Dr. Mangela has been reincarnated...


Community Member

What's a great way to keep population under control, make it look like an unfortunate circumstance, and bank off of life saving meds all at the same time? Lol

it's Mengele btw

"At concentrations found in vaccines, thimerosal meets the requirements for a preservative as set forth by the United States Pharmacopeia; that is, it kills the specified challenge organisms and is able to prevent the growth of the challenge fungi (U.S. Pharmacopeia 2004). Thimerosal in concentrations of 0.001% (1 part in 100,000) to 0.01% (1 part in 10,000) has been shown to be effective in clearing a broad spectrum of pathogens. A vaccine containing 0.01% thimerosal as a preservative contains 50 micrograms of thimerosal per 0.5 mL dose or approximately 25 micrograms of mercury per 0.5 mL dose. For comparison, this is roughly the same amount of elemental mercury contained in a 3 ounce can of tuna fish"

Also if you look at the chart on the bottom you'll see that many vaccines don't contain mercury and several that do contain the amount shown here. I've also heard of people getting lead and mercury poisoning from fish, so that's an avenue I'll have to look into.

With regards to formaldehyde, I found this: https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccine-ingredients/formaldehyde

Granted, there is the possibility of a botched vaccine, but there's also the possibility of a vaccine growing fungus because of a lack of thimerosal. I can't speak to the other preservatives though.
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