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9w8 sp/sx
I don't know if there is a DISC quiz on these forums.

If you're interested in taking this sample test, you submit your email address and then confirm it and take the quiz.
We Estimate That You Have a Blend of D, S, and C Traits!

You can be dominant, determined, supportive, shy, cautious, or calculating.

We can't tell from this assessment which trait is primary for you. It does look like you have a pretty good mix of three styles: D, S, and C.

In fact, it might be more accurate to say that you're not inspiring and interactive. (We're not saying that you can't be inspiring and interactive, just that these traits are much lower for you than the other DISC traits.)

Since you seem to have three "high" styles, it's tough to say from this assessment what your strongest drive is. Sometimes you might like to take charge. Other times you might like to let others take the lead and support them. Other times, you might like to analyze and evaluate before making a decision.

We're guessing that you are often comfortable speaking your mind. You can probably be pretty direct and factual. You may also be kind, caring, and sensitive to others. Which trait comes to the surface may depend a great deal on the situation.

These are all great attributes. Remember, though, that sometimes you need to lighten-up and have some fun.
I'm curious to see what other's results are.
Nothing stands out here for me..

You are supportive, steady, and stable.

Learn more about the DISC Model.

The letter we use to represent your behavioral style is S.

The color we use to represent your behavioral style is Blue! It stands for peace and harmony!

You probably like to help and support people. If our estimate is right, you would rather be in the background helping people than out front "driving the show," and you probably prefer a calm environment.

We're guessing that you like to speak with people one-on-one more than you like being in front of a group of people.

These are all great attributes. Remember, though, that sometimes quick decisions and action are necessary to protect people.
Same as Bananaphone

You can be dominant, determined, supportive, shy, cautious, or calculating.

Learn more about the DISC Model.​

We can't tell from this assessment which trait is primary for you. It does look like you have a pretty good mix of three styles: D, S, and C.
In fact, it might be more accurate to say that you're not inspiring and interactive. (We're not saying that you can't be inspiring and interactive, just that these traits are much lower for you than the other DISC traits.)
Since you seem to have three "high" styles, it's tough to say from this assessment what your strongest drive is. Sometimes you might like to take charge. Other times you might like to let others take the lead and support them. Other times, you might like to analyze and evaluate before making a decision.
We're guessing that you are often comfortable speaking your mind. You can probably be pretty direct and factual. You may also be kind, caring, and sensitive to others. Which trait comes to the surface may depend a great deal on the situation.
These are all great attributes. Remember, though, that sometimes you need to lighten-up and have some fun.
For more specific insights and observations about your personality style using a more accurate assessment and full report generator, check out one of our other sites.

You are cautious, calculating, and careful.

The letter we use to represent your behavioral style is C.

The color we use to represent your behavioral style is Yellow! It stands for caution!

You probably like for things to proceed logically and to follow plans. If our estimate is right, you are very comfortable alone. You might even prefer to work alone than to interact with others.

We're guessing that you like to focus on details and making things work right.

These are all great attributes. Remember, though, that sometimes we have to notice and acknowledge people's feelings in order for things to work smoothly.

For more specific insights and observations about your personality style using a more accurate assessment and full report generator, check out one of our other sites.


Yup, this sounds like me. This test seems to really closely follow the personality theory I learned about in my ethic of care class. If that is the case then this would be correct, as C would represent my high trait that I get in that theory.
We Estimate That You Have a Blend of D, I, S, and C Traits! We call your style the Level Style.

You can be dominant, determined, influencing, interactive, supportive, shy, cautious, or calculating.

Learn more about the DISC Model.​

It does look like you have a pretty even blend of all four DISC styles: D, I, S, and C.
This means that you can probably relate pretty well to all of the behavioral styles, but not completely with any one of them. You are a fairly even blend of all four styles.
A level style is awesome. It means that you have great flexibility in approaching situations and in working with people. You probably find it fairly easy to adjust to fit any ones style. Although, you may struggle to understand why other people are so rigid or inflexible in their approaches.
Your flexibility is great. Remember, though, that sometimes you need to stand firm rather than "go with the flow."


Apparently I'm everything.
I did this aaaages ago, and I ended up with high I and high S. This time, I had high I, S, and C. I'm sure with a longer test type more on target.
I took it twice, selecting slightly different answers both times, and received the same result from both takes.


You can be inspiring, influencing, supportive, shy, cautious, or calculating.

We can't tell from this assessment which trait is primary for you. It does look like you have a pretty good mix of three styles: I, S, and C.

