Dream esp


I wanna know if there is anybody who has ever had precognitive dreams?
What was it like? And what did it mean to you?
Why do you think you had a precognitive dream?
Do they occur often?
What is it called, when some one has ESP through dreams, or is a medium, through dreams?
Can you give us a definition and/or an example of a precognitive dream?
I've actually had a few, but they were less specific than an actual 'full on' precognitive experience.

For example: I once had a dream that I was on a plane, and we were landing in Los Angeles. Everyone on the plane was horrified when we landed, because it looked as if the apocalypse had hit. The tarmac was full of weeds, there were no people (except those on the plane) and everywhere we searched in Los Angeles people were either non-existent or crying in fear or abject sadness.

The dream profoundly affected me, but I wasn't sure what it meant, or why it happened.

This might not seem precognitive enough, but a few days later after I experienced that dream the Rodney King riots happened in Los Angeles. My mind immediately connected the two as similar, but it wasn't easy to explain to other people.

When I dream in a precognitive manner it's extremely vivid and it haunts me for days. I usually know "something" is coming (although I'm never quite sure what), and I'll pray about what I saw for clarity, and peace.
Dreams are very important to me. I often write through them. I will wake up with partial or full poems in my head, so that part of my mind is very aware and active. I have had some psychic experiences with my dreams. I don't really know what you call it. And there are different kinds. I call it dreamweaving. Mostly what I dream of are my everyday things. So is this related to quantum theory and particles being able to pop around in time? Can we pick up on this? Is time really real (and linear) at all? I don't know.

What I do know is I will dream events and people in my life before they happen...sometimes many years. Sometimes I remember them right up until they happen, sometimes not until they happen or until I meet them. I know all about deja vu and how they say it's electrical short circuts in our brains. I have that too, and this is not the same. I don't get precognitive dreams about world events as some say they do. Mine are usually more personal. I have also shared a few dreams with someone I am very close with...just a few times. My brother and I both dreamed about him getting hurt, a head injury, and sure enough, two days later he did. We didn't realize it until years later. That state between waking and sleep is a most interesting thing indeed. I have often suppressed my dreams too.
I have had a few dreams that have happened IRL. The most striking one for me was dreaming that my best friend in high school got in a car accident with a particular truck at a particular intersection in our town. When I told him about it a few days later he had a "wtf??" reaction, because apparently it had actually happened.

I've also dreamed about small things happening, but I don't know if that's precognition or my subconscious just picking up on a likely course of events in a particular situation.

For me, all of my dreams are very intense and very graphic. If the more insane ones come true I hope it is long after I am dead lol.
i have these strange dreams. i sometimes dream about a person i haven't seen or thought of for a long time, and then a day or two afterwards, i mysteriously run into them. often i have felt when something is happening that i have dreamed it and half forgotten having dreamed it but i haven't been sure. but recently i dreamed something specific that actually happened two days later, and i felt strange. i wondered if these sorts of dreams would continue or if i could develop them and thought that maybe i should start making an effort to remember my dreams and write them down.
My dreams and real life seldom intersect in a way I find meaningful or even useful. My mind seemingly just likes to meander and I let it have its fun.
i asked this question tho yours is phrased better

I wanna know if there is anybody who has ever had precognitive dreams?
they are called lucid dreams. they mean everything to me. i can tell them apart from normal dreams cuz they are soooo emotionally overwhelming

Can you give us a definition and/or an example of a precognitive dream?
i have many, hattrick! my favorite is i dreamt i was in my sis's womb n i saw her baby, all fetal, floating around in her belly so i mailed her girl baby clothes before she ever told anyone she was pregnant. my latest, i dreamt my sis had been sequestered by cartell n i heard a ransom message, which sounded like doc, so i knew my dream meant she needed to seek medical attention, when i texted her she was on her way to teh ER. I was dreaming i had a giant worm coming out my stomach or something, called my folks, my nephew was inteh process of puking up cheetos. The creepiest ones were when i got real close to a group of friends in seattle, and i would tell em i'd see em in their dreams n i'd wake up knowing stuff. Like once i bought an electronics book, gave it to one of the friends, told him he needed to learn it, n the next day at his company he got a promotion doing electronics stuff.

i sometimes dream about a person i haven't seen or thought of for a long time, and then a day or two afterwards, i mysteriously run into them.
sometimes i make myself dream about people i really miss, then it's so real it's like i really got to see them. the ones like u describe, as a kid i kept having nightmares abut this little house, n as i was growing up, my parents built that little hoiuse, the way i'd dream about it. but can i prove that? of course not.
I've had lots of precognitive dreams, only been seeing it when it was "to late". Most of them are more in a way of synchronicity but some of them are some kind of warning to me, maybe from my underlying intuitive senses, because maybe I ignore something in real life. I dreamt for a long time that I had to live with my family again, and it was more a nightmare, I don't get along with my parents and they are at odds). I couldn't make sense out of it; nowadays I know why I dreamt it: because a family member got really sick and needs help and for me is the decision: do I help or do I keep looking away, when I help I will have to live there. And we kids could have noticed the signs of this particular illness, if we had taken a closer look. But we just believed all the excuses, because we just saw them maybe four times a year ("Oh I am just working too hard, I am tired" and so on). Well, reoccuring, prophetic dreams are powerful I believe, they have to tell you something important.
I have several pretty powerful dreams from childhood that make a lot of sense now. Kinda scary/fascinating.
I really hope my dreams aren't trying to tell me anything, I've been having several about executions recently...3 of which I remember quite vividly...

I have however had dreams that feature people who I know and those people have made some effort to contact me within a few days of that dream. don't know if that counts.
I have done so once, but it was only an image from a TV show that I saw many years later. Lame, but yeah.

It was an aircraft carrier that, instead of being a ship in the ocean, floated in the air. It was kind of triangular, and I landed on the carrier on some sort of hovercraft. Later in that dream there was a large swarm of orbs high in the sky. (There was more, including ghosts in mirrors and cartoon characters in my living room.) This dream was from 2003. Later, in 2007, I saw both exact images in my favorite TV show.




And this. (minus the destruction and the fact that there are so many of them so close to the ground. In my dream I was looking up at the sky and saw about 20+ of them, and I was afraid because they all moved in synch, like a school of fish.)

It was really freaky. Imagine my surprise (and, well, a little fear) as I saw my dream come to life.
Yes I get precognitive dreams and heavy deja vu a lot. Just things people say in a certain way, the way people are arranged in a room, a certain flow in conversation.

I just accept it and hope that it means things are going the right way...
We (my sisters, family and such) call it "vuja de" when you feel like you knew something beforehand...
I get mild Deja Vu fairly frequently. At times, on rare occasions, I get a heavy dose of it and it throws me a bit.

The only time I can recall anything like ESP happened a couple years back and it wasn't a good thing. On top of a number of other pets, we had 4 Zebra Finches (tiny little birds) and I dreamed one night that I found two the next morning dead on the bottom of their cage in very specific locations. The dream itself was odd because it wasn't outrageously unbelievable - it took place in reality basically, there wasn't any creativity involved on my brain's part.

The next morning I go to feed the finches and guess what... exactly in the same locations they were in my dream as well.

I was a little weary of dreaming again after that.
I sometimes dream of myself doing strange things and thinking about topics I don't know anything about. After some time I find myself in a situation doing completely the same things as I dreamed about. But my Ti says it is surely an illusion.