Do you believe in destiny?

La Sagna

I did it! I'm a butterfly!
Do you believe that there are certain things that are predestined, like the time and place of our death?

Sometimes certain things happen that make me believe that there is such a thing as destiny and sometimes I think it's something that we use to make ourselves feel better.

For exemple, my mother died 10 years ago and a very specific series of things had to happen for her to die that day in the way that she did. If even one of those things had happened differently she would probably not have died that day. That makes me think that perhaps it was 'her time to go', and then I think maybe it just makes me feel better to think that way.

Other things have happened that seem to not be by chance, like they were meant to be.

Have you experienced things that made you feel it was destiny?
I do think there is a powerful force that merges people together and that we are connected through synchronicity. I can definitely say there were so many instances when I, myself had nearly died, and had a close call, but didn't, and I wonder about those moments; if there is a powerful force rearranging events and if that each tragedy leads to a greater understanding of humanity.
Do you believe that there are certain things that are predestined, like the time and place of our death?

Sometimes certain things happen that make me believe that there is such a thing as destiny and sometimes I think it's something that we use to make ourselves feel better.

For exemple, my mother died 10 years ago and a very specific series of things had to happen for her to die that day in the way that she did. If even one of those things had happened differently she would probably not have died that day. That makes me think that perhaps it was 'her time to go', and then I think maybe it just makes me feel better to think that way.

Other things have happened that seem to not be by chance, like they were meant to be.

Have you experienced things that made you feel it was destiny?

I believe in destiny. But whether we wish to fulfill our destiny is always our choice. Also how we fulfill it and the quality of the life experiences are also our choices. But at the same time it feels as if there is a very flexible energy dynamic going on. Exactly how the choices are affecting our reality is the real focus of questioning so we can better learn to make better decisions to improve our lives. But I also believe in personal karma and that can also give a whole new dimension to the destiny perspective. As far as using the idea simply to feel better is still a belief and beliefs gives meaning to our experiences. We naturally seek meaning; it is part of our consciousness. So we are creatures that are constantly curious about our selves. Destiny is closely tied to the search for the meaning of life. It seems that if you believe that there is meaning to life and that we are not just biological evolutionary creatures with no purpose than most likely you believe in destiny.
I believe things in life happen spontaneously, simply because that's what is the more romantic interpretation for me.
I believe that I'm destined not to believe in destiny :tongue:

Have you experienced things that made you feel it was destiny?

Deja vu moments sometimes give me that feeling, though I'd like to believe the opposite.
I think the word destiny has always been a little misunderstood. I don't think it means irrefutable events that must happen in a particular way without choice or reason. I think God seeing the whole of humanity and how things will unfold, can move things along in different ways to cause particular events or effects. He leads us down paths, but we can choose to follow or not follow them. If we do or don't, those decisions lead to particular outcomes which have an inevitable result regardless of what we know or think is or isn't going to happen. The history of events in the world generally show that things are not random as they appear. I don't see this as contradicting the idea of choice, nor is it simply a matter of chance or coincidence. Even now, I noticed that if somethings didn't work out the way they did, my life would be quite different today. My options would be different. I think I was destined to have the family I had. I think it shaped my personality in a particular way. I can see this in others and how their personalities are shaped very uniquely by their environment so that the person they are, actions, and results have an impact that would have sent us on different paths. I don't think destiny is strict. It allows for divergence and change. It's a multiplicity of possible directions, and each has it's own results.
I don't believe in destiny per se. I think there are many things we have control over and we can shape the outcomes, environmental pressures we have little to no control over, a combination of the first two, and just probability leading to fortune or misfortune. Sometimes it seems like I am where I am out of some sort of destiny, but when I think about it I can name the events that shaped my life and I know that things could've gone differently with many of these events. I can imagine alternate lives I could've lived.
Yes, I do believe there is a certain degree of destiny that take over our decisions and potential. And I also believe that over much of our actions, possibly 80% we have full contact and possibility, but also full responsability for them.
No I dont, at least if I do I believe it is relative and subordinate to free decision, personal choice and natural and logical consequence.

This is the same idea as scientific or social determinism, in many respects I am a "soft" determinist in that I dont believe in absolute free will and absolute freedom, it only exists when people sleep and dream but even then the psyche, mind etc. can marshall the content in ways that evade proper awareness.

I think that family, neighbourhood, social class, culture, religion and ideology can all have powerful shaping influences or legacies, however, I dont believe that this excuses or permits certain sorts of thinking, ie entitlement or amorality, and behaviour, ie fraud or robbery, in any situation there exists a degree of choice of some kind, even if it is just a choice about attitude or seeking self-mastery of emotions and thinking.
Half half. Like Framed said, the universe gives us opportunities, but it is our own decision whether or not we do something about them.
Nah. Sure many events have occurred that have had a profound effect on my life, but I can't say that they were caused by anything more than random chance. Life isn't set on rails. I don't believe that.