Do you like going to the movies alone or with someone?


Do you like going to the movies alone or with someone - another friend/partner, or even a large group?
It depends on the movie. If it's a movie I'm dying to see, sure (and I'll even go to the midnight show alone). But sometimes it's better to have a like-minded group to go with, so we can all share the experience.

I will boycott romance movies. I have even told my best friend (who loves them) to never, EVER invite me to them because she knows I hate romance movies.
It depends on the movie. If it's a movie I'm dying to see, sure (and I'll even go to the midnight show alone). But sometimes it's better to have a like-minded group to go with, so we can all share the experience.

I will boycott romance movies. I have even told my best friend (who loves them) to never, EVER invite me to them because she knows I hate romance movies.

You hate romance movies :m077:? j/k

I like romantic comedies. I used to go to movies alone, but i kinda got tired of it. I like seeing a movie with someone, especially if it's a comedy or action/adventure film. It's just more fun i think.
I definately prefer going with someone... for a variety of reasons. Mostly I just enjoy experiencing things with other people. Also if I go by myself I may be a prick to people around me making noise or retarded comments. I might get myself killed. I really absolutely hate it though.
Like? No... do I do it? Tons. As a major fan of film, I will endure the raised eyebrows over a guy sitting alone in a theatre in order to enjoy a good movie.
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I don't like to go to movies or meals alone. I like to share those experiences with someone close to me.

However, if I really want to see a movie, and I can't find anyone to go with me, then I'll go by myself, especially if it's a movie that I know people are going to talk about to me before I see it if I don't. I want to make sure I see it before someone ruins it.

Otherwise, I'll wait until someone can synchronize to see it with me.

If I can't find someone to go eat with me, I'll either not eat, make something at home, or just go get some fast food.
I go to movies alone sometimes, with friends other times. I usually just watch movies at home though.

Sometimes I like to go out to eat at a restaurant by myself and read. The background noise is nice sometimes.
I don't go to many movies to begin with, and I haven't gone to a movie alone. It has crossed my mind a few times, maybe I'll do it this summer.

I don't mind eating alone if it's for breakfast or late at night. If I can sit with a cup of coffee and stare out the window for an hour I really enjoy that.
I like going to the movies alone and eating alone, OR with people I am happy either way. But I wouldnt shy away from doing something just because I didnt have company that seems kind of silly.
I go to movies alone sometimes, with friends other times. I usually just watch movies at home though.

Sometimes I like to go out to eat at a restaurant by myself and read. The background noise is nice sometimes.

Yeah, i do this too. If i have the time to go out to eat alone, i usually sit in a quiet area, but with just enough background noise to keep my mind stimulated. I either bring a book sometimes (if i remember) or just observe the scene or watch tv screen if one is available.

I don't mind eating alone if it's for breakfast or late at night. If I can sit with a cup of coffee and stare out the window for an hour I really enjoy that.

That sounds tres cool. Just looking out on at a great scene, drinking coffee. That must rock. Nothing like it :)

Think i'm gonna visit some coffee shops more.
You hate romance movies :m077:? j/k

I like romantic comedies. I used to go to movies alone, but i kinda got tired of it. I like seeing a movie with someone, especially if it's a comedy or action/adventure film. It's just more fun i think.

:D The number of romcoms I've seen that I've enjoyed I can probably count on one hand. To me, it would be all about the comedy - not the romance. Once they start kissing I act more like a five-year-old boy: "Eeew! Icky, yuck."
:D The number of romcoms I've seen that I've enjoyed I can probably count on one hand. To me, it would be all about the comedy - not the romance. Once they start kissing I act more like a five-year-old boy: "Eeew! Icky, yuck."

WHATEVER, I saw you listening to Marvin Gaye!
Both approaches have +/-; it's a lot of fun to go with a group of friends and see a good movie, laugh/shout/shiver together, discuss afterwards. But it's also very important for me to see some movies alone, so that I can concentrate on them completely and even forget that anything outside of them exists. I'm capable of going out of the theater still fully into the story for a few hours. This kind of experience interests me, and so I more often go alone. Going with friends is mostly for fun, occasionally on a date, but I wouldn't pick a movie that really matters to me a great deal (or I expect so); or if I do I should have seen it already.

I should clarify, I prefer dramatic movies, and compare the experience with going to the theather (not the movie theather, you know, the one with stage actors). For appreciating such performances, personal concentration is more important.
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Every time I went to a movie, it was with people. Either friends, my sister or with my sister and her friends. Also, eating.

If I am eating outside, then it's going to be with people around. Although, I'd rather come back to my family at the end of the day and share a meal with them. So it's only if it's a friend's birthday, or someone I havn't seen in a while, or just someone really important to me (even those I invite over to my place to share a meal with me.)

I see both as an occasion to socialize. That and I am a student, so saving money is on the top of my list right now. I will not pay for things I can do at home unless it involves being with people I want to be with.
I think it may also depend on time of day. If i'm going to the movies by myself, i prefer going during the day or afternoon, so that when i leave, it's still daylight. But if i'm going at night, i'd rather go with someone.
I need someone's physical presence to distract me at the movie theater, or I will be much too aware of: the kid kicking the back of my seat, the girl texting, the couple whispering in the corner, stuff like that. I like watching movies alone, but I have to really be alone. When I'm at the movie theater with a friend or my husband, I notice I watch them a lot. If I find something funny or sad, I turn to them to see if they have the same reaction.
I rarely watch movies but when I do I tend to go with a small group of friends. It is nice sharing the experience. I have been thinking of going to a movie alone recently. Perhaps I will soon.
Do you like going to the movies alone or with someone - another friend/partner, or even a large group?

I never understood whats the big deal of going to the movies with people or groups of people. You just gonna sit there for three hours and watch a movie. Does it makes a difference that your friends or whoever is sitting next to you even though you will not converse during the movie? Maybe afterward you can share opinions but i don't have to go see a movie with them to share my opinion about a movie.

I enjoy going to the movies alone. I used do it alot during high school. I used to sneak in and watch three movies at at time until i got kicked out.