Distractions, Interruptions, and Other Assorted Annoyances


Community Member
I have difficulty tuning out environmental distractions. If there is a lot of background noise, I find it difficult to focus on the conversation I'm trying to pay attention to. If I am practicing my singing and listening to an accompaniment CD, I need to focus intensely on the notes, tempo, pitch, volume- everything. If I am interrupted, I cannot stay on task and have even burst into tears in the privacy of my home. It's not feeling sorry for myself- it's more feeling under pressure to get things done right and knowing that I have only so much time. If I am studying, I need peace and quiet. I am not trying to be mean to anyone- I just need to stay on task because it's difficult for me to stop in the middle of one thing to do another when the task involves physical energy or intense mental concentration. I feel strongly for the family and friends who need my attention or help at the time, yet I don't want to hurt their feelings by saying not now. Keep in mind that this applies to non-emergency situations. So I either acquiesce, with my unfinished business lingering in the back of my mind, or I stall for time wondering how long the other party can tolerate waiting.
At the same time, I often keep a piece of crochet or knitting in my hands as an anxiety-relieving mechanism. I don't know- keeping my hands busy makes me feel more relaxed- whether I'm knitting, crafting, cooking, cleaning the kitchen, or doing some random mindless task. What I would really like to do is turn on my favorite music, light some scented candles, eat some dark chocolate, and be left alone. Maybe even a hot, luxurious bath until my mind feels calm, and then I can return to my regular life feeling refreshed. Yes, I even admit I indulge in sweets too much.
I'm an avid reader, but that's not an avenue I choose for stress relief. Reading is more for expanding my knowledge and letting my imagination transport me to different times, societies, and worlds.
What cognitive function(s)/ typology does this correspond to?
Introversion - yar
Fe - yar (feeling antsy and not doing your things despite not stopping so that you could do them)

Maybe a little bit of perfectionism or procrastination. Lack of assertiveness.

The one bit I wondered about is this: 'yet I don't want to hurt their feelings by saying not now'

Why would saying 'not now' necessarily hurt their feelings? Are you not entitled to your solitary pursuits? Do they know you need some solitude?
I live with my ESTJ husband and ESFP daughter. I also have an ESTJ daughter home on recess from college. My 12 year old son is more introverted, perhaps INTJ.
If that was meant to answer my question, I need to be tagged out.
I find that I am easily annoyed or irritated if I'm interrupted while intensely focused on a task or project I'm working on, especially if it's time sensitive. I also can't be operating in a million modes at once. I prefer to handle one thing at a time, and not a fan of multitasking. It can be difficult for people to appreciate or understand the need to be left alone when engaging in a solitary activity. It often reflects an unintended lack of consideration for your way of doing things. Learning to be patient with ourselves, more observant of how others operate, and also learning to be patient with others as they learn how to respond to differences is important. It takes time. Problem is too often, people see these traits as defects in someone rather than try to take perspective and make some effort to understand and be flexible.