In fact, it might be more accurate to say that you're not dominant and demanding. (We're not saying that you can't be dominant and demanding, just that these traits are much lower for you than the other DISC traits.) - This is pretty funny, seeing as how I've spent parts of my life very much in D-fashion.

Since you seem to have three "high" styles, it's tough to say from this assessment what your strongest drive is.

Sometimes you might like to be the "star of the show" by laughing and kidding around with people. Other times you might like to sit back, let others take center stag, and support them. Other times, you might like to analyze and evaluate before making a decision.

We're guessing that you like to interact with people. You can probably be pretty friendly and caring. You may also be careful and calculating when it comes time to make a decision. Which trait comes to the surface may depend a great deal on the situation. These are all great attributes. Remember, though, that sometimes you need to take charge and make things happen.


The assessments classify four aspects of behavior by testing a person's preferences in word associations (compare with Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). DISC is an acronym for:

  • Dominance – relating to control, power and assertiveness
  • Influence – relating to social situations and communication
  • Steadiness (submission in Marston's time) – relating to patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness
  • Conscientiousness (or caution, compliance in Marston's time) – relating to structure and organization
These four dimensions can be grouped in a grid with "D" and "I" sharing the top row and representing extroverted aspects of the personality, and "C" and "S" below representing introverted aspects. "D" and "C" then share the left column and represent task-focused aspects, and "I" and "S" share the right column and represent social aspects. In this matrix, the vertical dimension represents a factor of "Assertive" or "Passive", while the horizontal represents "Open" vs. "Guarded".[2]

  • Dominance: People who score high in the intensity of the "D" styles factor are very active in dealing with problems and challenges, while low "D" scores are people who want to do more research before committing to a decision. High "D" people are described as demanding, forceful, egocentric, strong willed, driving, determined, ambitious, aggressive, and pioneering. Low D scores describe those who are conservative, low keyed, cooperative, calculating, undemanding, cautious, mild, agreeable, modest and peaceful.
  • Influence: People with high "I" scores influence others through talking and activity and tend to be emotional. They are described as convincing, magnetic, political, enthusiastic, persuasive, warm, demonstrative, trusting, and optimistic. Those with low "I" scores influence more by data and facts, and not with feelings. They are described as reflective, factual, calculating, skeptical, logical, suspicious, matter of fact, pessimistic, and critical.
  • Steadiness: People with high "S" styles scores want a steady pace, security, and do not like sudden change. High "S" individuals are calm, relaxed, patient, possessive, predictable, deliberate, stable, consistent, and tend to be unemotional and poker faced. Low "S" intensity scores are those who like change and variety. People with low "S" scores are described as restless, demonstrative, impatient, eager, or even impulsive.
  • Conscientious: People with high "C" styles adhere to rules, regulations, and structure. They like to do quality work and do it right the first time. High "C" people are careful, cautious, exacting, neat, systematic, diplomatic, accurate, and tactful. Those with low "C" scores challenge the rules and want independence and are described as self-willed, stubborn, opinionated, unsystematic, arbitrary, and unconcerned with details.
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You can be dominant, determined, influencing, interactive, supportive, shy, cautious, or calculating.

It does look like you have a pretty even blend of all four DISC styles: D, I, S, and C.

This means that you can probably relate pretty well to all of the behavioral styles, but not completely with any one of them. You are a fairly even blend of all four styles.

A level style is awesome. It means that you have great flexibility in approaching situations and in working with people. You probably find it fairly easy to adjust to fit any ones style. Although, you may struggle to understand why other people are so rigid or inflexible in their approaches.

Your flexibility is great. Remember, though, that sometimes you need to stand firm rather than "go with the flow."

For more specific insights and observations about your personality style using a more accurate assessment and full report generator, check out one of our other sites.
You can be dominant, determined, influencing, interactive, supportive, shy, cautious, or calculating.

It does look like you have a pretty even blend of all four DISC styles:

This means that you can probably relate pretty well to all of the behavioral styles,

but not completely with any one of them.

A level style is awesome. It means that you have great flexibility in approaching situations and in working with people. You probably find it fairly easy to adjust to fit any ones style. Although, you may struggle to understand why other people are so rigid or inflexible([MENTION=1848]Barnabas[/MENTION] ;) in their approaches.

You are cautious, calculating, and careful.

The letter we use to represent your behavioral style is C.

The color we use to represent your behavioral style is Yellow! It stands for caution!

You probably like for things to proceed logically and to follow plans. If our estimate is right, you are very comfortable alone. You might even prefer to work alone than to interact with others.

