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I've touched upon in the past a lot of issues regarding how society is biased towards favoring women in a variety of situations. One of these situations is domestic abuse.
When people talk about domestic abuse, nine times out of ten they're talking about women. It's always boyfriends,fathers and husbands bashing in their wifes, their sisters, their girlfriends ,their daughters...etc.
Culturally there is this bias against men being abused. We see this in sexual assault cases, some people seriously don't believe that a woman can rape a man. Likewise, it seems for the majority of people, men being abused in domestic cases seems impossible.
No once can imagine or fathom a wife beating her husband, or a mother beating her son, or maybe a daughter beating her father or a girlfriend beating her boyfriend. Women are maternal, nurturing, so for us to think that they aren't, that they can be just as dangerous as men, I've had people laugh at me. People always bring up the argument that women are weaker then men so it's okay for women to beat men because they are physically weaker and a man can defend themselves. A woman can't defend herself so then it's not okay for a man to beat her up. I hate that debate. Seriously? So the ONLY reason you think a man beating on a women is wrong is because she can't defend herself? What is she could, does that make a broken nose any lesser of an assault charge?
So when I'm talking about domestic abuse against men I'm talking about two scenarios:
men being beaten by their husbands and their boyfriends, lovers, fathers...whatever
men being beaten by their wives, and their girlfriends, lovers, mothers, etc.
Both are just as serious and I notice that when people think of domestic abuse against men they usually leave out the male/male domestic abuse, because I guess people don't consider homosexual relationships anymore which is kind of funny because lesbians actually have the highest assault rates of all of the possible couplings...there is alot of aggression and dysfunction in homosexual couplings just as there are in heterosexual couplings.
So why is, that when a man hits a woman and it gets reported, his ass is in jail, but when the reverse happens, typically no one really cares, or they think 'well he must have deserved it'. What would you do actually did a series on this, and I know that show has a sort of liberal bias, but anyway, everyone stepped in when it was the man assaulting a woman in a park but when it was the woman assaulting the man, people actually walked by and gave the woman a thumbs up, because they thought he had been cheating or something and deserved it. Is cheating really justification for getting your hair pulled, being slapped and punched, having your head being slammed into the ground again and again...AND YET NO ONE CARES BECAUSE IT'S A WOMAN DOING THIS TO A MAN?
Wow. Just wow.
So what are your opinions, views, arguments for domestic violence against men? Anyone have any experiences or personal stories with this?
When people talk about domestic abuse, nine times out of ten they're talking about women. It's always boyfriends,fathers and husbands bashing in their wifes, their sisters, their girlfriends ,their daughters...etc.
Culturally there is this bias against men being abused. We see this in sexual assault cases, some people seriously don't believe that a woman can rape a man. Likewise, it seems for the majority of people, men being abused in domestic cases seems impossible.
No once can imagine or fathom a wife beating her husband, or a mother beating her son, or maybe a daughter beating her father or a girlfriend beating her boyfriend. Women are maternal, nurturing, so for us to think that they aren't, that they can be just as dangerous as men, I've had people laugh at me. People always bring up the argument that women are weaker then men so it's okay for women to beat men because they are physically weaker and a man can defend themselves. A woman can't defend herself so then it's not okay for a man to beat her up. I hate that debate. Seriously? So the ONLY reason you think a man beating on a women is wrong is because she can't defend herself? What is she could, does that make a broken nose any lesser of an assault charge?
So when I'm talking about domestic abuse against men I'm talking about two scenarios:
men being beaten by their husbands and their boyfriends, lovers, fathers...whatever
men being beaten by their wives, and their girlfriends, lovers, mothers, etc.
Both are just as serious and I notice that when people think of domestic abuse against men they usually leave out the male/male domestic abuse, because I guess people don't consider homosexual relationships anymore which is kind of funny because lesbians actually have the highest assault rates of all of the possible couplings...there is alot of aggression and dysfunction in homosexual couplings just as there are in heterosexual couplings.
So why is, that when a man hits a woman and it gets reported, his ass is in jail, but when the reverse happens, typically no one really cares, or they think 'well he must have deserved it'. What would you do actually did a series on this, and I know that show has a sort of liberal bias, but anyway, everyone stepped in when it was the man assaulting a woman in a park but when it was the woman assaulting the man, people actually walked by and gave the woman a thumbs up, because they thought he had been cheating or something and deserved it. Is cheating really justification for getting your hair pulled, being slapped and punched, having your head being slammed into the ground again and again...AND YET NO ONE CARES BECAUSE IT'S A WOMAN DOING THIS TO A MAN?
Wow. Just wow.
So what are your opinions, views, arguments for domestic violence against men? Anyone have any experiences or personal stories with this?