Difference of functions in a relationship?


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I read somewhere once (Berens?) That the order (and all it implies) of the functions between two people may, and can affect your relationship; or to be exact, how you perceive the other party's actions. Apparently roles / archetypes (1st being the Hero,2nd being the adult / the parent, etc) affects how we sees them?

For instance, INXJ (Ni dom) will consider ISXP (Ni ter)'s showcasing of Ni to be....rough; or to put archetypes in play, almost childlike. Careless, for relief's sake, etc.
On the other hand, IXTP (Ti dom) will think the same about IXFJ (Ti ter)'s showcasing of Ni.
While INFJ (NiFeTiSe) and ISFJ (SiFeTiNe) tend to be able to understand how one works (both uses FeTi on the same position), but not how one sees things (NiSe vs SiNe)

In an ideal, isolatedly MBTI world; It's apparently part of why in certain aspects two types can get along, while in other aspects they just...can't (for example, INFJ and INTJ. Or INFJ and ISFJ). It's probably part of the attraction/repulsion towards our shadow type too; they did so well what we ourselves are struggling hard to accomplish. Swoon. Basis for respect, all right.

What do you think about it? Does it make sense?
Ti, Fe stuff...their functions in general, or when order has entered the equation?
In general; Ti can be simplified into 'personal truth'.
Fe on the other hand, can be said into 'social values'.

I'll ramble a little, from what I'd known;
Basically, our order signifies:
a) the order of which functions in ourselves developed first/second/third/last,
b) the direct list of our functions, from the most reliable, comfortable to use, and most developed; to the last.

Hence why they have names for the first to fourth functions. And in Jungian Archetype; they also have their roles.
The first is our Dominant function; its archetype The Hero; They are the main character. The one function we used the most, the most reliable function; etc.

The second is our Adult function; its archetype The Parent; They are the 'teachers'; we are 'learning' and 'growing' in the general in that aspect it's the function first.
maturing after our first, and we too noticed its growth the most, not merely because we usually grow this on our youth. From what I'd read, functions in this position are commonly the most 'mature-looking' function around.

The Third is our Relief function; its archetype The Child; it's what we do to relief ourselves; it's apparently somewhat connected with what we called 'inner child' too. And yes; The Child work together with the Parent; the former wants something, the latter -controls- it. Sometimes there are problems when the Parent overcontrols the Child, and that...is a problem commonly described in a lot of place (for instance, INFJ's conflicting Fe desire to be sociable / taking care of everyone, vs the Ti desire to....be alone.). I read it too that apparently their manifestation in our lives will be a little bit childish; as we're letting the child have his/her way to having fun / seeking 'relief'.

The Fourth is our Inferior function; its archetype The Anima/Animus; it's what we have but we lacked at first. When REALLY underdeveloped, it's part of our shadow. Now from personal experience; my Se turned out so far to be REALLY really crude. Crude, raw, very...unpolished.

The reverse; what some people called our shadow functions; also have their own archetype. To put it in general; they served the same function of the first four, only negatively; or at least in the reverse direction.
The Fifth is the Opposing Function, while the Hero is the protagonist, this is the antagonist, so to speak.
The Sixth is the Witch. Same power of control, only what the Second nurtures, the Sixth binds. However, in here also lies The Wise Old Man; a.k.a the teacher. We thus learned to appreciate more from ourselves and our life from this function.
The Seventh is the Trickster. Same uninhibited reactions as the Third, only what was innocent is now malicious; or at least, confusing.
The Eighth is The Demon. What we perceived as 'the source of evil'; what we understand but at the core lacks understanding. However it is apparently also the deepest of our shadow; a HUGE part of creativity is said to be hidden there. I have no idea >_>;

Now from what I'd read, it's said that when we sees a function (or, something that looks similar to what we considered Function X), we are unconsciously seeing their position.
Consider these case.
An ENTJ (TeNiSeFi) is looking at an ESTJ (TeSiNeFi).
Because their Te and Fi are located at the same position; theoretically they are more capable on understanding (notice the word; I'm not saying it will always lead to a perfect understanding, OR different functions will be impossible to understand) their Te and Fi; In this case, their 'methods'. Their no nonsense directional attitude.
But when we're talking on the 2nd and the 3rd is where the order differs so much.
From the ENTJ's perspective;
Ni (2nd) meets Si (2nd). Which, in the ENTJ's own functions order; is the Eighth; Trickster.
It probably goes like this;
The ENTJ sees the ESTJ using their Si. The ESTJ sees 'ohoho how dependable and respectable and solid I am.'. The ENTJ, however, went nuts; 'wtf dude, why are you so obstinate?'
The ENTJ sees their Si as something confusing; misleading. While the ESTJ sees their Si as something mature.

Alternatively, from the ESTJ's perspective.
Ne (3rd) meets Se (3rd); In the ESTJ's own pantheon, however; it's the Seventh; Witch.
The ESTJ sees the ENTJ using their Se. The ENTJ sees 'ohoho how free and exciting and interesting and unbound I am'. The ESTJ, however, went nuts; '....how wild. Keep doing that and soon you'll be left with nothing but your own folly.'
The ESTJ sees their Se as something binding, controlling. While the ENTJ sees their Se as something exciting, relieving.

An INFJ (NiFeTiSe) meets an ISTP (TiSeNiFe). (this one is personal experience and/or observation)

Now the INFJ is acting using their Ni; which is the first. But the ISTP sees it as something fickle and childish; they are seeing their own Ni, which is the third function. What we call our depth and complexity, they call it unnecessary and complicated.
The ISTP, on the other hand; acts using their Ti. In contrast, the INFJ will sees their form of Ti as being too complaining, too often. From my own experience; the act does look childish; like a child complaining about 'THIS DOESN'T FIT! THIS TOO! I DON'T WANT THIS!' about petty, fickle things.

Which is why on a certain level we have flawed, or sometimes even zero understanding over certain types of MBTI. Which is again, affected by what our understanding about the functions are. We may see Ni as complex and deep, or piercing and questioning. Si may be seen as solid and dependable, or obstinate and unbending. Etc, etc, etc.

From what I'd observed, the order of the functions also affects how people do things.
Consider this case;
INFJ (NiFeTiSe) vs ENTP (NeTiFeSi);
FeTi vs TiFe.
a.k.a, different order.
a.k.a, theoretically, these people will have different tendencies to use. INFJ may use Fe first, Ti second (trying to talk about something first, then clamming up when it doesn't work. so as to solve the problem by "gah, if that's what it is, I'm leaving."). Alternatively, ENTP may tend to use Ti first, Fe second (dissecting first, then becoming extremely charming and persuasive when it doesn't work, so as to solve the problem by persuading the other party to see their PoV.)

....As you might see, I had developed a certain kind of understanding over this.
Which is why I seek public judgment. Am I right? Am I wrong? D:
...too bad the masters of this haven't been here for so long.
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