We're guessing that you like to focus on details and making things work right.

These are all great attributes. Remember, though, that sometimes we have to notice and acknowledge people's feelings in order for things to work smoothly.

For more specific insights and observations about your personality style using a more accurate assessment and full report generator, check out one of our other sites.


Yup, this sounds like me. This test seems to really closely follow the personality theory I learned about in my ethic of care class. If that is the case then this would be correct, as C would represent my high trait that I get in that theory.

Me too. Although I tried very hard to never get C's....
I just took this last week and scored as a high I-SC.
We Estimate That Your Primary Personality Style is C!

You are cautious, calculating, and careful.

Learn more about the DISC Model.​

The letter we use to represent your behavioral style is C.
The color we use to represent your behavioral style is Yellow! It stands for caution!
You probably like for things to proceed logically and to follow plans. If our estimate is right, you are very comfortable alone. You might even prefer to work alone than to interact with others.
We're guessing that you like to focus on details and making things work right.
These are all great attributes. Remember, though, that sometimes we have to notice and acknowledge people's feelings in order for things to work smoothly.
For more specific insights and observations about your personality style using a more accurate assessment and full report generator, check out one of our other sites.

You are supportive, steady, and stable.

Learn more about the DISC Model.​

The letter we use to represent your behavioral style is S.
The color we use to represent your behavioral style is Blue! It stands for peace and harmony!
You probably like to help and support people. If our estimate is right, you would rather be in the background helping people than out front "driving the show," and you probably prefer a calm environment.
We're guessing that you like to speak with people one-on-one more than you like being in front of a group of people.
These are all great attributes. Remember, though, that sometimes quick decisions and action are necessary to protect people.
For more specific insights and observations about your personality style using a more accurate assessment and full report generator, check out one of our other sites
We Estimate That You Have a Blend of D, I, and C Traits!
You can be dominant, determined, influencing, interactive, cautious, or calculating.

We can't tell from this assessment which trait is primary for you. It does look like you have a pretty good mix of three styles: D, I, and C.

In fact, it might be more accurate to say that you're not supportive and shy. (We're not saying that you can't be supportive and shy, just that these traits are much lower for you than the other DISC traits.)

Since you seem to have three "high" styles, it's tough to say from this assessment what your strongest drive is. Sometimes you might like to take charge. Other times you might like to take it a little slower while you think things through. Other times, you might like to play around and joke.

We're guessing that you are comfortable speaking your mind. You can probably be pretty direct and factual. You may also be light-hearted and joking. Which trait comes to the surface may depend a great deal on the situation.

These are all great attributes. Remember, though, that sometimes you need to take a supportive role to get better results from your relationships.
We Estimate That You Have a Blend of D, S, and C Traits!

You can be dominant, determined, supportive, shy, cautious, or calculating.

Learn more about the DISC Model.

We can't tell from this assessment which trait is primary for you. It does look like you have a pretty good mix of three styles: D, S, and C.

In fact, it might be more accurate to say that you're not inspiring and interactive. (We're not saying that you can't be inspiring and interactive, just that these traits are much lower for you than the other DISC traits.)

Since you seem to have three "high" styles, it's tough to say from this assessment what your strongest drive is. Sometimes you might like to take charge. Other times you might like to let others take the lead and support them. Other times, you might like to analyze and evaluate before making a decision.

We're guessing that you are often comfortable speaking your mind. You can probably be pretty direct and factual. You may also be kind, caring, and sensitive to others. Which trait comes to the surface may depend a great deal on the situation.

These are all great attributes. Remember, though, that sometimes you need to lighten-up and have some fun.
We Estimate That You Have a Blend of D, I, and C Traits!

You can be dominant, determined, influencing, interactive, cautious, or calculating.

We can't tell from this assessment which trait is primary for you. It does look like you have a pretty good mix of three styles: D, I, and C.
In fact, it might be more accurate to say that you're not supportive and shy. (We're not saying that you can't be supportive and shy, just that these traits are much lower for you than the other DISC traits.)
Since you seem to have three "high" styles, it's tough to say from this assessment what your strongest drive is. Sometimes you might like to take charge. Other times you might like to take it a little slower while you think things through. Other times, you might like to play around and joke.
We're guessing that you are comfortable speaking your mind. You can probably be pretty direct and factual. You may also be light-hearted and joking. Which trait comes to the surface may depend a great deal on the situation.
These are all great attributes. Remember, though, that sometimes you need to take a supportive role to get better results from your relationships.

Yup. I'm a dic.