous and indirect ways to obtain the same information. Perhaps I am too critical but I feel the questions became overly complicated because they used a complicated and indirect method for making a determination. If I was not capable of seeing what they where really looking for, I would have thought the questions simple.

Using your example it is like you asked it but instead of trying to find the safest way to cross they are trying to determine how quick you are to ask for help and how much you trust the people around you. Only by picking the option of handing the gun to your partner would they have determined that you value help from others. How accurate is such an assumption and would it have not been better to simply ask if you are quick to ask for help if the opportunity presents itself?
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"I see what you are saying but since I see a few more accurate ways to ask the question, it would seem that the test has great potential to be more acurrate."

I agree 100%. Is it our nature to want to fix this?

Scenario: That was an actual multiple choice question while testing for the Dept of Natural Resources Conservation Officer/ Game Warden. Knowing they would be upholding the law in the field, was this a trick question? No. They hadn't a clue. I failed with a 60, thinking it was more about law than it was. It actually had nothing to do with the law. It was all about memory and a little book they gave out to read first. They were looking for common sense people. I am not common by any measure. Maybe you are not common.

In writing tests, they are mostly for the average person to answer. Remember "Men In Black?" All these guys were taking tests on their laps in chairs with sharp pencils. Only one person thought outside the box. The questions had nothing to do with the test at all.

When we are tested, some folk don't know how far another will go to get it right. If only one person figures it out, it is my guess someone knew all along that person would any and all costs following the rules.
In writing tests, they are mostly for the average person to answer. Remember "Men In Black?" All these guys were taking tests on their laps in chairs with sharp pencils. Only one person thought outside the box. The questions had nothing to do with the test at all.

I once took a random IQ test online. Who has not wondered about their intelligence compared to others?" It was 20 full pages long. At about page 3 I got bored, quit out of it and received an IQ rating of 220 ONLY because I QUIT out of it early. Not because I had answered any of the questions right. I do not know if I did or did not.

Since arriving here I have noticed a fascination with tests concerning personality. Why is that? Why are people so interested in defining themselves and putting themselves in a box as a result? I have thought about this and for myself I think its because I feel as if I am different than most and that if I could just figure out what I can work toward to make myself more "normal", this will help get me the things I believe I am lacking in life.
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I once took a random IQ test online. Who has not wondered about their intelligence compared to others?" It was 20 full pages long. At about page 3 I got bored, quit out of it and received an IQ rating of 220 ONLY because I QUIT out of it early. Not because I had answered any of the questions right. I do not know if I did or did not.

Since arriving here I have noticed a fascination with tests concerning personality. Why is that? Why are people so interested in defining themselves and putting themselves in a box as a result? I have thought about this and for myself I think its because I feel as if I am different than most and that if I could just figure out what I can work toward to make myself more "normal", this will help get me the things I believe I am lacking in life.

Most of my life, I have shared things with certain individuals that have shared their mind regarding the same subject. I seem to share this or that less than most here, but find it great to learn about how others think or feel with the same personality type; the likenesses and the differences together. If you feel the desire to see what might be more normal, you may find most all infj types are searching for something very similar. Personally, I was amazed when I found other people like me on this forum in many different aspects. I think the tests allow each of us a glimpse into other people's adapting to normalcy in life. A lot of the tests should have been written more deeply, though.
Most of my life, I have shared things with certain individuals that have shared their mind regarding the same subject. I seem to share this or that less than most here, but find it great to learn about how others think or feel with the same personality type; the likenesses and the differences together. If you feel the desire to see what might be more normal, you may find most all infj types are searching for something very similar. Personally, I was amazed when I found other people like me on this forum in many different aspects. I think the tests allow each of us a glimpse into other people's adapting to normalcy in life. A lot of the tests should have been written more deeply, though.

Would not disagree. I am wondering if it is not a trait of an INFJ, INTJ etc to have an affinity towards taking tests is all. Kind of like being distracted by and obsessed by puzzles of which I personally am. Put a puzzle in front of me and you could easily stab me in the back without my noticing.
I personally think too much to like the tests; hence, I do not take all of them. My secretive side is stronger than my drive to do tests.
Snapshot Report
Worry about Judgment of Others

You worry somewhat about what people will think of you when things go wrong in your life, but not excessively. Perhaps you are sensitive in some areas or feel more vulnerable to social scrutiny on some days than others. Unfortunately, this attitude can lead you to feel worse about your problems than you need to. It also means that you may be less likely to seek comfort from others when you are in emotional pain.
Snapshot Report
Worry about Judgment of Others

When you experience a setback or problem in your life, one of the last things on your mind is what other people will think. This frees you from what, for some people, is a major concern. It also means that you are comfortable seeking comfort from others when you are in emotional pain. Therefore, the benefits of this attitude are twofold - you can seek out emotional support when you need it, and are free from worry about being judged by others.

I don't know if my score is high or not.
Worry about Judgment of Others

When you experience a setback or problem in your life, one of the issues on your mind is what other people will think. Unfortunately, this attitude can lead you to feel worse about your problems than you need to. It also means that you may be less likely to seek comfort from others when you are in emotional pain.